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Kahna T'serr

Kahna T'serr

Kahna is a talented, but struggling, artist with dreams of travelling the world in search of inspiration. While kind and quiet on the outside, she harbors her fair share of secrets, and works tirelessly to ensure they are never discovered.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kahna is slim and short, with an almost athletic frame.

Body Features

While thin and rather small, she seems no less athletic than the average elf.

Facial Features

Kahna's face is smooth and pale, with triangular white tattoos beneath her crimson eyes. Her hair is stark white, and is usually kept in a head cloth resembling her outfit.

Identifying Characteristics

Kahna has tattoos of three white triangles beneath both of her eyes

Physical quirks

Kahna goes to great lengths to avoid touching other people, and always wears gloves while in public.

Special abilities

Kahna's race grants her unique abilities, though she avoids using them in the presence of others for fear of being discovered for what she is.

Apparel & Accessories

Her clothing is also almost always silky and flowing, with reds, blues, and golds all across them. She dresses light, with a shawl, gloves, and a form-fitting suit of white and gold beneath. She also wears a pair of gold earrings.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kahna was found as a youngling by a mage who held her captive when he discovered her abilities. The mage would experiment on her, even forcing her to train to see what she could learn. When a cloaked stranger visited the mage and learned of Kahna's existence, he demanded that she be released immediately. The mage was loathe to surrender her, however, so he attacked the stranger. In the chaos of their battle, the mage was killed, and the stranger gave Kahna a gift to conceal her true nature, so that she could be free. She has since wondered who the stranger was, and hopes to repay his kindness some day.

Gender Identity

Kahna is female, and identifies as such.


Kahna has no particular bias toward any race or gender, though she tends to avoid intimacy for fear of being discovered as what she is.


Kahna was trained in several languages during her imprisonment, as well as various weapons and magics.


Kahna works as a barmaid for various bars, and makes just enough money to scrape by.

Mental Trauma

Many of the arcane experiments she endured during her captivity were cruel and painful. She believes the stranger's kindness was a rare one, and hides her true identity for fear of what people will do to her.

Intellectual Characteristics

Though she seems shy or meek at first glance, Kahna is gifted with quick with and natural charm. She is adept at reading social situations, and can talk her way through most trouble. Her demeanor is carefully calculated and can change to fit almost any situation.

Morality & Philosophy

Kahna believes in doing good where good is needed, and is willing to listen to every side of an argument before she makes a decision.


Kahna avoids physical contact with anyone, as it would only serve to create suspicion.

Personality Characteristics


Kahna is drawn to the idea of captivating audiences with her writings, and hopes to spread joy through them. She aims to travel the world and share stories and music with all who would listen to make up for everything she has hidden from most who know her.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Kahna is skilled with magic, music, and poetry. She lacks the physical strength for most athletic activities, including physical combat.

Likes & Dislikes

While music and writing are her primary forms of expression, the culinary arts are her favorite to see from others. Kahna loves good food and drink, though she often limits what she consumes in public to avoid drawing attention. She can often become quickly irritated when others ask too many personal questions, and prefers that her past stay past.

Virtues & Personality perks

Kahna is kind and generous, and will go out her way to aid others in whatever ways she can.

Vices & Personality flaws

She can often be to kind, and often finds herself lacking funds.

Personality Quirks

Kahna tries very hard not to make physical contact with anyone in public, and becomes nervous when people get too close.


She stays well-groomed and clean, despite her living conditions.


Contacts & Relations

She maintains positive relationships with the bar and restaurant owners who hire her to perform, but keeps everyone at arm's length.

Family Ties

Kahna is good friends with Oscar "Ozzie" Winslowe, the owner of the famous Ozzie's Bar in Bessan.

Religious Views

While interested in the many religions of Helius, Kahna does not practice any.

Social Aptitude

While shy and meek at first glance, Kahna is adept in handling most social situations. She uses her perceived shyness to her advantage whenever she can.


When not writing or performing, Kahna is quietly observing her surroundings and paying close attention to anyone arround her.

Hobbies & Pets

She writes poetry and music to be performed on stages, and occasionally performs herself.

Wealth & Financial state

Kahna makes a meager living by performing.

Kahna is a writer and performer. She is skilled in utility and support magic.

Character Location
Current Location
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Neutral Good
Date of Birth
1st of Styra, 1617 AO
Current Residence
Bigsie's Tenement House, Valen Ward, Bessan
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elvish, Sylvan

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