BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

SummerCamp 2024 Homework

Brainstorming Summercamp 2024

First time doing this  
2024 Summercamp Thingy

Week 1: Change

My Goal

I'm just trying out Summer Camp this year, unsure what'll come of it.  

Categories and Tags

Done good with Categories and Tags in my opinion, but haven't gone on an organization spree.  

Week 2: Refuge

Accountability Buddy

I don't think I'll seek one out, probably just share in the Summer Camp channel in WA discord  


I know I need to style better. Definitely a little easier with no article limit.  

CSS Upgrades

Haven't wanted to dive into CSS at all. I'd want a balance between sci-fi and fantasy.  

Week 3: Belief


Finding Inspirations

There a lot of inspirations for Reptospace. Depends mainly on what games I play, what movies I watch, the Media I consume essentially.  

Image Gallery and Maps

Images are a low priority. As nice as they are, I don't have money to pay for what I want. Same with maps, haven't developed any.  

Reviewing Inspirations

Some Inspirations, like Bioshock, are old. The newer ones are Palworld and Gears of War.  

Week 4: Decay


Writing Environment Optimization

Just me, a table, my laptop, my game console, and a simple room. Distractions are numerous and I'm not going to be majorly focused on Worldbuilding.  


I don't even know where to start on a Homepage, considering this isn't just one world, but a bunch together.  

Introduction and Author Pages

Where would I start with introductions? Even I don't know what I want, not sure on Author introduction either/


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