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Ilvaya Smartfist Agu-Uliano

Ilvaya Ilvaya Smartfist Agu-Uliano (a.k.a. ISA)

I may not be able to use Vis as well like the rest of your guys, but there isn't a single one of you who could take me one in a fight. Hell I could probably carry all of you down this mountain on my back.
— Ilvaya being irritated with The Bilge Rats
  A Goliath cast aside by her clan, taken in by a group of misfits, now a ruler.

Divine Domains

Ambition, Might, Perfection, Air

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A bolt of red lightning or a stone surrounded by lightning

Tenets of Faith

Edict: Hone your body, mind, and spirit to a more perfect state; practice discipline. Strive to protect your allies.   Anathema: Repeatedly fail to maintain self-control, decline the call to adventure.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

One would be wise to bow if they ever saw a Goliath with hands of stone and a skull amulet around her neck.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cast aside by her clan Ilvaya was sold off to The Forked Farm. She escaped and ended up in Driftwood where she would became a prominent member of the The Bilge Rats. She was one of the urchins of Driftwood who survived the The Crimson Plague thanks to her friend Rin. She swore to protect all of her closest friends from that day and make sure they were safe. She lived in Driftwood alongside her fellow Rats when the Age of Arcana Campaign sheet. Ilvaya was not "blessed" as her fellow Rats were with the powers of controlling the Vis Arcanum Necronomicon.   When the The Apex Expeditionary Force launched an army upon the Crimson Coast, she and her fellow rats were tasked to help sow dissent among the other Gangs of Driftwood and help their ally (Dead) Vince "Two Time" di Donato with securing power within the city. This would end badly for Rin, Cosimo and herself who retracted the Crimson Plague once more. After certain incidents within Driftwood Ilvaya would come into contact with her mother Kali and the former chieftain of her clan. As a small token of appology Kali treated Ilvaya with another plague Stonemold that balanced out the plague for the moment, although the Stonemold would end up winning if she did not get proper treatment. Kali asked the Rats with acquiring ingredients at the Diviner tree to create more, although there was still a grudge between Ilvaya and the other goliaths. When they reached the tree there was a conflict between the rats and Ilvaya that made her question how her own actions and that of her allies would be seen. She made a promise to herself to ensure that she would not only protect her friends as much as she could, but also try to be a good influence for her friends. Before they left the Diviner Tree, both Cosimo and Rin had managed to use Vis to cleanse their bodies of the Crimson Plague. Ilvaya however was still suffering from both the The Crimson Plague and Stonemold.   Before the Rats were able to return to Driftwood, they received word from Kali that the situation at Nataki Senchineru was becoming dire. Illian the Tempest had become drained by The Crimson Plague , becoming tainted by its curse and driven insane. Kali urged to help solve the issue. Both the Rats and Ilvaya were not interested in solving the issues, but since they had little choice due to Ilvaya's condition and climbed up the mountains to the monestary. When they entered Nataki Senchineru they were greeted by the guards at spear-point. They managed to defeat the guards, and soon found realized that Illian the Tempest condition had affected the people of the monastery.   The Rats discovered a small group of rebels who had avoided the curse. They told that Illian the Tempest would have the people drink of his blood or he would consume the Vis of anyone who rejected his offering. Together the Rats and the rebels fought their way to Illian's home where Ilvaya and the Tempest would fight in single combat. The duel looked to be going in the favor of Illian the Tempest as he still had some control over his powers of Vis. He could summon lightning to wound Ilvaya from both afar or in hand to hand combat. It looked like the end for Ilvaya, but the Tempest lord soon lost hold of his powers and struck them both down with a lightning bolt from the sky. Illian became even more deranged and corrupted by the lightning strike, but a power unlocked within Ilvaya. She was able to command the Vis within her body even more than she was able. She summoned forth a new form of tempest, combined with the power of the Crimson Plague and Stonemold. It surrounded her body in a red lightning and flowing rocks. Her hands that once where turning into crumbling stone had become strong and the red lightning crackling within its cracks. Ilvaya struck down the god with a mighty blow that unleashed thunder and lightning from the sky. It transformed the once mighty god completely into stone statue, stuck in a pose of fear.   After defeating Illian the Tempest, the Rats and Ilvaya were heralded as heroes and saviors. Her fellow Rats convinced Ilvaya to take up the mantle as the new Tempest and use her influence to help to overthrow The Crimson Wake. After the war she would return to Nataki Senchineru and rule over the monastery and the mountains. She would stand on the highest peak watching over the lands, seas and her friends and help protect them in any way she could from her mountain home. Any time the other Rats spoke her name she would fix her gaze on wherever they were in the world, and use her powers to aid them.   The last time a mighty tempest was seen over Haru was when Rin was slain by Rasa of the Five Shores. The power of the storm was fixated on Rasa and she would attempt to flee from Haru, but the Tempest had her gaze fixated on the person who had killed her dear friend. A single bolt from the center of the storm struck Rasa at the harbor in Shiver Town but she survived when the bolt failed to hit its mark. It is unclear if Rasa was affected by the bolt or not as she escaped The Crimson Coast. Rin's body was brought to Nataki Senchineru where he was buried in a private tomb.


It was rumored that Ilvaya likes both men and women, but it was never confirmed. Anyone who asked or offered got to know the back of her hand pretty well.


Ilvaya would constantly focus her body and mind to be able to control the Vis within her body. It would be almost five years after the plague before she was even able to cast the most insignificant spell, but with a disciplined regime of training she got a stronger connection to the Vis within and around herself. When she traveled she would also study others to see if they had the powers of Vis within themselves, and attempt to help them hone their skills.


Ilvaya worked as muscle for The Bilge Rats in her younger years. After the plague hit Driftwood she attempted to keep the peace within the town and set up shop within the local brothel The Layflower where she also worked as the head of protection. On the side she had a protection racket with Bauchelain, and did the odd job for (Dead) Vince "Two Time" di Donato and (Dead) "Talon" Di Donato.   It is believed that she still resides and rules over Nataki Senchineru.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Killing Illian the Tempest Defeating The Crimson Wake in war.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failing to save the Michelles of the Kobalt Soul and her dear friend Rin


Family Ties

As she was never raised by her own family and was cast aside, her closest family was always The Bilge Rats
Divine Classification
Second Generation God
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ilvaya the Crimson Storm, Lord Tempest, Thunderstone
Year of Birth
1977 95 Years old
Nataki Senchineru
Current Residence
Nataki Senchineru
Golden yellow, crackling with lighting
8 ft
280 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Even if you are dead I will still find a way to kill you.
Pass the bottle, I need to forget some more.
Aligned Organization

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