

The spirit lady serving as security chief in Sith's Tower. Very similar to Halo's Cortana.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sith first encountered Eltana when he and his adventuring party ventured into the depths of his tower in search of infiltrators after a pair of goddesses unleashed a void beast inside. The tower, inherited by Sith from his grandfather, included such mysteries and dangers that Sith was only able to properly explore with the aid of a powerful adventuring party, so many of its contents remained unknown to him. Eltana, nameless at the time, was discovered by the party in what seemed to be the tower's security room. She was able to provide them with security footage revealing how the void beast had been deposited in the tower. Sith subsequently brought her officially under his employ and chose to name her Eltana.
Current Status
Managing security in Sith's Tower
Current Location
Current Residence
Sith's Tower, Limbo


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