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Ryker Durune

Ryker Durune

Ryker Durune was raised by the Holy Weaponsmiths in Castle Thunderstrike

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong and abled bodied, yet short and stubby. Built like the ideal dwarven warrior.

Body Features

round plump stomach from alcohol consumption

Facial Features

Short cut beard to complement his chiseled face

Identifying Characteristics

scars on body from combat training

Special abilities

Magic learned to become a forge cleric

Apparel & Accessories

When in combat: chain mail armor with a Warhammer and a shield displaying the family crest of Arndiss

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ryker as a baby was delivered to Castle Thunderstrike. There, he trained as a squire among the others that were raised there to become knights of the Holy Weaponsmiths. Ryker got along well with the other squires and was very attentive to his knight and scribe superiors and learned to the best of his ability from them. Eventually, Ryker's upstanding loyalty to the Holy Weaponsmiths became seen by some of the senior knights and it was decided that it was time that Ryker become knighted. Ryker took the hardening warrior rituals and was just barely was able to pass. later becoming knighted by Father Voltrum, Eldar of Castle Thunderstrike. Upon becoming knighted, Ryker officially became a weaponsmith of the dwarven kingdoms and a holy protector for dwarven kind. It was his job to use the magical gifts he learned and protected to fight for the dwarven people across the world. One day, Eldar Voltrum recived a strange vison of an event about to take place in Imperial Detroit, Voltrum, concerned with what this meant, sent Knight Durune to Detroit on a diplomatic mission to investigate.

Gender Identity

Ryker considers himself male


Ryker being isolated much of his life and trained for battle hasn't had much thought into his sexuality and sexual desires and due to his religious loyalty to the Holy Weaponsmiths and his underdeveloped communication skills, he doesn't believe he could work out such a relationship with someone.


Ryker is very educated on dwarven mythology and history from the weaponsmith scribes who taught him as a squire. Ryker also has some knowedge of other histories from books he read in the Scribe's library.


Ryker is a knight (Knight Durune) of the Holy Weaponsmiths, and a soon adventurer in Ionia lands.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ryker passed the hardening warrior rituals to become knighted which he considers currently to be his best achievement.

Failures & Embarrassments

Due to Ryker's isolation from the outside world for much of his life, Ryker hasn't had much experience with social interaction and is very much lacking of social cues.

Mental Trauma

Ryker doesn't know who his real parents are or how they died. He just knows their names and that they died before he was taken to the castle. He was told this by the Scribes, Who Ryker senses were withholding information from him. Ryker will not admit he feels this way to anyone out of fear he would ruin his reputation of loyalty.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ryker is slightly smarter than average but is very narrow in his perspective due to his isolation. He'll try his best to be understanding to others. Except goblins and knolls. they can go to hell.

Morality & Philosophy

Ryker is very much devoted to Arndiss the first King. Not as much as the Southern dwarves are but very much devoted. While Ryker admits that Arndiss was sometimes a scoundrel and did morally grey actions to forge the Dwarven mountain kingdoms he believes that the dwarves should be thankful for his actions and the truly heroic deeds he did take.


Ryker hates goblins and knolls the arch nemeses of the dwarven people, He also doesn't take to kindly to those who disrespect the name of his god.

Personality Characteristics


Ryker wishes to carry out the orders of Eldar Voltrum and to be an example of the Dwarven people in Detroit

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Ryker is very knowledgeable of dwarven history and mythology, he has skill with smith's tools and brewery.

Likes & Dislikes

love me country, love me god, love me king, love me brothers, 'ate the knolls, 'ate the goblins, love me beer, love me mead, 'ate the snake people, love fightin'

Virtues & Personality perks

Ryker is very lawful and very good. He is always trying to do the right thing and be a good example of the dwarven people. Occasionally he will question orders from authority that doesn't sit well with him morally. He tries to do right by himself and for the dwarves.

Vices & Personality flaws

Unquestioning devotion to the Holy Weaponsmith Eldars and Scribes, even though he knows they are hiding something from him.

Personality Quirks

poor social skills


Most would not think that Ryker bathes often with him being a dwarven warrior, this is a harmful stereotype of his people. Ryker actually tries to wash and bathe as frequently as he can.


Contacts & Relations

Holy Weaponsmiths

Family Ties


Religious Views

worships Arndiss, First king of the dwarves and dwarven god

Social Aptitude




Hobbies & Pets




Wealth & Financial state

15 gp

Knight Durune of the Holy Weaponsmiths of Castle Thunderstrike

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Knight Durune
unknown, Raised in Castle Thunderstrike
Current Residence
Imperial Detroit
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft
160 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"For the King!" "Better get out of this rain, it'll rust up my armor." "On your feet, brother!"
Known Languages
Common, Dwarven, Draconic, and Orc.


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