
Semi-mechanical women created by the villain Necrosa in her own image. When created, they all possessed great power, and they were pressed into service as Necrosa's minions. Actions taken by Necrosa's enemies have since freed the godslayers, though these or surrounding events also cost the godslayers most of the powers they possessed.   Most or all of the godslayers are now living in Castle Fallingstar in Leithien. They work as guards and patrol leaders, though they're often willing to lend their aid to strong adventuring parties on quests of interest (particularly anything that will hurt Necrosa).

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Godslayer sense of touch is focused on hands, feet, and a couple of other areas, with significantly more limited sensors elsewhere. Their sense of touch is similar in perception to what humans describe. Their sense of pain is also similar, but does not become debilitating: It is more like a report on damage, just delivered through the pain sensation.


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