Pit of False Promises Geographic Location in Requiem | World Anvil

Pit of False Promises

Deep in the shifting sands of central Bleaksun, a crater of glass encircled with eternal sandstreams falling into its maw can be found. It is said this is where the god of fire Hito-hito was hurled into the crust of the planet after a mortal made a deal with the Archdevil Erigoth, Queen of the Hells.  


Constant blistering heat emanates from the center of the crater. The waves reach tens of miles away, and can always be sourced back to the pit. This natural phenomenon is known as a Hito-hito, which of course gets its namesake from the god. A Hito-hito is capable of melting the flesh away from any unfortunate creature caught in its scorching sands. They can travel hundreds of miles throughout the wastes of Braecelan, but gradually fade away. Their paths are mostly predictable and follow similar paths. They are an annual occurance during the hottest months of the hemisphere, coinciding with the signing of the pact. Some attribute Hito-hito as a major source in the relatively rapid expansion of the desert wastes of Braecelan. Over the millenium, many have tried to harvest the huge amounts of thermal energy radiating from the pit to no avail, as the heat is too much to withstand. The dark elves of Silt have even recruited Sunless Dwarves to try their hand at it, but even they can't stand against the inferno. New technology is on the rise, and who knows if it will be up to the task of containing Hito-hito's rage?   Some speculate the long forgotten god awaits his release with wrathful anticipation, his rage the only fuel keeping him around many years after the betrayal.
Crater / Crater Lake / Caldera