Mirror of Madness Item in Requiem | World Anvil

Mirror of Madness

An artifact left behind by a devout worshiper of Braum, the long dead god of mania and all manner of afflictions pertaining to the mental state. Gazing into the cracked mirror is seemingly normal for the first few uses, and only once one grows accustomed to the normalcy does its true form begin to reveal itself. Things will be off...    "I blinked only to see my reflection wide eyed for the brief moment my eyelids parted. Closing one eye, my reflection stays motionless, peering into my consciousness. Then, it blinks. I shouldn't see it blink. Eventually it smiles. I am not smiling. This is not right."   Not many make it past this point. The stages progress slowly, conversations ensue often. After prolonged usage, the user starts to mentally deteriorate, showing signs of dementia. It is said once one peers into the cracked glass long enough, if they stare just the right amount, you will begin to glimpse the truths of Braum that pushed even him past the edge.   It is currently located in the basement of Fort Hayclock, under the control of bandits as plunder, covered with a dark cloth after one bandit saw something in it. Something that they shouldn't have.
Item type
Unique Artifact