Deities & Demigods

Elven Pantheon

Corellon Larethian - magic, arts, crafts, music, war
Sehanine Moonbow - mysticism, dream, far journeys, death, transcendence
Aerdrie Faenya - air, weather, avians
Erevan Ilesere - mischief, change, rogues
Fenmarel Mestarine - feral elves, scapegoats
Hanali Celanil - romantic love, beauty, healing
Labelas Enoreth - time, longevity, history
Solonor Thelendira - archery, hunting survival
Rillifane Rallathil - nature, animals
Shevarash - revenge against drow
Tathnis Ev’val - revenge against orcs, arctic, cold, winter
Deep Sashelas - creation, seas, sea elves
Zenadia - twilight, nature, border, fertility
Muranos - natural beauty, extremes  

Drow Pantheon

Lolth - spiders, evil, darkness, chaos, the drow, assassins
Vhaerun - thievery, drow males, territory  

Dwarven Pantheon

Moradin - dwarves, creation, smithing, craftsmanship, war, protection, metalcraft, stonework, engineering, protection
Berronar Truesilver - safety, truth, home, healing, traditional clan life, familial love, oaths
Clangeddin Silverbeard - battle, war, valor, bravery, honor in battle
Dugmaren Brightmantle - scholarship, discovery, invention
Dumathoin - mining, mountain dwarves, underground exploration
Muamman Duathal - wanderers, expatriates
Vergadain - wealth, luck
Abbathor - greed
Gorm Gulthyn - guardians, protectors, defense, watchfulness, duty
Sharindlar - healing, mercy, love, fertility, dancing, courtship, moon
Haela Brightaxe - Luck in battle, love of battle, dwarven fighter and adventurers
Laduguer - Magic weapon creation, skilled artisans, gray dwarves

Halfling Pantheon

Yondala - protection, fertility
Arvoreen - protection, vigilance, war
Brandobaris - stealth, thieving, adventuring
Cyrrollalee - friendship, trust, home
Sheela Peryroyl - nature, agriculture, weather
Urogalan - earth, death
Tymora - luck  

Gnomish Pantheon

Garl Glittergold - humor, protection, trickery, gemcutting, smithing
Baervan Wildwanderer (wild wanderer) - forests, travel, nature
Baravar Cloakshadow - illusions, protection, deception
Flandal Steelskin - mining, smithing, fitness
Gaerdal Ironhand - protection, vigilance, combat
Nebelun - invention, good luck
Segojan Earthcaller - earth, nature
Callarduran Smoothands - protection earth, mining  

Meritian Pantheon

Lugh - arts, crafts, travel, commerce, war, horsemanship
Goibhniu - manufacturing of weapons and armor, healing
Daghdha - crops, weather
Manannan Mac Lir - oceans and creatures in them
Arawn - life and death
Oghma - speech, writing
Morrigan - battle and war
Diancecht - medicine and healing
Belenius - sun, heat, light
Brigantia - rivers, livestock
Math Mathomwy - magic  

Alvidarian Pantheon

Kururanth - greater god of royalty, nobility, fatherhood
Leihel - greater goddess, lady of miracles, mothers, kindness
Mishrealace - intermediate goddess of healing, healers
Corananth - intermediate god of honor, piety, charity
Ranthael - intermediate god of justice, retribution, holy wrath
Jeantath - intermediate god of music, bards, sorcery, intrigue, cunning
Erhalace - intermediate god law, money, gratuity, borders, neighbors
Hollyfield - lesser god of paladins, hopeless quests
Nightwind - demigod of redeemed lycanthropes, sneaks
Saharhla - lesser goddess of seafarers, quests  

Old Alvidarian Pantheon

Kurgurath - god of beasts
Kallia - goddess of pain
Khahl-Droth - god of death  

Jeritiorian Pantheon

Gaea - fertility, health prophecy
Uranus - sky
Cronus - sinister ambition
Rhea - fertility, life
Artemis - hunting, wild beasts, childbirth
Athena - wisdom, crafts, war
Demeter - agriculture
Dionysus - mirth and madness
Zeus - heavens, law
Hera - marriage
Ares - war, killing, strife
Aphrodite - love, beauty
Hephaestus - smithing, crafts
Hades - death, wealth
Poseidon - water, earthquakes, creation
Hermes - trade, travel, thieving, gambling, running
Apollo - light, prophecy, music, healing
Hecate - magic, moon, abundance  

Amorian Pantheon

Azrashide - greater goddess of Amazons, war, justice, rulership
Peleire - intermediate goddess of animals, beasts, freedom
Zorashi - intermediate goddess of magic and wiles
Leinea Shiel - goddess of the home, arts
Fyorea Thalse - goddess of battle, tactics  

Yamacan Pantheon

Ingen - god of the sun, heavens, civilization and hope
Zorash - god of death, undeath, curses and evil magic
Myrecyden - goddess of witchcraft, matrons, midwives
Kui-Kui - god of tricksters, pranks
Tharlie Journey-Maker - god of travel and journeys, nature
Xal-Bel Dhiba - god(dess) of fate and destiny
Diazerin - intermediate god of magic and wizards  

Fvorden (Norse) Pantheon

Odin - war, wisdom, poetry, knowledge
Thor - thunder, weather, sky, crops
Frigga - sky, domestic life
Sif - excellence
Aegir - sea
Baldur - beauty & charisma
Bragi - poetry, music
Forseti - justice
Frey - sunshine, rain, fertility, horses
Freya - love, passion, human fertility
Heimdall - light and guardianship
Hel - death, disease
Idun - youth, spring
Loki - mischief, strife
Tyr - swordsmanship, courage, law  

Eastern Pantheon

Ameratsu - light
Tsuki-Yomi - time, moon
Hachiman - war
Susanoo - storms
Raiden - thunder, arrow making
O-Kuni-Nushi - medicine, sorcery, the land
Ama-Tsu-Mara - blacksmithing, weapons making
Inari - rice
Ho Masubi - fire
Mai No Kami - earthquakes
O-Wata-Tsu-Mi - ocean creatures, tides
Kura Okami - rain and snow
Shina-Tsu-Hiko - winds
Amatsu-Mikaboshi - evil
Shichifukujin - happiness, luck, fortune

(Western Kingdom)

Shang-ti - creation, social order
Kuan-ti - war, fortunetelling, protection
Yen-Wang-Yeh - death
Fu Hsing - happiness, joy
Chung Kuel - truth and testing
Liu - crops and food
Lu Ksing - just rewards
Shou Hsing - long life
Kuan Yin - childbirth, mercy
Chih-Nii - spinning, weaving, love
Lei Kung - thunder, vengeance
Sung Chiang - thievery
Lao Tzu - mystic insight, nature
K’ung Fu-tzu - social behavior, understanding the past  

Werelian Pantheon

Corenaucht - greater god of nomads, warriors, resistance, survival
Dauershaz (dancer in shadows) - intermediate goddess of love, fertility
Urganacht - lord of earth and rage
Albanon - god of waters and safety, purity, civilization
Kalagach - lord of battle and blood  

Que-Lan Pantheon

The Great Spirit - life, nature, creation, light
Thunder - good fortune
Sun - light and heat
Moon - light, protection, women
Coyote - crafts, thieving
Fox - cunning, intelligence
Wolf - loyalty, warrior
Fire - fire, destruction
Raven - trickery, deception
Snake - reptiles, aging  

Korelic Pantheon

Oun - greater god of transcendence and magic
Kiliel - intermediate goddess of tranquility, nature, peace
Rodinan - greater god of knowledge, nobility, law, sun, heavens
Salthracas - intermediate god of beasts, wilderness, reptiles
Frellian intermediate god of seas, fishes, sea travel
Chaz-Achk-Thuum - greater god of chaos and war
Medinas - intermediate god of salvation, healing, love  

Patrian Pantheon

Arrol - CG - swashbuckling, love, war, seas
Verizon - N - lost mysteries, mist, fog, illusion, trickery, miracles
Frentz - LG - wine, nobility,cheese, humanity, magic, art
Belda - NG - bread, agriculture, baking, baguettes, hearth, confections
Picar - CG - explorers and the wilds, hunting, seasons, wrestling, time
Gall - LN - elements, work, smithing, peasantry  

Theskan/Thalth Pantheon

Dark Lord Norquin - LE Greater god of Evil, Tyranny
Khazi - LE intermediate - pain, domination
Thrazius - NE intermediate- Death, Magic, Undeath
Corgruel - CE intermediate -Destruction, power, chaos
Shashod - NE intermediate- Night, darkness
Maripiss - NE intermediate- lust, greed
Phleleg - CE intermediate- Pestilence, disease, decay
Luress - LE intermediate - murder, trickery, law
Tahrain - LE(n) intermediate- war, tactics
Sith - CG god of chaos, darkness, creation, magic

Galtheon/Gulth Pantheon

Thaphius - LG greater- knowledge, magic
Chimease - NG greater- purity, nature
Shazrebel - (L)NG greater- courage, war
Dobrus - LN greater- will, power, death
Phelius - LN greater- duty, love
Fergraith - LG intermediate - progress, magic w/ technology  

Caladon/Caladar Pantheon

Arkhoul - LG greater- sun, nobility, courage, war
Cenaes - CG intermediate- love, passion, fertility, moon
Sashele - NG intermediate- agriculture, weather, nature, fertility (not a typo)
Dukewin - NG intermediate- magic, knowledge, elements, sages, wizards
Lucius -NG intermediate- destiny, commerce, healing, animals, stars
Dorna - CG intermediate- luck, chaos, seas, fishing, sailors, travel  

Elsia/Burgardess Pantheon

See Norse Pantheon
Tyr is more popular than Thor  

Calthinar Pantheon

Sith - CG god of chaos, darkness, creation, magic
Celonia - goddess of civilization


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