Siph, Goddess of Death

Lady Siphalie (a.k.a. Goddess of Death)

Born to peasants in Hottingham only 8 years before its fall, Siphalie was a seemingly normal child, albeit very pale and prone to staring into the horizon. It happened that the day of her birth coincided with the transference of the Aspect of Demise. On her 8th birthday, two months before the fall of Hottingham, Siphalie grew distant of her mother. When confronted by her father, she spoke of his passing in great detail, and the collapse of the city around them. Her stories became reality as her world crumbled, but she had not a child's understanding of the situation, she looked over the rubble of everything she knew with the acceptance of death itself.   When Siphalie was 15, her mother had fallen ill, not to Siphalie's surprise. This time, she would prevent it, Siphalie thought. Going against her very being, unbeknownst to the child, would be a terrible mistake. She would learn that there were forces inside of her, tugging at her fragile soul, threatening to tear it asunder if she dare interfere with the cycle of life and death. The Aspect that intertwined with the newborn eight years ago had never revealed itself fully, only manifesting itself through omens and prophecy. She had found an ancient scroll which promised the power to stave off any disease, but the mere thought of using it twisted her guts into a tight knot. At the age of 16, Siphalie stood alone, overlooking her mother's grave. She had dug it herself. Dropping the last two syllables of her name, she accepted her new life, and took on the role of Death after it had been absent since the day of her birth. She had a lot of work to do.   By 23, she had retaken an ancient keep in the Forest of Lament, north of her birthplace. Age no longer seemed to affect her any longer.   Lady Siph has now gathered a sizable following in the nations of Argenveil, as well as parts of @. She often spends her time freeing trapped souls and cutting down undead abominations with her massive scythe. The goddess abhors undead and many necromancers flinch at merely her name.   Siph Hero Forge Model