Hela & Favīlla

Hela & Favīlla (Destruction & Rebirth)   Hela - Goddess of Destruction and Loss
Hela is often depicted as a figure shrouded in shadows, wielding a weapon that symbolizes destruction. She is revered and feared for her power to bring about change through loss and upheaval. Hela's temples are often located in places that have experienced great disasters. Her followers include those who have survived great losses and seek to find meaning in their suffering.   Favīlla - Goddess of Rebirth, Harmony, Renewal, and Protection
Favīlla is depicted as a nurturing figure, often associated with the phoenix, symbolizing rebirth from ashes. She brings balance and protection, guiding her followers through cycles of renewal. Favīlla’s followers include healers, guardians, and those who seek to restore harmony. Her temples are found in rejuvenated lands or sanctuaries of wildlife.   Dual Nature: They represent the cycle of destruction and rebirth. Hela brings change through loss, while Favīlla nurtures growth from destruction's ashes. They maintain a cyclical relationship. Hela's acts of destruction make way for Favīlla's nurturing influence of rebirth. They might be seen as two essential phases of the same natural process, working in tandem to maintain the balance of creation and destruction.