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Yra, goddess of the Palace of Blue Flowers

Yra, goddess of the Palace of Blue Flowers
Life Domain

Yra's avatar will appear as a great She-Wolf or as a young pre-teen girl with light brown hair adorned with a circlet of the blue water-lilies. Her dress will be very simple and she will be barefoot with no other jewelry than a single silver necklace with a lily pendant. She is usually tanned and frecked with brown-red hair and green-blue eyes. A distinguishing feature is her footsteps are about an inch above the ground or floor, so her bare feet never get dirty or dusty.

Yra's youthful avatar enjoys meeting the faithful at the temple or chapel and will often appear during services. She is also known to appear to aid the midwives during a difficult birth. She will visit the sick and elderly in the hospitals but does not seem to have much interest in exploring the world beyond her temples and hospitals.

Yra's She-Wolf avatar is more rarely seen, but represents the ferocity of Yra protecting her followers. The Red Wolf paladins are devoted to the protection of those who can not fight for themselves, such as the elderly or very young.


The Temples' military order are the The Red Wolves.

Tenets of Faith

The faithful are Healers of the sick and wounded.
The faithful are Caregivers for the young and old.
The faithful should be tolerant and patient, the good can sometimes do ill as the evil can sometimes do good. Peace, forgiveness, and justice will more strongly shape the world than violence.
The faithful do not tolerate evil and do not condone dishonesty.


Provide healing for all the sick or wounded. (not just humans)
Torture, causing pain, spreading disease, causing destruction is a sin.
All children, all the elderly, all the sick and infirm should be cared for, to the best of your abilities.


Members of Yra's church show devotion by giving food and care to elderly neighbors.
The church members bring gifts of flowers, food, and money. The flowers to please Yra, and food and money to share with poor and those in the church's care.
The members of the church also show devotion by assisting with the caregiving for those in the church's care.
Life Domain
Religious, Divine Host
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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