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Basic Information


Werewolves generally look like the average human or wolf.

Biological Traits

Werewolves change form each full moon, and remain that form for the rest of the month, until the next full moon.

Genetics and Reproduction

A offspring whose mother is a werewolf is gaurantee to be a werewolf. Offspring whose father is a werewolf, and not their mother may not be a werewolf.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Werewolves share the same capabilites as a human or wolf, depending on which form they are in. A wolf born werewolf can understand other wolves as a human (might I add, ONLY wolves). A human born werewolf can be understood by other humans even in wolf form.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

A werewolf's name will depend on what they're born as. A wolf-born will typically be named after plants, animals, the Spirits, the Spirit's creations, and colours. Human-born werewolves will have more human-like names, typically to blend in with society.

Historical Figures

Lou Garou was a human born werewolf. She was probably the one who discovered the Night Barn.
Clover is the only known modern Werewolf, who proved that werewolves aren't as evil as everyone thinks.

Common Myths and Legends

Werewolves believe that Mooneyes created them as a way to bridge a connection between humans and animals.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Humans view werewolves as terrible beasts, thanks to the war they had a long time ago. Wolves see werewolves as a curse, as they can possibly lure humans to find their packs.
Ember loomed over the man tears were in his eyes. “You’re a monster…” his voice was hoarse. “A werewolf.”
Anger fueled Ember like a fire and smoke escape her nostrils.
She hated that word. Werewolf.
To humans, werewolves were terrifying monsters, out to seek prey, with no morals.
To the Moontribe, the werewolf they knew was a hero’s ally. Someone trustworthy.
To Ember, a werewolf was the one who derailed her life before it even started.
Thanks to the ‘heroic’ werewolf, Ember was a curse to her family.
Scientific Name
Conservation Status
Werewolves are very rare. Most families had been wiped out in attempt to make the animal extinct. Although linages still exist.
Werewolves were introduced into Renta lore because I needed a mythical creature that Clover could be instead of a pegasus.

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