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Decree Concerning the Status of "Arcane Casters" in the territories subject to Apex sovereignty

It is the will of the Senate and People of Apex that practitioners of arcane arts be subject to the following regulations.     1) Concerning whom may practice magic:   a: Those wishing to use magic of an arcane nature in Apex territory must receive training at the Arcane University in Luma for no less than three years.   b: Those who have received legitimate training in the arcane arts in Luma shall at all times carry documentation of that fact whenever they are using, or intending to use, magics.   c: Failure to carry documentation of magical training while using, or intending to use magic is punishable by incarceration for up to five years.   d: Falsification of the abovementioned documentation is subject to Law 15, Section 3, Paragraph 8, on falsification of official documents.   e: Arcane mages in possession of legitimate documentation must register themselves with the Office of Magical Regulation as soon as possible after entering Apex territory. Failure to do this is punishable by up to three years incarceration.     2) Concerning where magic may be practiced:   a: Magic may only be practiced in a safe environment.   b: Magic may not be practiced in public spaces such as markets, squares, streets, shops, docks, taverns, whorehouses, etc.   c: Magic may not be practiced in secret.   d: Magic may NOT be practiced in the senate chamber.     3) Concerning what types of arcane magic may be practiced:   a: Necrotic magic is forbidden. Practice of necrotic magic is punishable by death by hanging from the neck.   b: Magic aimed at inflicting damage. so called "offensive magic" or "battle magic" is subject to strict regulation. Those wishing to practice such magic must A: belong to the Apex military forces (army or navy) and receive permission from their superior officer, or B: have received permission to practice offensive magics from a member of the Council of Ten. Use of such magic without sanction is punishable by up to ten years incarceration.   c: Magic aimed at predicting events, seeing over distances, moving persons or objects quicker than otherwise possible between locations, and magics aimed at altering the state of ones own or anothers consciousness or thoughts is subject to regulations equal to those concerning offensive magics.   d: Those in possession of healing magics are compelled to use these. Failure to use ones healing powers to aid an Apex citizen in need is punishable by up to five years incarceration.     This decree is valid from 01.01.2060 by order of the Senate. The vote was 92 in Favour. 51 Opposed. 7 Abstained.


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