Fellin's Folly Settlement in Renata | World Anvil
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Fellin's Folly

Fellin's Folly. Where hobgoblins play at being Dreamers. They do it quite well I might add. 
— Sir. Oro Wackrill Kinborough of The Cobalt Order 
  Once a fort built by The Wend Wall to push The Apex Republic back behind the lesser Pergun river, it has since be taken by a clan of Hobgoblins who held the keep uncontested as none of the factions really wanted to escalate their border tensions further, deciding to instead make a deal with the clan to serve as a buffer between the two factions. The leader of the hobgoblins is a hobgoblin of exceptional ability named Curz'gat.


A large number of hobgoblins rule a larger number of goblins. Perhaps other monstrous races also reside there.


Curz'gat rules with an iron fist. His strength and intelligence allow him to remain the undisputed leader.


Curtain walls, towers, etc. It's a castle.


The castle was built by The Wend Wall and its architecture reflects that. However, it fell into disuse for a century before being taken over by the hobgoblins. They have decorated it in their own... unique style.
Military, Camp
Several hundred or more. Hobgoblins and goblins.
Location under

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