Toras & Athenas

Toras & Athenas (War & Justice)   Toras - God of War and Courage
Toras is a fierce warrior deity, representing the valor and horrors of war. He is depicted in battle armor, often in the midst of combat. His followers are warriors, soldiers, and those who face their fears. His temples are fortresses or battlefields.   Athenas - Goddess of Justice and Power
Athenas is a noble figure, symbolizing the balance of justice and the responsibility of power. She is often depicted with scales or a sword. Her worshippers include judges, rulers, and those who seek justice. Her temples are in places of law or power.     Dual Nature: Toras is the deity of war and courage, Athenas of justice and power. They govern the balance of conflict and fairness. Toras’s war-driven actions often lead to Athenas’s interventions for justice. They embody the conflict between aggression and fairness, where Athenas seeks to bring order to the chaos instigated by Toras. Toras incites conflicts, and Athenas resolves them.