
The Beastkin of Tilith are a remarkable and diverse collection of origins, each with its own distinct characteristics, culture, and history. These anthropomorphic beings, ranging from the small and quick-witted Akimoto to the cunning and magical Kitsune, embody a unique blend of animalistic traits and humanoid intellect. The origins of the Beastkin are as varied as their appearances, with each group drawing strength, skills, and identity from their ancestral ties to the animal kingdom. Whether revered for their physical prowess, like the Dycuus with their powerful hooves, or feared for their mystical abilities, like the Kitsune with their shapeshifting and trickery, the Beastkin are an integral part of Tilith's complex social fabric.   Throughout history, the Beastkin have faced significant challenges, often being exploited, marginalized, or feared by other origins. Their unique abilities, whether magical, like those of the Ermine and Kitsune, or physical, like the raw strength of the Bovidea and Mastodons, have made them targets for exploitation by those seeking to harness their talents for personal gain. This exploitation has taken many forms, including forced labor, breeding programs, and the harvesting of their natural resources such as fur, scales, and even blood. Despite these hardships, the Beastkin have developed tight-knit communities that emphasize survival, resilience, and a deep connection to their cultural heritage.   Culturally, the Beastkin are as varied as the animal traits they embody. Each subgroup, from the wolf-like Inuyakin to the bird-like Yaatra, possesses its own traditions, belief systems, and societal structures. Despite these differences, a common thread among all Beastkin is their strong emphasis on community and family, often viewing their kinship ties as sacred. This shared value has helped them endure centuries of hardship, fostering a deep sense of pride and identity that continues to define them.   In modern Tilith, Beastkin are gradually reclaiming their place in society, striving for equality and respect among the other origins. While the remnants of exploitation and prejudice still linger, many Beastkin have found ways to leverage their unique abilities to gain influence and power. They continue to fight for their rights and autonomy, determined to ensure that the mistakes of the past are not repeated. Through their resilience and strength, the Beastkin are carving out a future where they are not merely defined by their origins, but by the cultures and communities they have built.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

In the world of Tilith, Beastkin are often viewed through the lens of utility, with their unique traits and abilities making them targets for exploitation, forced labor, and even consumption. These practices reflect a brutal reality where their intrinsic characteristics—be they physical, magical, or spiritual—are commodified and harvested without regard for the suffering inflicted upon them.   The Akimoto, once marginalized and hunted nearly to extinction, were particularly vulnerable to this exploitation. Their small size and agile bodies made them ideal candidates for dangerous, labor-intensive tasks, where their lives were deemed expendable. The Akimoto were not only forced into servitude but were also treated as a food source, with their pelts and flesh used as mere commodities. This exploitation left a deep scar on their collective identity, one that is still felt today despite their eventual recognition as equals among the Beastkin. The Akimoto’s history serves as a harrowing reminder of the cruelty they endured and the resilience they needed to survive.   Similarly, the Bovidea have long been exploited for their immense strength and the resources their bodies provide. Their role in agriculture and construction has often been one of forced labor, with their powerful bodies used to plow fields, carry heavy loads, and build structures without consideration for their well-being. The Bovidea’s horns, hides, and even their meat have been harvested extensively, turning these proud beings into little more than tools and sources of sustenance. This exploitation has fostered significant resentment within the Bovidea community, as they struggle to protect themselves from being reduced to mere beasts of burden.   The Dycuus face a different yet equally harrowing form of exploitation. Cursed by their own pride and bound to the Botanical Arches Pantheon, the Dycuus are often exploited for their incredible physical capabilities. Their powerful hooves are utilized in labor and warfare, while their cursed blood is harvested for its toxic and corrosive properties. The Dycuus, feared as much as they are respected, find themselves used in roles that capitalize on their strengths while ignoring the personal toll of their cursed existence. Their exploitation is compounded by the fear they instill in others, leading to a cycle of use and abuse that is difficult to break.   The Sermata, with their reptilian features and cursed lineage, are exploited for both their physical attributes and the dark energies that flow through them. Their scales are sought after for crafting armor and weapons, while their venom is used in alchemy and medicine. The Sermata’s inability to reproduce naturally has led to invasive breeding programs, where their bodies are treated as mere vessels for sustaining their cursed race. The dark energies that permeate their being are also harnessed in arcane rituals, often against their will, further exploiting their connection to malevolent forces. This relentless exploitation of the Sermata reflects a deep disregard for their autonomy and dignity, reducing them to little more than tools in the pursuit of power and control.   The Yaatra face exploitation rooted in their cultural and spiritual significance. Their feathers, imbued with the blessings of the Gale Pantheon, are harvested for use in ceremonial garments and enchanted items, while their sharp talons are used to craft weapons and tools. The Yaatra’s social nature makes them vulnerable to manipulation, as they are often coerced into serving more powerful entities who seek to exploit their abilities for personal gain. This exploitation not only strips the Yaatra of their autonomy but also diminishes the sacred aspects of their culture, turning their blessings into commodities rather than symbols of spiritual connection.   These examples illustrate the widespread and varied exploitation of Beastkin in Tilith. Whether through forced labor, consumption, or the harvesting of their unique traits, Beastkin are often reduced to mere resources, their value measured not by their inherent worth but by what can be extracted from them. This exploitation is a grim reminder of the harsh realities many Beastkin face, as they continue to struggle for recognition, respect, and the right to live free from the shadow of exploitation.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Mastodons are not only the physical giants of the Pridelands but also the moral and cultural beacons for many Beastkin across Tilith. Their societal structure and traditions have led them to establish and maintain the most influential organization among the Beastkin, known simply as The Council of Clans. This organization is revered not just by Mastodons but also by other Beastkin who respect the Mastodons' wisdom, strength, and dedication to the preservation of life and the natural world. The Council of Clans, composed of leaders from each Mastodon clan, guides not only their own people but often influences decisions and policies among allied Beastkin origins, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose in the region.   The Council of Clans is recognized for its role in maintaining peace and stability throughout the Pridelands and beyond. Many Beastkin origins look to the Council for leadership in times of conflict or crisis, knowing that the Mastodons’ decisions are driven by a deep respect for life and the environment. The Council’s emphasis on collective decision-making, where the voices of all clan members are considered, serves as a model for other Beastkin societies. This democratic and inclusive approach has helped the Council gain the trust and allegiance of various Beastkin groups, particularly in matters of environmental stewardship and defense against external threats. The Mastodons' alliances, especially with the Mtawalain and other peace-oriented Beastkin, are strengthened through this organization, which acts as a mediator and protector within the larger Beastkin community.   Moreover, the Council of Clans oversees the cultural and spiritual life of the Beastkin in the Pridelands. Through ceremonies, festivals, and rituals, the Council upholds the traditions that bind the Beastkin together, regardless of their specific origin. The Mastodons’ reverence for nature and their commitment to preserving the natural balance resonate with many Beastkin, who often participate in or adopt these practices. This spiritual leadership has positioned the Mastodons, and by extension, the Council of Clans, as the moral compass of the Beastkin, guiding them not only in governance but also in their daily lives. The influence of the Council of Clans extends far beyond the Pridelands, making it the central organization that most Beastkin follow, either directly or through cultural osmosis, as they seek to maintain harmony with their environment and with each other.

Common Etiquette Rules

Beastkin etiquette is deeply rooted in respect for individual origins, the natural world, and the community's well-being. When greeting one another, it is customary to acknowledge not just the individual but also their clan or tribe, often using full names to honor their lineage and affiliations. Physical gestures, such as bowing or nodding, vary between groups but universally convey respect and recognition of another's status. Conversations are expected to be honest and direct, as Beastkin value transparency and clarity in their interactions. Displays of excessive pride or boastfulness are frowned upon, as humility is seen as a virtue that maintains harmony within and between communities. Additionally, when entering another’s territory or home, it is polite to offer a token of respect—such as a shared meal or a small gift—as a sign of goodwill and acknowledgment of the host’s hospitality.

Common Dress Code

The Beastkin's approach to dress is deeply intertwined with their cultural values of strength, protection, and modesty, which are less about covering the body for the sake of modesty in a human sense and more about safeguarding their most vulnerable spots. Clothing among the Beastkin is often functional, designed to protect vital areas rather than conceal them for modesty's sake. For many, particularly those with thick fur, clothing is minimal, often limited to armor-like garments, belts, or sashes that offer protection to vital points such as the neck, chest, or joints. These garments are typically crafted from durable materials like leather, woven fibers, or even metal, and are often adorned with symbols of their clan or personal achievements. For Beastkin with less natural covering, clothing might be more extensive but still focuses on practicality—protecting vital organs and ensuring ease of movement. Displaying these protective garments, rather than the body itself, is a sign of readiness and respect within their society. Nudity, therefore, is not seen as immodest, but rather as potentially risky, signaling vulnerability or a state of relaxation and trust in one's surroundings. For ceremonial occasions, clothing may be more elaborate, incorporating elements that reflect the individual’s origin, status, and role within their community, but always with an emphasis on strength and the protection of one's vital areas.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture and cultural heritage of the Beastkin are rich and diverse, reflecting the unique histories, values, and traditions of each origin within this broad category. Despite their differences, there are shared elements that bind the Beastkin together, creating a complex yet cohesive society that honors the past while adapting to the present.   Shared Cultural Values At the core of Beastkin culture is a deep connection to the natural world. Almost all Beastkin origins, from the Felia to the Cervidae, hold a profound respect for the environment and the balance of ecosystems. This respect is not just spiritual but practical, influencing their daily lives, societal structures, and even conflicts. Many Beastkin see themselves as stewards of the land, responsible for maintaining the harmony between nature and civilization. This belief is reflected in their rituals, art, and communal practices, which often emphasize themes of growth, renewal, and the cyclical nature of life.   Another shared cultural value among the Beastkin is the importance of community and cooperation. Given the often harsh environments in which they live, mutual support and collective action are essential for survival. Whether it's the tightly-knit clans of the Inuyakin or the communal tribes of the Cervidae, Beastkin societies are generally organized around principles of kinship, loyalty, and shared responsibility. This communal focus extends to their governance structures, where decisions are often made collectively, with input from elders and leaders who are respected for their wisdom and experience.   Cultural Heritage and Traditions The cultural heritage of the Beastkin is preserved through a variety of traditions that have been passed down through generations. Each origin has its own unique customs, but there are common threads that run through many of these practices. For example, storytelling is a vital part of Beastkin culture, used to convey history, teach moral lessons, and preserve the knowledge of the ancestors. These stories are often told during communal gatherings, where music, dance, and art also play significant roles in celebrating their heritage.   Rituals and ceremonies are another key aspect of Beastkin cultural heritage. These often revolve around important life events, such as births, coming-of-age ceremonies, and seasonal festivals. The Cervidae, for example, have elaborate rituals connected to the Evertree and their goddess Titania, which involve offerings and dances that symbolize their bond with nature. The Mastodons, on the other hand, hold solemn tusk preservation ceremonies, where they honor their ancestors and reinforce the importance of memory and continuity within their society.   Artistic Expression and Innovation Artistic expression among the Beastkin is as varied as their origins, with each group developing its own forms of art that reflect their environment and experiences. The Felia are known for their intricate weaving and textiles, which often depict scenes from nature and their spiritual beliefs. The Mastodons, with their deep sense of history, create massive stone carvings and monuments that stand as testaments to their resilience and the passage of time. The Inuyakin, with their warrior culture, craft detailed weaponry and armor that not only serve practical purposes but also tell the stories of their battles and victories.   Innovation is also a part of Beastkin culture, particularly in how they adapt to the challenges of their world. While they hold their traditions in high regard, the Beastkin are not afraid to incorporate new ideas and technologies that enhance their way of life. This is evident in the blending of ancient practices with modern advancements, such as the use of new materials in traditional crafts or the adoption of new agricultural techniques that align with their environmental values.   Preservation and Transmission of Culture The preservation of culture is a priority for the Beastkin, with each origin taking great care to ensure that their traditions, languages, and customs are passed down to future generations. This is achieved through education, both formal and informal, where elders play a significant role in teaching the young about their heritage. In many Beastkin societies, there are designated keepers of history—individuals or groups responsible for maintaining the oral traditions, archives, and artifacts that embody the collective memory of their people.   The Beastkin also understand the importance of adaptation in preserving their culture. As the world around them changes, so too do their practices, allowing them to stay relevant and meaningful while maintaining a connection to their roots. This balance of tradition and innovation is what allows the Beastkin to thrive, ensuring that their rich cultural heritage continues to be a living, evolving part of their identity.

Common Taboos

The Beastkin, with their deep connection to nature, community, and the primal instincts inherited from their Primordial ancestors, have developed a strong set of taboos that reflect their values and survival needs. These taboos are not just social norms but are ingrained in their very essence, guiding their behavior and interactions to ensure the well-being of both the individual and the community.   Taboo of Vulnerability: One of the most profound taboos among the Beastkin is the deliberate exposure of one's most vulnerable spots without necessity. As a culture that places immense value on strength and protection, exposing vital areas such as the neck, chest, or other weak points is considered reckless and disrespectful. This act is seen as flaunting one’s own mortality in a world where survival is never guaranteed. Whether in a social setting, during a hunt, or in battle, Beastkin take care to protect these areas, and those who do not are often viewed as either foolish or deliberately provocative, challenging the natural order and the community's shared values of self-preservation.   Taboo of Lithium: Another critical taboo revolves around the substance known as Lithium. While Lithium is a powerful tool against Ruin Beasts and the followers of Ruin, it is also lethally toxic to all Beastkin. Even the smallest exposure—a whiff, a taste, or a mere touch—can be deadly, making it a feared and revered substance. Beastkin societies strictly forbid the handling, storage, or use of Lithium by any of their kind. The very presence of Lithium is enough to cause panic, and those who carry or possess it are considered outcasts, endangering themselves and their community. The taboo is so strong that even speaking of Lithium outside of a context of dire necessity is discouraged, as it invokes a fearsome reminder of their vulnerability to this substance. Encounters with Lithium are treated with the utmost caution, and rituals of cleansing and protection are often performed after any interaction with areas or individuals suspected of having come into contact with it.   Taboo of Abandonment: For the Beastkin, community and familial bonds are sacred. Abandoning one’s pack, tribe, or kin is considered one of the gravest offenses. This taboo stems from their deep-seated belief in the strength of the collective over the individual. Whether in times of peace or during the fiercest battles, Beastkin are expected to stand by their kin and offer support, regardless of personal risk or fear. Those who flee or abandon their community in moments of need are branded as traitors and are often exiled, stripped of their clan name, and left to wander alone—a fate worse than death in many Beastkin cultures. This act of abandonment not only breaks the social contract but also symbolizes a rejection of the very principles that have allowed Beastkin to thrive in a dangerous world.   Taboo of Desecrating Nature: Given their intrinsic connection to the natural world, another significant taboo among the Beastkin is the unnecessary destruction or desecration of nature. Hunting for sport, cutting down trees without cause, or polluting sacred waterways are actions met with severe disapproval and often harsh punishment. Beastkin believe that nature is not only their home but also a living entity that deserves respect and reverence. This taboo extends to the ruins of ancient civilizations and sacred sites, which are seen as integral parts of the world’s natural order. Disrespecting these areas is viewed as an affront to the ancestors and the spirits of the land, inviting misfortune and the wrath of both the natural world and the community. For the Beastkin, living in harmony with nature is not just a way of life but a fundamental aspect of their identity, and violating this balance is considered one of the most egregious sins.   These taboos serve as the foundation of Beastkin society, shaping their interactions, behaviors, and values. They reflect a deep understanding of the precarious balance between survival and destruction, the individual and the community, and the living world and the forces that threaten it. In adhering to these taboos, the Beastkin not only honor their heritage and maintain their society’s cohesion but also safeguard their continued existence in a world fraught with dangers.


The history of the Beastkin is a tale of evolution, conflict, and adaptation, rooted deeply in the ancient origins of the Primordial Beasts. Before the Cleansing, these powerful and diverse creatures dominated the Earth, each perfectly adapted to its environment. When the cataclysmic event known as the Cleansing struck, the world was thrown into chaos as the sun began its final stages, threatening to consume the planet. However, an unknown force emanating from Earth's core shielded the planet from destruction, sparking a radical transformation in the surviving life forms. The Primordial Beasts, subject to these mysterious forces, began to evolve rapidly, gaining intelligence, sentience, and new physical forms. Over time, these beings transitioned into the diverse and complex societies known today as the Beastkin.   As the newly sentient Beastkin emerged from the remnants of the old world, they began to carve out their own places in the radically altered landscape of Tilith. Initially, the various groups of Beastkin remained isolated, each adapting to their specific environments and developing unique cultures, languages, and societal structures. The Pridelands, with its vast and varied terrain, became a central hub for many of these emerging civilizations. Here, the towering Mastodons established powerful clans, while the Akimotos, Bovidea, and other Beastkin built their own communities, each contributing to the rich cultural tapestry of the region. The early years of Beastkin history were marked by both cooperation and conflict, as these new societies struggled to establish themselves in a world still reeling from the Cleansing.   The era of the First Wars was a pivotal period in Beastkin history, characterized by intense rivalries and territorial disputes as the different Beastkin groups expanded their territories and sought to assert their dominance. The War of Talons, a particularly brutal conflict between the Gors and the Lumar, decimated populations and left deep scars that would influence Beastkin relations for centuries. Despite the violence, these conflicts also led to the formation of alliances and the establishment of more organized societies. The Council of Stone, formed by representatives of the five major Beastkin groups, marked the beginning of a new era of cooperation and governance, laying the foundation for the more stable and prosperous societies that would follow.   As the centuries passed, the Beastkin continued to evolve, both culturally and technologically. The discovery of ancient ruins and artifacts from the time before the Cleansing sparked a renaissance of knowledge and innovation, leading to advancements in magic, craftsmanship, and governance. The Pridelands, now a thriving center of Beastkin civilization, became a beacon of culture, power, and progress. The Beastkin, once isolated and fragmented, now saw themselves as stewards of the new world, bound together by a shared history and a collective responsibility to preserve the balance of Tilith. Today, the Beastkin remain a dominant force in the world, their history of struggle and survival shaping their identity as both warriors and guardians of the land.

Historical Figures

The history of the Beastkin is rich with legendary figures who have shaped their societies, led their people through trials, and left indelible marks on the world of Tilith. Among the most revered and influential historical individuals are Torok of the Sanjaye, Nysha of the Greenflame, Kurog the Fierce, and Elowen the Redeemed. Each of these figures hails from a different Beastkin origin and has played a crucial role in the development of their respective societies.   Torok of the Sanjaye Torok, known as "The Great Unifier," was a Mastodon leader who lived during the early Age of Bloodshed. Born into the Sanjaye clan, Torok recognized the dire need for unity among the Mastodon clans to withstand the external threats that loomed large over their people. Through his wisdom and strength, he negotiated the Great Accord, a pivotal agreement that united the disparate Mastodon clans—Akso, Diaur, Jalombi, Kaneh, Sanjaye, and Toar—under a single banner. His leadership during critical battles and his strategic prowess ensured the survival and prosperity of the Mastodon people. Torok's legacy is the enduring unity of the Mastodon society, a cornerstone of their continued strength and stability.   Nysha of the Greenflame Nysha, known as "The Diplomat and Protector," was a Felia leader who rose to prominence during the early Age of the Beastkin. With a unique ability to wield a green flame that could both heal and harm, Nysha became a symbol of the Felia's deep connection to nature. She was instrumental in negotiating the Green Pact, an alliance between the Felia and other origins such as the Bovidea and Cervidae, aimed at protecting the natural world and ensuring peaceful coexistence. Nysha's diplomatic skills and her fierce protection of the forests established the Felia as respected guardians of nature and skilled mediators in the broader world of Tilith.   Kurog the Fierce Kurog, revered as "The Legendary Chieftain," was a formidable Inuyakin warrior and leader during the Age of Expansion. His name became synonymous with strength and honor as he led the Inuyakin in their most significant battles, including the pivotal Battle of Emerald Grove against the Felia. Kurog's leadership extended beyond the battlefield; he was a key figure in codifying the teachings of the Great Wolf and establishing the Grand Council, which brought unity and order to the Inuyakin. His legacy is one of martial prowess, strategic brilliance, and the unification of his people under a shared code of honor.   Elowen the Redeemed Elowen, honored as "The Spiritual Leader and Rebuilder," emerged during one of the darkest periods in Cervidae history, following the curse of Ult'taris and the devastating wars that nearly annihilated her people. Guided by visions from the goddess Titania, Elowen led the remnants of the Cervidae to a new homeland, where she rebuilt their society and restored their spiritual connection to nature. She founded the Glade Runners, a sacred order dedicated to protecting the natural world and maintaining balance. Elowen's legacy is the rebirth of the Cervidae as a unified, spiritually attuned people, committed to living in harmony with the natural world.

Common Myths and Legends

The Legend of the Great Hunter: The Origins of Rythe In the ancient days following the Cleansing, as the world of Tilith settled into its new shape, the Beastkin were a fledgling group, learning to navigate their transformed existence. Their ancestors, the Primordial Beasts, had given them physical forms and instincts, but survival in this new world was not guaranteed. Amidst this early struggle for life, a legend emerged that would become a cornerstone of Beastkin culture—the legend of the Great Hunter. The Great Hunter was said to be an enormous and terrifying creature, unmatched in its strength, speed, and cunning. It hunted indiscriminately, leaving fear and devastation in its wake, driving the Beastkin to the brink of extinction.   The Beastkin, desperate to survive, banded together for the first time in their history. Each origin brought their unique abilities to the table: the Mastodons with their wisdom and resilience, the Felia with their stealth, the Inuyakin with their speed, and the Akimotos with their cunning. Together, they devised a plan to trap and defeat the Great Hunter. On the darkest night of the new moon, they set their trap, using the combined magic of their origins to bind the creature. The Great Hunter fought fiercely, but the Beastkin, united in purpose, managed to subdue it. However, rather than kill the beast, they chose to bind its spirit to the land, transforming it into a guardian of the natural world—a decision that symbolized their respect for the balance of life and death.   Over time, the legend of the Great Hunter became intertwined with the deity Rythe, known as the Apex Huntress among the Kalevalians. Rythe, a member of the Frozen Pillars, embodies the primal forces of the hunt, combat, and survival, traits that eerily echo the Great Hunter's legacy. The Beastkin do not universally worship Rythe, but many recognize the parallels between their ancient legend and the existence of this formidable deity. Some believe that Rythe is the spiritual manifestation of the Great Hunter, transformed by the Beastkin's actions into a deity who now watches over them from the shadows of the deepest forests. Others argue against this association, concerned that it taints their heritage with a connection to a deity whose followers are often feared and mistrusted due to their association with the Ruin Beasts.   Despite the debate, the legend of the Great Hunter persists as a powerful reminder of the Beastkin's origins and their hard-won survival in a world that is both beautiful and deadly. The tale serves as a cautionary reminder of the importance of unity, respect for nature, and the strength found in mercy. Whether Rythe truly is the Great Hunter reborn as a deity, or simply a reflection of the primal forces that once shaped the Beastkin, remains a mystery—one that continues to inspire awe and reverence among those who dare to contemplate it.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The interspecies relations among the Beastkin are complex and varied, reflecting the diversity of their origins and the intricate history that binds them together. While some origins share deep bonds of alliance and mutual respect, others harbor lingering tensions rooted in past conflicts and cultural differences. The Beastkin's interactions are shaped by their unique traits, societal structures, and shared experiences, leading to a web of relationships that range from cooperative alliances to wary coexistence.   Alliances and Cooperation Certain Beastkin origins have forged strong alliances based on shared values and complementary strengths. For example, the Felia and the Cervidae maintain a close and cooperative relationship, both origins being deeply connected to nature and the protection of the natural world. The Felia, with their agility and forest-protecting ethos, work harmoniously with the Cervidae, who are revered for their deep spiritual connection to the Evertree and their ability to manipulate plant life. This alliance has led to successful collaborations in safeguarding the forests of Tilith and maintaining ecological balance, with both origins recognizing the value of their partnership.   Similarly, the Mastodons have established long-standing bonds with the Bovidea and Inuyakin. The Mastodons, known for their wisdom and strength, often act as mediators and protectors within the Beastkin community. Their alliance with the Bovidea, who are respected for their agricultural prowess and resilience, has led to mutual support in times of need, particularly in managing resources and defending their territories. The Inuyakin, with their martial prowess and loyalty, have also found common ground with the Mastodons, particularly in shared military endeavors and the defense of their lands against external threats.   Tensions and Conflicts Despite these alliances, there are also notable tensions and conflicts among the Beastkin origins. The Inuyakin and the Felia have a history marked by conflict, most notably during the Battle of Emerald Grove, where the Inuyakin's expansionist ambitions clashed with the Felia's commitment to preserving their sacred forests. While open hostilities have subsided, the animosity between these two origins lingers, with both sides remaining wary of each other's intentions. The Inuyakin's aggressive territorial expansion and the Felia's fierce protection of nature often put them at odds, requiring careful diplomacy to avoid renewed conflicts.   The Cervidae have also faced challenges in their relations with other Beastkin, particularly those who view their spiritual practices with suspicion or misunderstanding. While the Cervidae's dedication to maintaining natural balance is respected by some, others see their isolationist tendencies and deep connection to the Evertree as esoteric and difficult to relate to. This has led to a certain degree of mistrust, particularly from more pragmatic origins like the Inuyakin, who prioritize martial strength and direct action over spiritual considerations.   Mutual Respect and Understanding Across the various Beastkin origins, there is a shared understanding of the importance of unity in the face of external threats and the challenges of the world they inhabit. While conflicts and tensions exist, there is also a recognition that cooperation and mutual respect are essential for the survival and prosperity of all Beastkin. The Mastodons often play a key role in fostering this understanding, using their influence and wisdom to mediate disputes and encourage collaboration among the different origins.   Interspecies relations among the Beastkin are a reflection of their diverse cultures, histories, and values. While alliances and conflicts shape their interactions, there is a prevailing sense that their shared experiences and the challenges they face together bind them in ways that transcend their differences. This intricate web of relationships continues to evolve, with each origin contributing to the rich tapestry of Beastkin society.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants

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