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A Guide to Apex Culture

To a citizen of the Ordering life in Apex might seem chaotic and strange. Instead of the familiar hymn of the song of divinity instead is heard the wails of flamboyant merchants hawking their wares to any passing person. Instead of the orderly rhythm of life familiar in Solace in Apex work is done at any hour of the day, and well into the night. Whatever suits the individual in question. The raunchy nightlife of Apex City may shock the unprepared visitor. The sight of women arguing politics in the Senate, or even leading men in battle may seem preposterous. Yet if you are to be able to operate effectively in Apex all these things and more must become familiar to you. Below I shall list some of the most important things you ought to know about Apex, and how to behave during your mission.   Politics in Apex: Apex is the birthplace of republicanism. That vile ideology which has for centuries challenged the Ordering, and brought chaos to Renata. This chaos is reflected in the politics of the republic, which are neither consistent, nor considered. There is no guiding hand to lead Apex towards a brighter future, and every part of government is at war with all the others. The Doge fights with the Council of Ten, which battles the Senate, which in its turn seeks to control the doge and round it goes. Even this is to be too kind, for none of these institutions are united. The senate is divided into factions which vie for supremacy. The Council's ten seats is divided between the ten most powerful families of the realm, all locked in mortal combat to prevent the others from becoming dominant. As for the Doge he says one thing, then does another. All this is done to a background of popular demands, protests, votes and bickering.   All this seems chaotic to us. Yet in Apex it is normal. Remember that if you are ever engaged in some political debate in Apex it is more important that you state your opinions loudly and confidently rather than rationally and in measured tones. State your commitment to liberty and freedom, and claim in some way that your opponent is in opposition to these values, and you will seem like a native dreamer.     Individualism and Liberty:   If the ideals of Apex are to be summed up in a a word it would be "Liberty". To the Dreamer it is imperative that their liberties not be infringed. Ideally not even the doge (Dux) may infringe on the core rights of a citizen. These core rights are as follows:   Freedom of Speech - In Apex all opinions and words may be spoken, even the most vile and heretical. While you may feel a violent urge to retaliate when somebody curses the name of the allfather, or speaks lies about the divinities, do not do this! While in Apex restrain yourself, and know they will be punished in the hereafter.   Freedom of Assembly - In Apex citizens may meet as they please without supervision or permission from the authorities. This may seem like an open invitation to rebellion. Yet do not question it. You are likely to receive strange looks and suspicious questions.   Freedom of Religion - The most outrageous of all rights of the Dreamers is the right to reject the True Faith. All manner of belief is permissible in Apex, even the vile void known as Atheism. Tolerate this only so far as is possible without compromising your own purity.   Freedom of Political Participation - Apex is not ruled by Gods. Even while Albron the Allspeaking lived he did not rule in Apex, acting more as a adviser to the political movers and shakers. In Apex all citizens have the right to vote in elections. Simpletons and plebians have the same rights as the wise man or the priest. Absurd as it may seem the Dreamers find this acceptable.   Freedom from arbitrary punishment - In Apex the law is supposed to be equal for all. In Apex it is the responsibility of the accuser to prove the guilt of the accused. This is the opposite of our system where it is the accused whom must prove their innocence in the face of accusation from the righteous.   There are a number of connected rights and core assumptions central to the Dreamer's self image. Remember that if all else fails, speak of liberty and freedom, and they will embrace you.     How to behave like a Dreamer:   If you wish to pass for a dreamer you must know this: There are no rules in Apex governing most behavior. Only norms. In the Ordering every man, woman, and child stand in some form of relation, either inferior or superior to everyone they meet. This forms how we behave towards one another. This is true to some extent in Apex, but is not enforced by any law, nor observed with any rigor. What counts for a show of respect in Apex would seem scandalously informal to us. Below is a short introduction to behavioral patterns in Apex, and how to interact with people of various ranks.   In Apex all people, high and low, wish to flaunt their material wealth. The acquisition of material wealth is seen as a mark of personal worth. Only those clever and hardworking can attain surplus wealth, or so it is believed. Thus, dress colorfully in whatever is the fashion.   Be loud. In Apex timidity and humility goes out the window. Even the beggar will make a show of himself. If you wish to buy something you should haggle furiously, not to do so is a sign of disrespect. If you meet a friend or acquaintance you must make a good show of happiness. A kiss on both cheeks is the common way of greeting people, a third kiss in the case of close friends or lovers.   Should you meet somebody of high rank in Apex while disguised as somebody of of low rank you ought to make sure to greet this person with happiness. Pretend to be glad to see them, and wish them a good day. But be not too humble, this will arouse suspicion.   Women you ought to treat the same as men, with a certain additional respect. Women in Apex do not preform their divinely inspired roles with the same devotion as at home. Whatever you may think of this pretend it is normal. To insist upon tradition is to reveal yourself as a foreigner.   Finally it is vital to say that this is but a small part of the behavior of dreamers, which at any rate varies wildly from place to place and from individual to individual. Observe those around you and do as they do, and you will be fine most of the time. If challenged you may always resort to an appeal to your right as a Dreamer to act as you please. This will often placate and even embarrass the accuser.


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