
Dark elves that most commonly live in the Underdark and worship the spider goddess Lolth. They are known for cruelty and selfish pursuit of ambition, but this is almost entirely a consequence of the awful society Lolth and her worshipers enforce; drow who grow up outside that society or are otherwise separated from it have shown themselves just as capable of heroism and villainy as any other kind of elf.

Basic Information


Drow most commonly have pitch-black skin and white hair, though some are known to have pale skin and dark hair instead. They are usually shorter and thinner than other elven subraces.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Drow usually have some degree of light sensitivity, having adapted to life in the Underdark. Their ability to see in the dark is accordingly exceptional.
up to 750 years
Average Height
5 feet
Average Weight
109.5 lbs. for males, 104.5 lbs. for females


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