2022/07/27: The End of General Shen Report

General Summary

Knight, Sith, Ruby, Malakai, Eldrin, Sunderfury   More fighting happened. Sunderfury engaged the terracotta colossi and drew them away. Eldrin launched General Shen into the air, Knight smashed him toward the ground, then Knight followed him down and pinned him to the ground through the chest with his dream nail, killing him. There was something fighting Knight via soul, apparently the sword arms attached to the dead general’s back (and also replacing his spine). Sith tested it and it was Corrupted. Knight saw a chance to cut open a portal to the real self of the thing responsible, and he opened it. Everyone followed him in in hopes of killing the thing.   On the other side was a flat plane, a floating eye with lots of blade limbs and what seemed to be intestines with blades and needles on the ends, and literally nothing else. The monster was very surprised to see us, and communicated as much to those of the party vulnerable to mental communication.   Knight promptly stabbed it a lot. It did not like the psychic damage, shrieking horribly. As Knight dashed backward, Sith hit it with Dimensional Reintegration, briefly disintegrating a 10-foot cube of reality and reassembling whatever in that area actually exists. The monster came back much smaller and more tentacley, with its eye beam being back to an acid blast rather than a horrible disintegration beam. It dove forward at us in a rage, flying chaotically (almost as if it were glitching/lagging back and forth), and tried to bathe us in acid and stabbed at all those it could reach, to little effect. We responded with gunfire and fireballs, and then Knight ended it with an iaido slash through the fireball blast zone.

Missions/Quests Completed

Handle the terracotta army burning Shinkitsu Forest

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
27 Jul 2022
Primary Location


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