Church of Sith

The organized worship of Sith, god of chaos, magic, and darkness/shadow.

Tenets of Faith

  1. “Do as ye will, as long as ye would do it upon me.”
  2. “Do Right by my Brethren Regardless of the Establishment.”
  3. “No Law May Outweigh Justice.”
  4. “Have Faith in Chaos Making Sense.”
  5. “To Assay Against the Odds is to Worship at my Alter.” (Assay means “attempt or try”)
  6. “Maintain Integrity, Even in the Face of Fraudulence.”
  7. “Judge my children not by their Form but by their Essence.”
  8. “Speak my Holy Writ to Any Creature Willing and Able.”
  9. “Benevolence Overshadows all Gestes.” (Geste means “behavior, actions, or conduct”)


  • Kentinar sect: Sith's worshipers on the continent of Kentinar. In Kentinar, Sith is represented by an octopus rather than the icon of the three-legged eye. The church in Kentinar is technically at war with all the other gods on the continent, as they don't want Sith moving in, but Sith has a village of followers living there discreetly.
  • Calthinar sect: Sith's worshipers on the continent of Calthinar. Home of Sith's only cathedral.
  • Thesk sect: Sith's worshipers on the continent of Thesk. The church here is at war with the followers of the gods Thazius, Corgruel, Shashod, and Phleg.
  • Chay sect: A small cult of worshipers on the continent of Chay.
Religious, Organised Religion
Leader Title
Notable Members

Character flag image: by Allen


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