Heping Qiang Settlement in Renata | World Anvil
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Heping Qiang

A large wall spanning the Kingbreaker valley with a central fort manned by the god Bushu, son of Hanshu the Manyfaced. The god is an autonomous vassal to the The Wend Wall that while protecting its buffer also stands as a mediating force between the two factions it divides, Bushu and his Samurai The Shān seek peace above all else.


The god Bushu rules. An army minister commands the troops stationed there day to day.


The wall is strong, and guarded by a garrison of around 500 soldiers of the 14th Auxiliary Imperial Regiment.


The wall stretch across the mountain pass blocking all passage except that which passes through its main gate. 100 feet tall and built of carved granite the wall is nearly impregnable, although it was built before the invention of modern artillery. There is a tall tower called the tower of the arrow (Jiàn tǎ) which guards the gate. It is from here that Bushu shoots his famous star-arrow once a year.


This outpost was built in the 13th century to protect against the spread of republicanism. After the incident of 1442 the god Bushu moved in to act as a buffer between The Apex Republic and The Wend Wall . As a warning against Apex agression once a year on the 22 Frondfall he shoots a star-arrow which can be seen as far away as Drydale. This tradition is controversial in Apex.
Military, Base
ca 700
Location under
Owning Organization

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