Grand Cathedral of Karabir The Binder Building / Landmark in Renata | World Anvil
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Grand Cathedral of Karabir The Binder

"It is home to a God, what more is there to say?" - Priest John, trying to describe the temple.

Purpose / Function

The Cathedral serves as the home of Kharabir the Binder and the High Priest of Arcanstille. It is the spiritual and political center of the Cobalt Order.


The Cathedral was built in the 14th century during a time of cultural flourishing in Renata. As such it was built in the New Style (Gothic). Some alterations have been made in the centuries since, but the cathedral's architecture remains essentially unchanged.


It is built in the New Style (similar to the Gothic style). The Cathedral has a length of 333 yards (to honour the mystery of the number 3). It has four spires of 150 yards, and one central spire of 200 yards, one of the tallest structures built by mortals. There are four aisls and one central nave. Flying buttresses support the walls. Large stained glass windows allow light to enter the building. Gargoyles and grotesques some made in the image of enemies of the Cobalt Order decorate the outside of the Cathedral.


Built in the 14th century. The building was funded by the wealthy people of Arcanstille who wished for Kharabir the Binder to take up permanent residence in the city. This came to pass. The Cathedral was under construction for several decades. Its designer did not live to see it finished.
Alternative Names
The House of Healing, The Cathedral

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