The Silver Lotus Organization in Renata | World Anvil
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The Silver Lotus

"Wipe them out, all of them"
— Shogun Ashikaga before the final assault on Fortress Defiance.


During the Silver Lotus was the order had a hierarchical structure inspired by the Guardian System, with a Grand Master with supreme authority.

Public Agenda

The Silver Lotus wished to unite all of Haru under a strong central government. This government was to be made technocratic. The intellectuals and philosophers were to administer the nation directed by an emperor with supreme power. The Silver Lotus believed only such a rule could ensure security against interference from other nations, especially the Gods of the Ordering. They also believed that only strong central rule could prevent infighting, and bring prosperity to all.


At their height the Silver Lotus ruled half of Haru an could mobilize significant resources.


The Silver Lotus had existed as a secret society since at least the First Scourge. They emerged into the open during the War That Never Was. In 1210 the Lotus attempted to assume power in Talonwheel. This sparked the Silver Lotus War. This was ended with the defeat of the Silver Lotus in 1289.


The Silver Lotus was wiped out during the last phase of the Silver Lotus War. If any survived they have not emerged into the light for 700 years.

Unity is strength

Ca 1000 - 1289 (Possibly)

Secret, Military
Alternative Names
The Lotus Order, Silver Snakes

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