
Scyka , High Priestess of Karnifax

A deformed young bug who found support and purpose in the worship of Karnifax. She is the head priest of a small temple to Karnifax in New Hallownest.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In April of 23 ARL, shortly after the citizens of Hallownest evacuated to Renedge and New Hallownest was founded, Knight returned from an adventure to the Isle of Trials with word of the near-forgotten goddess Karnifax, patron of the forsaken and lost. Scyka, often shunned for her deformity, found a home in the worship of Karnifax. She founded a small temple in the city with Knight's support, and has since gathered a few new faithful to her goddess's cause.   In mid-June of 23 ARL, Scyka recruited a pair of disfigured children (one missing an arm, one with a severely disfigured face due to an axe blow at young age) into the Cult of Karnifax (or the "Cult of the Forgotten"). Shortly after, she joined in the cleansing of Corruption in Chae and gained a great deal of experience and power very quickly.
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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