Akiyama Sosa

Father Akiyama Sosa (a.k.a. The Nine Tailed Kitsune)

Akiyama is a priest of Swan, who has worked his way into being a member of the Xandrar city council. He is known for his good looks, incredible charm, and magical prowess. Unknown to most is his nature as a kitsune, something that has greatly influenced him, and he hopes to one day help his race legitimize themselves to the world.   His talents and prowess stems from his perfectionist ideals, something inadvertently given to him from his birth, being a white furred, two tailed fox-born, all traits that hold immense cultural significance for the kitsune, signs that he would be destined for greatness. Being told about this destiny, and the expectations it brought, set Akiyama up for his constant desire to excel at everything he does, with the ego to match it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is quite shapely in all the 'right' places, being relatively thin for his upper body, but he has incredibly wide hips and large backside, something that both comes from good genes and careful maintenance of his body.

Body Features

When in his fox form he has 9 tails, each pure white, with orange/red tips.

Facial Features

He has very androgynous features, soft and pleasing to the eye. He has full lips and large captivating eyes with long lashes.

Identifying Characteristics

The most identifying feature about Akiyama is that he is exceptionally attractive, and will do his best to show this off to people. This is done through directly putting attention on himself, as well as wearing revealing outfits that accentuate his features, as well as his curves. When in his fox form, his perfectly white fur with red accents can draw a lot of attention, as well as his high tail count.

Apparel & Accessories

Akiyama has a strong emphasis on style. His usual outfit consists of a very well made set of Tobu cultured Swan priest robes. However in general, all his outfits are rather expensive and very well tailored.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Akiyama was born with no particular expectations by the Tobu culture, being a child of the most influencial family in the hamlet he grew up in. Because of this, he was able to branch out and explore many different things, and find many different talents.

Gender Identity

Akiyama identifies as male, and goes by He/Him pronouns. He might like to dress rather effeminately and deliberately enjoys making people question his gender, this is ultimately for his own amusement, and for the smug satisfaction that he has the ability to do so.


Akiyama is willing to sleep with anyone who is capable of consenting and is at least decently good looking. He's more of a switch when it comes to women, and a dedicated bottom for men. While he is very openly sexual, he doesn't like prostiution as he isn't too interested in sex where the other person (or persons) don't actively desire him.


Akiyama grew up mostly homeschooled, though on occasion he and his family would travel around and get Akiyama enrolled in different schools for a few years before moving on before people "caught wise" as to their true nature.   His homeschooling was actually very effective however, as his mother was a powerful, college trained mage while his father was a skillful, multi-faceted man who knew much about the world as well as many musicial and artistic skills.


Akiyama's current employment is a priest of Swan at the church of Xandrar, as well as one of the heads of the Xandrar council, specifically the one representing the religious groups in the city. While Swan priests technically don't hold rank other each other, as Akiyama was the one that founded the church in Xandrar, the other members usually defer to him and people around the city see him as the "leader" of the church.

Accomplishments & Achievements

While Akiyama has accomplished a lot in his life already, from getting a seat on the Xandrar council, to getting a church of Sawn built in the city, to earning the respect of his peers, all of these pale in comparison to his greatest accomplishment.   Akiyama has achieved divinity through gaining nine tails, becoming the prophesied leader of the Kitsune race, something he takes immense pride in, but holds some reservations on if everything will go according to plan

Mental Trauma

He has had a bad habit of running away from his problems, both literally and otherwise. His first crush as a child died protecting him when his nature as a Kitsune was revealed, which Akiyama tried to bury in his memories and forget it ever happened, only to get it brought back up.   He struggles to let people actually get close to him, constantly feeling the need to lie and put up fronts so he feels safe from outside threats, having to manipulate others to gain a feeling of control over his own life.

Morality & Philosophy

He strongly believes that everything can be solved without violence if people are willing to try hard enough. He is almost a total pacifist, something that puts him at odds with the rest of the world, and does everything he can to stop violence before it can start. It was these feelings that made him a good fit for the Swan faith, which allowed him a platform to share these ideas with others.


He doesn't like to swear in public.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Akiyama is outwardly a caring, and rather compassionate man. He seems to want the best for everyone, and always does what he can to dissolve conflicts whenever they may occur. He strongly believes in forgiveness, something reflected in his faith as both a follower and practitioner of Swan.   He is also a exceptionly talented and intelligent person, remarkably well read with a large bredth and depth of talents. All of this alongside his charm makes him a very social person.

Vices & Personality flaws

Akiyama is a compulsive liar. Having grown up as a Kitsune, and learning to hide his nature, he has since associated lying with survival, and will often lie to people merely just to see if he can get away with it, or to hold people at arms length so he doesn't feel too 'exposed' from being honest.   Akiyama is also something of a coward, his pacifistic nature is ultimately inspired from his fear of violence. He is not an exceptionally strong person, both physically and while his magic is powerful it does not translate well to direct combat. His attempts to stop conflicts peacefully are to try get Akiyama back into his comfort zone, in a position where he is very confident that his social skills are superior.   He also has issues with selfishness and arrogance. He is very careful to not come across as too arrogant, often playing off comments as jokes, but his views on himself are incredibly high, and while he does help others, his help is almost always to help himself as well. He's started to grow out of this behaviour slightly, but it has been difficult to stop entirely.   A very well known flaw of Akiyama's, is that he is close to being a nymphomaniac. While not completely there, Akiyama is well known as being incredibly sexually active, something that over the years has left him with a lot of bastard children that he has never met, something that he deeply regrets not being there for. His activity is caused by a mixture of merely a very high libido, as well as his use of sex as a replacement for romantic intimacy.


He takes great pride in his hygiene. Akiyama takes immaculate care of his body, constantly making sure his hair is perfectly silky smooth, his skin free of blemishes, his outfits spotless. If he ever gets dirty, he can't relax until he is clean again, willing to stop whatever he was doing to spend some time on his appearance until it is perfect oncemore.


Family Ties

Akiyama has incredibly strong ties with his family, having very close ties to his parents even after he moved out of the Everkingdom. He regularly writes letters to them letting them know how he's getting on and both of his parents, especially his mother, are very proud of his accomplishments and care about him deeply.   His older sister, Mizuno, is also the person he would consider his best friend in the whole world, and they always look out for each other whenever they can. His younger brother, Sako, while not having as close a relationship as Akiyama does with Mizuno, still has a good friendly relationship with him.

Religious Views

His religious views as a priest of Swan follow their regular teachings closely, at least for the most part. The way that his views differ, at least compared to some other Swan worshippers, is that he believes that lying, or generally tricking someone to maintain life and freedom is fully acceptable, and that doing so is serving Swan's goals just as well as genuinely changing somebodies outlook.

Wealth & Financial state

He is relatively well off, he doesn't make too much money from the church, and he funnels all that directly back into the church, but he recieves money from his wealthy parents which he has used to invest into various businesses in Xandrar. This has ended up very well for him, as given his immense popularity, the buisnesses (typically restaurants, tailors and similar) do very well off his endorsement.

Akiyama is a charming, friendly, and loving priest of Swan. He is also a deceptive, cunning, and manipulative kitsune.

View Character Profile
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Religious head of the Xandrar Council.
Date of Birth
Iralate 15th
Qo'Rann, a hamlet within the Land of Eternal Blossoms, within the Everkingdom
Current Residence
The religious district of Xandrar
Emerald green
Known Languages
Common, Tobu, Dalvian, Verven, Scarren, Urt, Felia, and Inuyakian


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