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Jeremiah Holt

Jeremiah Holt (a.k.a. The Outcast)

I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, "Come." I looked, and behold, a pale horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A relatively slim individual, Jeremiah does not appear to be a conforntational individual. Fit regardless, most muscle in him is devoted to keeping himself fast and alive.

Body Features

There in nothing to be seen in Jeremiah. Appearing as any other plague doctor, his one defining feature is what seems to be a cloak of black feathers.

Facial Features

Jeremiah does not meet others without his mask, however in the few circumstances he has taken it off in public, ongoers are met with the head of a crow.

Identifying Characteristics

As not many Plague doctors work in the same area, seeing a plague doctor in Jeremiahs respected zone almost certainly means it is him. If he must travel, it is not common to see a plague doctor regardless.

Special abilities

Can fly I guess?

Apparel & Accessories

Sporting an outfit suited for practintioners dealing with plague and disease, Jeremiah does not stray far with his choice of apparel. What he has seemingly chosen is a feather cloak and a large medical journal adorn with many odd trinkets.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in a small village in Onti, Jeremiah witnessed everyone he knew wiped out by plague. The only 3 to survive were him and his parents. His parents, possibly because of their bizarre genetics as Kenku and Aarakokra, became mutated, fused into one. As Jeremiah grew up alone, instead of hating what ruined his life, he loved it. He devoted what time he had to working his way up into a school, learning medicine, biology, and pathology. Once he was satisfied with his education, he decided to embark on a journey to the Merit Empire, where the breeding grounds for his Magnum Opis may take root.

Gender Identity



As far as he knows, Jeremiah is Asexual, however if given a good enough experience either way, he may change.


Studying at one of the few schools in Uzul, Jeremiah, although hated and feared, graduated as a doctor. He then took the rotting oath to become a plague doctor, and continued to study in Merit.


Either working at local clinics or for towns to inocculate the xitizens or to cure any diseases that may make their way through civilization, Jeremiah is currently on a charter in the Merit empire, payed comission to assist the lower strata population.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Became a doctor, made a simple disease, that's about it.

Failures & Embarrassments

Aside from being a straight creep, he accidenatlly killed a schoolmate, but seemingly managed to hide the body.

Mental Trauma

Absolutely mentally fucked, witnessed his live die in front ofd him and loved it, so, yeah, that tells you what you need to know.

Intellectual Characteristics

Good at drawing and draws out what he is thinking of a lot. I guess that's an intellectual characteristic

Morality & Philosophy

Morally evil, Jeremiahs philosophy leads to the idea that the world needs cleansing, those strong enough to survive the plague start anew.


DO NOT look through his tome, thats really the only taboo.

Personality Characteristics


Driven purely by the need to create a "Perfect Plague"

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Jeremiah is inept at many physically demanding acts, , but is quite knowledgable and resourceful.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes religion, beuracracy, but to a strange extent loves authority, a sort of controlled chaos. Has a fondness of layered pastrys (Croissantes, Cream Danish's, etc.)

Virtues & Personality perks

Although he does not care for them, Jeremiah will save those who he can suffering from disease he can cure. After taking samples for himself, he does everything in his power to cure the individual. He also commands a certain presence around him, as the outfit of a plague doctor and his cold, dead eyes make most nervous, yet somewhat relieved.

Vices & Personality flaws

An absolute piece of shit, Jeremiah leaves those in pain that suffer not from a disease, and those he cannot cure he commends for helping him and leaves them to rot.

Personality Quirks

If he does not like you, you will know. Most commonly, Jeremiah will stare at the individual, coldly. When faced with a situation he does not know how to solve, Jeremiah paces at a slow rythymn, and hums a strange tune to himself.


Stays clean when he has the time, yet usually gets so involved in work and research it is common to skip bathing.


Contacts & Relations

Contacts include those nessecary for business, no more. The only one he could possibly call "friend" is one Eriksonn Liegensprut, what was a pugly short human at his university who tried to win friendship with Jeremiah as they were the only 2 who seemed to get picked on.

Family Ties


Religious Views

He openly rejects religion as a whole, saying the one true proof of existance is science, however he secretly wishes to attain even a speck of godly power belonging to him and him alone.

Social Aptitude

Handles quite well in social situations for the most part, but there are many cues that will pass right by him.

Hobbies & Pets

Jeremiahs main hobby that could also be considered their pet is their collection of diseases.


An odd accent when speaking plainly, one that comes from the northwest, however Jeremiah can seem to speak in many ways, as long as he had heard them before.

Wealth & Financial state

He spends what he has, and although he makes a decent wage both from the apothacary and underground dealings, most of the money goes into either research or food.

Velobog, Born to Nestler and Thoma in 1621 AO.

Character Location
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Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Doctor of Uzul Practitioner of Pathology and Medicine
25 years old
Date of Birth
5th of Clora, 1621
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
180 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"One need not look far to see the rot of this world, yet no one has yet to bring it to it's purest form." "If your god is real, and if you hate me, then why do I still stand before you?"
Known Languages
Common, Aarakocra, Araun

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