2021/11/15: Intermission - Darkhome Loot Report

General Summary

Intermission   Identified loot from the behir hunting trip:
  • Golden Plate of The Champion: Some combination of intelligent armor/personality-affecting/ possessed armor. Grants AC and HP, attacks and damage of the 'Champion'. This is a considerable boost for most, a bit less impressive than say Hornet or the Hollow Knight in most regards except for health which is quite impressive. (All stats are somewhat variable depending on wearer and their compatibility with the armor, in general a lvl 15 solo encounter equivilent or so.)
  • Golden Sword is a +5 Longsword that counts as a firebrand/icebrand or lightning blade determined randomly when first wielded in combat by any given wielder. It will always be the same element for the same wielder from that point forward.
  • Behir Eggs are viable and alive, require being buried, heat and lightning source intermittently to be hatched.
  • Behir Components would be good for AC and lightning resistance, good scale mail style armor or up to a shortsword equivilent weapon (possibly spear/polearm)

  • Identified loot from the gargoyle patrol encounter later in the month:
  • There are 3348 Brass coins with a serpent, 248 silver cubes with stars and 155 golden spheres with a skull theme
  • There are also x4 Ransuers +4, a Mancatcher +5, a +3 Sacrificial jagged stone/obsidian knife and a x8 pointy sticks made of a silver-ish clear material that identify as lightning lances (1d6 damage melee or fire a lightning blast 1xday for 5d8 non magical lightning damage, high backfire chance if used by a non-Grell).
  • Report Date
    15 Nov 2023


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