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Dragonborn are rare in Detroit but not unknown.

The Dragonborn are born into a world that greets them (usually) with distrust and fear. Every other race has heard stories of the Melinbonéan’s Legions of Dragonborn and Half-Orcs which fought and conquered the nations of the other races.

The Dragonborn race has the pride of their draconic ancestors and the most important thing in every Dragonborn’s life is the honor of his/her clan. The actions and choices made by an individual reflect upon the entire clan and a mistake bringing dishonor to the clan usually results in expulsion and exile. Every Dragonborn is taught his /her station and duties within the clan and honor demands adherence to the boundaries of that position. The Dragonborn are taught to treat everyone, friends and foes with respect and the fastest way to lose a Dragonborn’s respect is to treat the Dragonborn dis-respectfully.

Honesty is extremely important to the Dragonborn, they don’t dwell on debates about good or evil, believing most of those arguments are subjective. The Dragonborn have learned every race has honorable and dishonorable individuals. Judgement is reserved for an individuals’ actions rather than the history of his/her race.

The Dragonborn clans strive for self-sufficiency and Dragonborn are taught to value skill and excellence in all endeavors. Masters of craft are revered among the Dragonborn regardless of the nature of the craft. The Dragonborn have learned some difficult situations require assistance, and asking for help does not bring dishonor, but do not ask for a god’s help to smash a mosquito. The Dragonborn will first seek assistance from another member of his/her clan before asking outsiders or even the gods.

Basic Information


Dragonborn stand over 6 feet tall and average 250 lbs. Most have a fine brass / copper colored scales with additional markings in scarlet, rust, copper-green, or gold. They have three fingers and a long thumb ending in talonlike claws on each hand.

Biological Traits

Lifestage Age (years)
Adulthood 15
Middle Age 35
Old 50
Venerable 65
Max Lifespan 90

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragonborn mature by the age of 14 - 16 years and have a lifespan of 80 years.

Civilization and Culture


In the age of pre-history the Dark Elves needed warriors for their armies. With the aid of Xiombarg, the Demon-goddess of Chaos, the Queen of Swords, the Dark Elves combined humans with dragons to create the Dragonborn.

Dragonborn Traits

Ability Score Increase Your STR increases by 2, your CHR increases by 1.
Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Average Height
Average Weight
250 lbs
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