2021/11/17: Hunting Ragross Part 2 Report

General Summary

Keel, Knight, Sith, Aurelin   Aurelin got pulled away to do the Halloween adventure, so the rest of us stayed overnight. We got attacked by a huge swarm of werewolves (which Keel, Knight, and Sith drove off), then a swarm of undead (which Keel and Knight destroyed while Sith slept), and then cloaked figures arrived. Knight and Keel got to be buzzsaw buddies.   Cloaked figures: Davis and friends. They serve one known as “Vicella”. They are pale, and said they were “locals”, though perhaps not locals of this valley precisely. They investigated our motives (to which we just said we were hunters who were resting for the moment after a successful hunt) and warned us that the valley dislikes life and especially dislikes unusual structures.   Aurelin had returned by morning. We had a nice talk amongst ourselves, comparing personal weirdness and backstories. Aurelin was made from a bunch of souls and wants to inspect Knight later to perhaps learn more about herself.   We used mistform to go down into the caves where the Corruption is. We were blocked partway down by impassable magic rock at the floor of a large cave. We investigated the caves and found indications that the walls can reach out and consume you, and there’s an evil altar.   We also found an underfed kobold in the caves, who helped us with bypassing the systems. The kobold is named Kikibald. He told us the vampires pay the altar (and thus the giant evil earth elemental that is the whole area) in blood. We paid it in blood, gems, and (in Keel’s case) a punch in the “face”. It accepted all of them (and some ability damage) and the area started feeling much safer.   We had to drink wild magic juice to pass through an otherwise hidden passage and continue. Apparently Ragross's subordinate vampires use this as a hazing ritual. Sith’s head now explodes when it’s funny, Keel is tap-dancing, Aurelin’s eyes glow, and Knight’s money still takes one inventory slot but now periodically solidifies into a single giant cube.   We went through the passages that subsequently opened. We found a bunch of vampires, werewolves, and others in the later stages of drugged debauchery. Before we could start staking things, we were approached by a shadow being who led us to a meeting room full of weird people.   Weird people are as follows:
  • Dark-haired beauty. Vampire. Sethra, standing in for Vicella.
  • Heavily armored grey-skinned dwarf. Dark dwarf. Averigor. Notably not with the Thorandul Empire.
  • Large orc with ornate robe. Black orc wizard. Urku, second in command of the Derkusk orcs.
  • Skinny, lithe guy in fire-red robe with yellow-orange hair. Very flamboyant. Some sort of gigantic fire serpent. Veragna, representing newly established Fire Pool Alliance.
  • Cloaked woman? with lots of spirit talismans wrapped around her and floating like tentacles. “Queen of Curses.” Gem of Truth took a few seconds to scan her. Very dangerous.
  • Very tall ulitharid with a couple extra tentacles and a big hat and a robe. Talmus, of the illithids to the north.
  • Two drow, one in priestess armor with several serpent whips and a spidery tiara, one more burly woman in full plate mail with multiple swords. Matron Katroni Speargate, of Spiregate. General Ilyanka Grimweb. Representing two different drow civs.
  • Two gigantic mushrooms with faces. (~10 feet tall, 8 wide). Myconid enforcers/princes. Hur and Gur.
  • Minotaur, girded for war but in a businesslike manner. Adventurer-tier gear. Helgroth Hardhoof, representing Deephawk Outpost, a trading hub.
  • Male drow, very bald, has large rod with skull at the end with glowing eyes, has black robe. Master Nizael, from the drow to the far north.
  • Behind male drow, female drow in more serious chainmail/leather armor, kneeling down.
  • Largish fish person with a big headdress. Zulbaya, of the kuo-toa.
  • The people in the meeting appear to be leaders of Underdark nations. The ulitharid, the dwarf, and the spirit talisman lady are in cahoots. Pretty much everyone at the table is equipped to adventurer standards.   Figuring out reactions to recent changes in the Underdark. The destruction of the undead god guy. Trouble with the dire corby infestation to the southwest, which is encroaching on bondage drow’s territory.   The beholders were left out of the meeting for good reason. It’s concerning to all involved that they’re as far south as Darkhome. It’s unexpected.   Aurelin stepped into the meeting as Knight's “bodyguard”. Meanwhile, Sith and Keel went to check on the source of Corruption at the end of the hallway. They found a creepy laughing box. Sith summoned a Purifier, which was very surprised. The Purifier and the box got in some sort of battle/event/fifteen episodes of anime. At the end, the box and the Purifier were gone, and everything in the room was slightly different, as if someone had tried to reconstruct it but couldn’t quite remember the details.   Sith’s wife, the goddess of creation, was lying in the room.   Sith grabbed his wife, had Keel grab Knight and Aurelin, and transported out. He aimed for Limbo, and home. The party found themselves in the home plane of the god of survival who put the geas on us to go after Ragross. (Name is Corenaucht.)   We’re leaving the goddess of creation with Corenaucht. There’s something horribly dangerous in Sith’s tower.

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Destroy the Corruption in Ragross and his lair


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