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Political Factions in Apex

"The Senate is in the grip of a vile faction, only swift and desicive actions can free the republic from the grasp of the tyrants!"
— Enrico di Donato in a speech justifying the murder of Nicolo di Maggio (1760)
  Factions are inevitable in any representative system. In Apex these factions are not formally organized. They have no leaders, their members are not registered in any way, and do not meet at regular times. In the Senate and Council members of factions are not required to vote a certain way. The factions in Apex are not like the political “parties” theorized in the Great Debate. Nevertheless, there are recognizable political “factions” in the Republic. These factions tend to be organized around popular gentlemen’s clubs (not that kind!), such as the Shipowner’s Club, or the Grand Old Club. Members of these clubs tend to support one another and back common political goals, though this is by no means mandatory. Factions tend to be made up of a hard core of up to maybe a dozen individuals, often quite wealthy and influential politicians. Around this core is a nebulous and shifting mass of less committed, and less influential gentlemen (and rarely ladies) who vie for the more powerful member’s favour.   While talking about factions it must always be remembered that a senator’s primary worry is re-election. As such a senator is always concerned with how their 30.000 or so constituents perceive them. Loyalty to faction is always second to this worry. A senator is unlikely to vote in a way they suspect will compromise their chances of re-election, unless given some significant incentive. The following is a list of the most influential factions in Apex and their associated clubs.   The Populares The Populares are the radical wing of Apex politics. They seek an “ever more perfect republic”. To this end they wish to disband the Council of Ten, seeing it as a regressive relic of the past, and a tool for the corrupt elites. They wish to replace it with a parliamentary government appointed by the senate. This is just one of a number of revolutionary goals of the populares. Others include land redistribution, debt relief, and efforts to make women equal in fact and not just in word.   The Populares is associated with the Reform Club. The club is notable for allowing female membership, and for its many lively debates.   The Populares draw most of their support from the urban poor in the great cities of the republic, particularly the capital itself. They do not call themselves populares, but rather “true dreamers”.   The Publicani The Publicani represent the business interest in Apex Politics. They wish to see Apex enact policies favourable to merchants and business owners. As such they seek to cut back on regulations and taxation they perceive as hampering economic growth. In military matters the Publicani advocate peace with the Ordering and the Wend Wall. They wish to see the navy expanded to deal with pirates, as well as to challenge Crimson Coast hegemony in the eastern seas. They suspect this would be favourable for Apex merchants.   The Publicani are associates with the Shipowners Club. This club traditionally only admitted members who had owned ships or shipbuilding facilities. Lately they also admit business owners.   The Publicani can count on the support of the middle class in the cities and towns of Apex who would benefit from the continued success of Apex tradesmen.   The Moderates The Moderates seek the bridge the gap between the Populares and the Optimates. These people believe that the old institutions have proven their worth and can be of value in future. Yet they see the need for some reform. The Moderates wish to tip the balance of power in favour of the Senate over the Council of Ten. They advocate for the ability to impeach members of the Council, and for the right of senators to propose laws instead of just voting on proposals made by the Council. The Moderates wish for a balance between business interests and the rights of the workers and the state. They seek a cautious foreign policy. They see the republic’s current adventure in Haru as a dangerous invitation to war.   The Moderates are associated with the Honourable Club. The club is famed for its modest character.   The Moderates draw support from many quarters from the sort of people who have difficulty committing to any strong position. Religious moderates, agnostics, people who drink weak tea or put milk in their coffee, and other people of that kind.   The Optimates The Optimates or “the best” represent the current political elite of Apex. The old families which have nearly monopolized the seats on the Council of Ten since the 14th century. The Optimates seek to preserve the current status quo of Apex. They seek to entrench their position at the top of the republic. This may seem sinister to some, but the Optimates have preserved the stability of the republic for centuries. Other nations experience tremendous turmoil, yet in Apex civil strife and political violence is rare. The Optimates take credit for this stability and wish to preserve it.   The Optimates are associated with the Grand Old Club. The Club only admit members of the Council of Ten, or direct descendants of Council Members out to the third generation.   The Optimates draw their support from the rural population. Especially well to do farmers and landowners who prefer the stability of the current regime to the possibility of the turmoil that might come from reform.

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