Thunderhoof Stags

Thunderhoof Stags are truly magnificent creatures that roam the expansive plains surrounding Lucidia's Spine. These majestic deer are renowned for their imposing stature, intricately adorned horns, and the thunderous resonance created by their powerful hooves when they run. Thunderhoof Stags are a symbol of grace, strength, and the untamed beauty of the wilderness.   Physical Characteristics: 
Thunderhoof Stags are among the largest of deer species, standing at heights of up to 8 feet at the shoulder. Their impressive size is matched by the sheer grandeur of their horns, which can span up to 6 feet in width and bear intricate patterns resembling the complex branches of ancient trees. These magnificent antlers are often adorned with moss and lichen, further enhancing the stags' majestic appearance.   Thunderous Presence: 
Thunderhoof Stags derive their name from the awe-inspiring sound of their hooves striking the ground. When they gallop across the plains, their rhythmic hoofbeats resemble the rolling thunder of a distant storm. This auditory spectacle can be heard from great distances, and it is often said that the Thunderhoof Stags' arrival heralds the coming of rain or change in weather.   Plains Guardians: 
Thunderhoof Stags are revered by the inhabitants of Lucidia's Spine as protectors of the plains. These creatures are known to be territorial and are often found grazing near sacred sites and ancient ruins, where their presence is believed to ward off those who might disturb the land's mysteries.