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Rendalia is a world with 4 large continents. The largest is known as The Wild Lands, a place of forest, mountains, snow, beasts and monsters. Largely unexplored territories, with settlements on it's southern borders of seas, this continent wraps around the entire northern polar cap, and stories from the Dragons say there is a Great Magical Lake at the very top of the world.   The second largest, Europa, is a land mass with one Kingdom, the Kingdom of Ruinia, that governs the entire continent. The Kingdom being named after the massive ancient ruins of civilizations long past. Forests and mountains, swamps and marshes, grasslands and rivers are abundant in this continent. Almost every area having been mapped, researched, and preserved, the Kingdom of Ruinia likes to keep these ancient sites as close to functional as possible.   The third and fourth continent are roughly equivalent in size, Rodinia and Kazeaki, both smaller than the first two. Rodinia is a land of deserts, dry planes, and harsh heat. A land not suitable for those weak willed and bodied. Stories of ancient civilizations that ruled the land with prosperity far greater than any other nations in the world are told in abundance to the cultures that make this land their home. Most civilizations that have made their home here have adapted to this environment, usually making trading their number one resource. The major governments of the land are usually City States, as expansion and unification in Rodinia is next to impossible by the land itself.   Kazeaki, the land of spirits. This continent is home to cultures that are deeply connected to the Spirit World, as the land facilitates the connection between The Material Plane and the Spirit World. The geography is that of massive fields of reeds, rivers whose currents are the strongest among the world. Tall sheer faced mountain sides, with rivers and forests betwixt, that are constantly kissed by wind. It is not uncommon to see people flying on the currents of wind that seem to snake with between the mountain sides. Settlements have usually been established, but most cultures in Kazeaki seem to have a lack of desire to conquer and control the land. The people here tend to be carefree, courageous, and compassionate. With the help of the Spirits, they have technology that consistently bewilders those from different lands. Technology that integrates itself with nature and in communion with the Spirits.

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