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The Sognare

There isn't much to see in Driftwood, other than that disheveled statue and some strange Dragon men, but if you come to see it; don't go to the Sognare, all you'll see there is art imported from Apex and a guided experience through the gated communities of the Iron pole. What is worth your time however is talking to those that elect to waste their time there, for their stories and pockets are of equal value, with the latter being easy to obtain if you entertain the former.
— Devious driftwood citizen

Purpose / Function

A place where rich tourist come for guided tours of the Battlefield of The Battle Of Defiance Bay. The bureau does its best to shield its rich guests from the filth of Driftwood (both the literal filth and the people). As such there are servants who carry matts to lay down so that guests don’t get mud on their shoes. There is a fancy guesthouse with rooms and a restaurant which is often used by those with some money, who want to feel rich for a day or two. The building is isolated from the town with high walls so that guests don’t have to see the poor. The bureau has boats from which to conduct guided tours, and guards to keep the riffraff out.
Alternative Names
The Guide House, The Dream catcher
Hospitality, Resort
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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