Locis & Judeis

Locis & Judeis (Trickery & Love)   Locis - God of Trickery and Crime
Locis is a cunning figure, often depicted with a mischievous smile and a trick up his sleeve. He represents the cunning and darker aspects of intelligence. His followers include thieves, spies, and tricksters. His temples are hidden or in plain sight but always with a twist.   Judeis - Goddess of Truth and Obsession
Judeis embodies the passionate and sometimes destructive nature of love. She is often depicted in romantic but intense scenarios. Her worshippers might be lovers, artists driven by passion, or those consumed by a cause. Her temples are places of beauty and intense emotion.   Dual Nature: Locis is the god of deceit and cunning, while Judeis represents the intense and passionate aspects of love. Together, they oversee the complexities of relationships. The cunning of Locis often intertwines with the passions of Judeis, creating complex scenarios of love entangled with deception. They represent the multifaceted nature of relationships and the thin line between love and obsession.