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History - The races of Elves

The Races of Elves

Once the gods had finished building the gardens and palaces of Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven set the gods to even greater tasks. The gods were now going to create the world and populate it with earth, water, air, and all the things and beings of the world.
The god Nythe, Arch-duke of Starlight was summoned to the Emperor’s Palace. The Emperor of Heaven assigned the Arch-duke to create a race of sentient beings to live in the new world. Nythe was given some very specific instructions on how to make these beings. Nythe was curious about the new creation the gods were beginning, so he lingered in the Palace and overheard the instructions given to many of the other gods.
After leaving the Emperor’s Palace, Nythe decided to make his creation the most graceful, fair and skilled of all the sentient races. Nythe then went to visit the gods Caelora, Thalor, and Aralgroth to learn what the Emperor had assigned to them. Aralgroth had the assignment to create the great hardwood tree species, Caelora and Thalor were to create the greater and lesser beasts of the great woodlands. As they talked, other gods who were assigned to create the ferns, flowers, insects, mushrooms, birds, and many other things of the world joined into the discussion. Nythe planned with those gods to create a perfect woodland realm with the great city of E’sahone in the center. These gods were excited by their creations and each strove to outdo and improve upon the task the Emperor had assigned them. In this they built more than was needed by Heaven’s plan. When the realm was prepared, Nythe then created the Esari (the first Elves) to live in this city. The woodlands supported the Esari and the Esari nurtured the woodlands. They called this woodland realm Serene.
After a time, the gods told the Esari there realm of Serene was going to be joined to the realms of many other gods to create a great new world. Some of the Esari were dismayed at the news and they fled further from the material plane using wizardry taught by some fiend. Some say these Esari were captured by the Mind-Flayers and after millennia of servitude became the Gith.
When the gods moved Serene to the new world, it did not fit, since not every god had followed the Emperor’s instructions. Serene had to be broken to fit into the new world. The great city of E’sahone was broken and bits were combined with other unused realms to form the Fey-wild and the Shadowfell. The Esari were split apart too, with the Eladrin in the Fey-wild, the Shadar-Kai in the Shadowfell and the Mar Esari and Sha Esari in the material world. The continued work of the gods further split the Sha Esari into four tribes, the Sha Serin, the Noldar, the Galldar, and the Sindar. As the gods completed their creation, many left to rest, leaving the remaining work to fewer and fewer gods. The Sha Serin became impatient and decided to make their own changes to the world, without consulting the gods. In this they were aided by gods who wanted to elevate their own ideas and creations above limitations given by the Emperor’s plans. This is when the Sha Serin began their conquest of the other races and nations.
The gods were dismayed by the actions of the Sha Serin, but they were bound by the laws of Heaven to let the creatures of the world decide the world’s fate.
One of the first races to face them were their cousins the Mar Esari. The Sha Esari pushed the Mar Esari off their lands. Some of the Mar Esari escaped into the ocean and some hid among the humans in the neighboring kingdom of Tirion. When Sha Serin attacked Tirion, the Sha Serin again prevailed and the remnants of Tirion took to boats to escape.
As the Sha Serin continued their conquests, there was an internal dispute, one clan fell into the worship of Lloth, the spider demon goddess. This clan was pursued until the survivors found refuge in the deep underworld. This clan is now called the Drow and they live deep within the underdark of the world.
The Noldar saw how their cousins were behaving and knew they would be attacked next. The Noldar raised a great army and attacked the Sha Serin. There was great loss on both sides of this war. Afterwards the Noldar had to flee to hidden refuges in the Feywild. Now the dominate clan of the Sha Serin were the islanders of Melniboné.
The Galldar and Sindar listened to the guidance of the gods and moved away from the conflicts, creating hidden kingdoms in the world with gateways and refuges in the Feywild. The Sindar went to the snowy lands of the world and partially escaped from the conquest of the Melinbonéans. The Galldar’s forest enclaves were found and conquered by the Melinbonéans.
The Melinbonéans conquered most of the world, the Shadowfell and much of the Feywild. They went and plundered realms they found in the Astral Sea and to the very limits of reality.
The Melinbonéans then disappeared. If the gods know why, they have not disclosed this secret. There is speculation in the Melinbonéans’ quest for new realms to conquer they opened a gate to a reality so unlike ours they were consumed.
In the place of the islands of Melniboné, now a raging tempest, a storm of pan-dimensional qualities moves across the ocean. In the centuries since, the storm has not diminished or abated.


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