People and Places

The continent of Meridan is well traveled by planar travelers and beings from other multiverses and is the usual starting place for many adventures on the planet of Renedge. There are other continents and areas of Renedge however; player characters have explored dozens of continents and have not come close to the edges of the map. Renedge is vast and has as many continents as there are stars in the sky, probably more. Each continent is a microcosm, a campaign setting in its own right with its own gods, countries, heroes and villains.  


The disk of Renedge is a destroyer of worlds. It travels through the universe and destroys worlds, collecting a bit from each to act as a new continent, effectively saving just enough of each to maintain its culture and people for the future. It is perhaps sometimes nudged on its path by great powers. Most such worlds are destroyed by the Edge of Renedge; a spinning ring of matter and energy that pulverizes anything that comes into contact with it. Worlds struck by Renedge are not fully pulverized. These smash into the rim and form new lands. The survivors form new civilizations. Generally, a world might leave behind a single continent's worth of landmass after collision, leaving possibly dozens of civilizations stranded on the same land.  

The Continent of Meridan: Countries

  • Alvidar - Capital: Alvidar -- Formerly a bunch of evil kingdoms. Now united by an army of Paladins.
  • Merritt - Capital: Radaghast -- A country of contrasts, split between wealthy cities, poor rural areas, and uncompromising wilderness.
  • Leithien - Old Elven Kingdom.
  • Renalist - Newer Elven Kingdom.
  • Blackmoore - Terrifying bad place of hypernatural threats. Aggressive everything. Including the grass.
  • Korelic Empire - A fallen abandoned desert country.
  • The Wastelands - New desert country trying to terraform a blistering hostile desert with magic and determination.
  • Ulfingast Alliance - Nordic region. Capital city is built on a huge volcano.
  • Jerritor - Large urban population. Greco-Roman style with late medieval technology and a full Pantheon of Gods who like to meddle. Very strong military. Founded by a Titan named Geridon.
  • Quelan - Beautiful plains and forests defended by shamanistic barbarians and hunters; Native American-like culture.
  • Kaelund - Wild west with dinosaurs and giant insects. Many cultures all mixed together in common defense.
  • Eastern Realms - Japan/China-styled realm all mixed together in a politically incorrect Asian pie. Home of the Mountain of the Monks.
  • Halfling Lands - Shires, pastoral settings, good food. Near the Mountain of the Mages.
  • Mountain of the Mages - City state. Here there be all the mages.
  • Continent of Metagulp

    Elementally infused land. Inhabitants become elementally infused over many generations.
  • Malthoria - Kingdom of renowned warriors. Divided into 6 houses: Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Air, Earth. Each house is led by a lord who typically rules by might. The King is one of these lords who can defeat the others in personal combat. Also includes the Elves of the Light Woods.
  • Galvanus - Country renowned for its wizards. Also includes Elves of the Dark Woods (who have sequestered themselves from Galvanus proper since the mages are jerks).
  • Continent of Caladonia

    Larger than Meridan. Contains many countries separated by regions known as the Valleys of the Gods. Two countries are not separated in this way.
  • Caladar/Caladon - Makes up the bulk of the continent's land mass. Mostly agrarian or forest dwelling peoples. Thinly populated due to its size. Typical fantasy small village fare. Elves live in forests, dwarves in mountains, etc.
  • Thesk/Thalth - A dark, unpleasant country that is much smaller than Caladar but who covets its resources and land. Currently split by civil war. The living north is led by Argent the White. The undead south is led by Draconis, a lich. Neither side are the good guys though the north has the benefit of being alive. There are evil dwarves, elves (non-drow) and orcs here as well.
  • Bruguardess/Elsia - A country of nordic knights and old evil fallen gods.
  • Galtheon/Galth - Most powerful and advanced country on the continent, with powerful magic and mighty technology that are far in advance of its neighbors. Isolationist and paranoid they keep to themselves for the most part.
  • The Valleys of the Gods - The gods separated the warring countries with great mountain chains. Inside those inhospitable mountains they laid down hordes of monsters. No armies can try to cross these features without horrendous defeat. Also it is a test for brave adventurers. Riches await the bold as gifts from the gods.
  • The Isle of Necromancy

    As the name suggests, the magic of death and undeath is strong here. Ruled by Ion Rathe Derguil and his daughter Blythe Derguil. It has a Norse settlement, a merchant city, a desert in the center (with mummies), and devastating Soul Ice in the north. The necromancers have a city of their own, Korapel. The capital is Castle Derguil -- this is a large city. Most traffic problems are caused by shambling undead in the streets. Recently much of the refugee population was relocated to Thesk to aid the war effort in the north. This was actually an improvement for them.  

    Elvasian Continent

    Bigger than Meridan. Roughly diamond shaped continent. Humans are a myth here. Each demi-human race lives in its typical habitat. A blasted land portion is where all the humanoids live.  


    A small continent south of Meridan. Home to civilized goblins and (relatively) gentle ogres. The goblins mostly live in cities and towns. Their main feature is their greed. The ogres live in wilderness areas. While dumber than average, they are also bigger and stronger and less aggressive. They eat a more balanced diet that does not include people. Common is spoken here.  

    South Sea Islands

    Many islands dot the ocean south and west of Meridan. The majority of these are Pacific Islander-styled. A minority has other cultures on them in miniature form. Mexican/Spanish, Aztec, Inca, Mayan, etc. Pirates roam the waves (Hispanic mostly).  

    Triangle Island

    At the very periphery of the south sea. This troublesome island was home to Sindar, who waged a war using [REDACTED]. He was defeated. However, now the island is host to the evil powers that finally brought him low. They vie for control of it and the opportunity to wage new wars of conquest.


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