Phlora & Sheiva

Phlora & Sheiva (Nature & Civilization)   Phlora - Goddess of Nature and Emotion
Phlora is deeply connected to the natural world and the raw emotions it evokes. She is often depicted amidst nature, surrounded by animals and plants. Her followers include druids, rangers, and those who live in harmony with nature. Her temples are natural sanctuaries or groves.   Sheiva - Goddess of Civilization and Order
Sheiva is the architect of societies, often depicted with a gavel or blueprint. She represents structure and the order of civilization. Her followers are lawmakers, builders, and leaders. Her temples are in cities or places of governance.   Dual Nature: Phlora governs the wild, emotional aspects of nature, while Sheiva represents the order and structure of civilization. Their relationship is a reflection of the struggle and harmony between the natural world and human development. Phlora's wild, untamed landscapes contrast with Sheiva's structured civilizations, and they must find a balance to coexist. Their interaction is seen in the expansion of cities into wildlands and the preservation of nature in urban spaces. Phlora's wild domains often either clash or intertwine with Sheiva's structured societies.