
Description:   The Lunarae are a diminutive race known for their round bodies, small wings, and large, expressive eyes. They stand at about 3 feet tall, with fur covering their bodies, which can range in color from pure white to various pastel shades. Each Lunarae possesses a pair of small, delicate wings on their back, allowing them to glide short distances.   Behavior:   Lunarae are known for their friendly and curious nature. They have a deep affinity for the moon and are often found in moonlit environments, where they enjoy stargazing and celebrating lunar events. They are natural astronomers and have a strong connection to the night sky.   Society:   Lunarae society is often centered around moonlit groves, where they build treehouse villages in the treetops. They revere the moon as a deity and have a lunar calendar that guides their way of life. They are skilled astronomers and often act as celestial advisors to other races.   Relationships:   Lunarae are known for their strong sense of community and their willingness to assist other races during nighttime quests or celestial events. They often form close bonds with those who share their appreciation for the moon and the mysteries of the night sky.   Lore:   According to Lunarae legends, their race was born from moonlight itself, and their connection to the moon grants them a unique perspective on the world. Some Lunarae believe that they are destined to one day ascend to the moon, while others view their purpose as protectors of the night.  
  Abilities:   Lunar Guidance:
Lunarae have an innate connection to the moon and its phases. They can sense lunar magic and celestial occurrences, making them skilled in navigation and divination.   Gentle Gliding:
Their small wings allow them to glide gracefully for short distances, making them excellent scouts and messengers. This ability helps them navigate their forested or mountainous homes.   Lunar Blessing:
Lunarae have the ability to harness the power of the moon to provide minor magical blessings to themselves and their allies. These blessings might include enhanced night vision, temporary protection from darkness-based spells, or increased agility during nighttime.  


The Lunarae are a diminutive race known for their small fluffy bodies, small wings, and a deep affinity for the moon.
ability score increase: +2 Wis +1 Dex
age: 200+
alignment: Neutral Good
Size: Small
speed: 30
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Celestial
race features:
Lunar Guidance:
Lunarae have an innate connection to the moon and its phases. They can sense lunar magic and celestial occurrences, making them skilled in navigation and divination.   Gentle Gliding:
Their small wings allow them to glide gracefully for short distances, making them excellent scouts and messengers. This ability helps them navigate their forested or mountainous homes.   Lunar Blessing:
Lunarae have the ability to harness the power of the moon to provide minor magical blessings to themselves and their allies. These blessings might include enhanced night vision, temporary protection from darkness-based spells, or increased agility during nighttime.