
The Black Holds: Bastions of Vigilance Nestled within the heartlands of nations across Tilith, the Black Holds stand as formidable fortresses of vigilance, where the Witch Hunters and Ruin Hunters hone their skills and prepare to face the ever-present threat of Ruin. These enigmatic institutions, shrouded in mystery and secrecy, serve as the primary line of defense against the insidious forces that seek to plunge the world into chaos and darkness.   Architecture and Atmosphere: The Black Holds are imposing structures, often constructed atop high cliffs or nestled deep within dense forests, their darkened spires reaching skyward like silent sentinels. Surrounded by fortified walls and guarded by vigilant sentries, they exude an aura of foreboding and authority, instilling both fear and respect in those who approach.   Within their shadowed halls, the air is thick with the scent of incense and the faint echo of whispered prayers. Torch-lit corridors wind their way through labyrinthine passages, leading to training grounds, armories, and chambers where the Operatives of the Black Holds gather to strategize and prepare for their grim duties.   Training and Recruitment: Only the most skilled and dedicated individuals are chosen to become Operatives of the Black Holds. Prospective candidates undergo rigorous training and initiation rites, testing their physical prowess, mental fortitude, and unwavering resolve in the face of adversity.   Recruits are selected from diverse backgrounds, ranging from seasoned warriors and veterans of past conflicts to gifted mages and scholars of the arcane. Each undergoes a transformative process, shedding their former identities to become instruments of justice and guardians of the realm.   Operations and Authority: The Black Holds operate with unparalleled authority, their jurisdiction extending across borders and boundaries in pursuit of the elusive agents of Ruin. Empowered by the backing of allied nations and sanctioned by the highest echelons of authority, they answer only to themselves and the solemn oaths they have sworn to uphold.   When a threat arises, whether it be a rogue mage, a cultist plotting dark rituals, or a lurking Ruin Beast, the Operatives of the Black Holds are swift to respond, deploying their expertise and unwavering determination to neutralize the danger before it can spread.   Public Perception: To the general populace, the Black Holds are both a source of reassurance and apprehension. While their presence offers a semblance of security in a world threatened by unseen forces, their shadowy methods and mysterious origins inspire a sense of unease and mistrust.   Rumors and whispers abound regarding the true nature and intentions of the Black Holds, with some viewing them as noble protectors and others as ruthless enforcers of tyranny. Yet, in the face of the ever-present threat of Ruin, few dare to openly challenge their authority, lest they incur the wrath of those who walk in shadow.


The Black Holds, a formidable organization born from the ashes of the Ruin war, stands as the vanguard against the encroaching darkness that threatens Tilith. With a comprehensive structure designed to maximize efficiency and effectiveness, the Black Holds are able to coordinate their efforts across regions and borders, ensuring that no corner of Tilith remains vulnerable to the insidious forces of Ruin.   Headquarters and Leadership: At the helm of the organization stands the Head Adjudicator, the highest-ranking official responsible for overseeing all operations and strategic planning. Assisted by a council of Adjudicators, these senior leaders provide guidance and direction to the entire organization, ensuring that the goals and objectives of the Black Holds are upheld with unwavering resolve.   Regional Command: The Black Holds are divided into quadrants, each overseen by a Quadrant General tasked with coordinating operations within their designated region. Working alongside Quadrant Captains and Lieutenants, these commanders ensure that the Black Holds maintain a strong presence throughout Tilith, ready to respond swiftly and decisively to any threat that arises.   Black Hold Administrators: Within each quadrant, Black Hold Superintendents and Underintendents manage the day-to-day operations of individual strongholds, overseeing logistical support, personnel management, and strategic planning. Supported by a dedicated staff of administrators, these officials ensure that each Black Hold operates smoothly and efficiently, ready to fulfill its vital role in the defense of Tilith.   Operative Ranks: At the heart of the organization are the operatives of the Black Holds, trained and equipped to confront the myriad threats posed by Ruin. From seasoned veterans to newly recruited cadets, each operative plays a crucial role in the ongoing battle against darkness. The hierarchy of operatives includes:
  • Squad Leaders: Experienced operatives entrusted with leading teams on missions and enforcing discipline among their peers.
  • Ruin/Witch Slayers and Night Slayers/Deepstalkers: Elite operatives trained in specialized combat techniques and reconnaissance, capable of confronting the most dangerous Ruin threats under the cover of darkness.
  • Ruin Hunters and Witch Stalkers: Skilled operatives tasked with tracking and neutralizing individual Ruin creatures or practitioners of dark magic.
  • Ruin Squires and Witch Hunters: Trainees and junior operatives undergoing mentorship and practical training under the guidance of more experienced members.
Operational Specializations: In addition to their combat abilities, operatives of the Black Holds possess specialized skills and knowledge essential for their mission. These include proficiency in the use of Lithium, the anti-Ruin drug that grants immunity to Ruin's corruption for most races but poses a lethal danger to beastkin. Operatives are also trained in the art of harvesting materials from slain creatures to craft items useful in their hunts, as well as in techniques to disrupt magic and nullify Ruin creatures' auras.   Unified Purpose: Despite the diversity of their roles and backgrounds, all members of the Black Holds share a unified purpose: to protect Tilith from the looming threat of Ruin and to ensure that future generations can live in peace and security. Through their dedication, courage, and unwavering resolve, the operatives of the Black Holds stand as bastions of hope in a world plagued by darkness.


The culture within the Black Holds is one of discipline, camaraderie, and unwavering dedication to their mission. As guardians against the darkness of Ruin, operatives of the Black Holds are bound by a shared sense of purpose and duty, forged through years of rigorous training, shared hardship, and the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood.   Values and Ideals: At the core of Black Hold culture are a set of values and ideals that guide the actions and behaviors of its members. These include:
  1. Valor: Operatives of the Black Holds are known for their courage and bravery in the face of danger. They willingly put themselves in harm's way to protect Tilith and its inhabitants from the threats of Ruin, demonstrating unwavering valor in the pursuit of their mission.
  2. Integrity: Integrity is highly valued within the Black Holds, with operatives expected to adhere to a strict code of ethics and honor. They conduct themselves with honesty, fairness, and accountability, upholding the principles of justice and righteousness in all their actions.
  3. Unity: Unity is strength within the Black Holds, with operatives working together as a cohesive team to achieve their goals. They support and rely on one another, fostering a strong sense of camaraderie and solidarity that transcends individual differences and backgrounds.
  4. Adaptability: Adaptability is crucial for survival in the ever-changing landscape of Tilith. Operatives of the Black Holds are trained to think quickly on their feet, to improvise and innovate in the face of adversity, and to remain flexible and resilient in the midst of uncertainty.
Traditions and Rituals: The Black Holds have a rich tapestry of traditions and rituals that serve to reinforce their culture and identity. These may include:
  1. Initiation Rites: New recruits undergo rigorous initiation rites to prove their worthiness and commitment to the Black Hold cause. These rites often involve physical and mental challenges designed to test their strength, courage, and resilience.
  2. Commemorative Ceremonies: The Black Holds hold regular ceremonies to honor fallen comrades, celebrate victories, and reaffirm their commitment to their mission. These ceremonies serve as solemn reminders of the sacrifices made in the pursuit of justice and protection.
  3. Training Exercises: Training exercises are a regular part of life within the Black Holds, providing operatives with opportunities to hone their skills, test their abilities, and forge stronger bonds with their fellow comrades.
  4. Feast Days: Feast days are celebrated throughout the year to mark significant events and milestones within the Black Holds. These festivities serve as occasions for relaxation, camaraderie, and reflection, strengthening the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood among operatives.
Sense of Identity: For operatives of the Black Holds, their membership in the organization is not just a profession but a way of life. They take pride in their role as guardians of Tilith, embracing the responsibilities and challenges that come with it. Their sense of identity is deeply intertwined with their affiliation with the Black Holds, shaping their beliefs, values, and actions in service of their mission.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Black Holds revolves around safeguarding Tilith from the pervasive threat of Ruin and maintaining peace and stability within its borders. As the frontline defenders against the forces of darkness, the Black Holds prioritize several key objectives:
  1. Protection of Innocents: One of the primary goals of the Black Holds is to protect innocent civilians from the dangers posed by Ruin and dark magic. Operatives are tasked with identifying and neutralizing threats to public safety, ensuring that ordinary citizens can go about their lives without fear of harm or persecution.
  2. Eradication of Ruin: The Black Holds are committed to eradicating the scourge of Ruin from Tilith, hunting down and destroying any remnants of Ruin creatures or practitioners of dark magic that threaten the peace and stability of the realm. Through their relentless pursuit of Ruin, operatives seek to prevent the spread of corruption and chaos throughout the land.
  3. Enforcement of Justice: Operatives of the Black Holds serve as enforcers of justice, upholding the laws of Tilith and ensuring that those who would seek to exploit magic for nefarious purposes are held accountable for their actions. They work closely with local authorities and government officials to investigate crimes related to dark magic and to apprehend and prosecute offenders.
  4. Public Education and Awareness: In addition to their enforcement duties, the Black Holds are also responsible for educating the public about the dangers of Ruin and dark magic. Through outreach programs, public lectures, and informational campaigns, operatives seek to raise awareness among civilians about the risks posed by Ruin and the importance of vigilance in protecting themselves and their communities.
Both the Witch Hunters and Ruin Hunters embody the public agenda of the Black Holds through their actions and behaviors:
  • Witch Hunters: The Witch Hunters are tasked with hunting down and neutralizing practitioners of dark magic who pose a threat to public safety. They work tirelessly to root out cultists, witches, and other heretics who seek to unleash chaos and destruction upon Tilith. Through their unwavering dedication and fearlessness in the face of danger, Witch Hunters embody the commitment of the Black Holds to protecting innocent civilians from the dangers of dark magic.
  • Ruin Hunters: The Ruin Hunters are specialized operatives trained to confront and eradicate Ruin creatures and manifestations of dark magic. They venture into the most dangerous regions of Tilith, tracking down and neutralizing threats to public safety with ruthless efficiency. Through their bravery and tenacity in the face of overwhelming odds, Ruin Hunters exemplify the determination of the Black Holds to eradicate the scourge of Ruin from the realm.


The Black Holds possess a wide array of assets and resources at their disposal, allowing them to effectively carry out their mission of safeguarding Tilith from the threats of Ruin and dark magic. These assets include:
  1. Strongholds and Fortifications: The Black Holds maintain a network of fortified strongholds strategically located throughout Tilith. These strongholds serve as command centers, training facilities, and safe havens for operatives, providing a secure base of operations from which to conduct their missions and operations.
  2. Personnel: The Black Holds boast a diverse and highly trained workforce of operatives, ranging from seasoned veterans to newly recruited cadets. These operatives undergo rigorous training and conditioning to prepare them for the challenges they will face in the field, ensuring that they are well-equipped to confront the dangers of Ruin and dark magic.
  3. Intellectual Capital: The Black Holds possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the fields of combat, magic, and reconnaissance. Operatives undergo extensive training in various disciplines, including combat tactics, magical theory, and investigative techniques, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to confront the threats posed by Ruin and dark magic.
  4. Equipment and Technology: Operatives of the Black Holds have access to a wide range of specialized equipment and technology designed to enhance their effectiveness in the field. This includes weapons, armor, magical artifacts, and surveillance gear, as well as advanced medical supplies and communication devices to ensure their safety and coordination during missions.
  5. Alliances and Partnerships: The Black Holds maintain alliances and partnerships with various organizations, governments, and factions across Tilith. These alliances provide the Black Holds with additional resources, intelligence, and support, strengthening their ability to combat the threats posed by Ruin and dark magic.
  6. Research and Development: The Black Holds invest in research and development efforts to stay at the forefront of innovation and technology. This includes the development of new weapons, magical techniques, and defensive strategies to counter emerging threats and challenges posed by Ruin and dark magic.
  7. Logistical Support: The Black Holds have access to logistical support networks that facilitate the transportation, supply, and maintenance of their operations. This includes access to transportation vehicles, supply depots, and logistical personnel to ensure that operatives have the resources they need to carry out their missions effectively.


The history of the Black Holds is steeped in the tumultuous aftermath of the Ruin War, a cataclysmic conflict that threatened to plunge Tilith into darkness and despair. In the wake of the Ruin Incursion, which lasted for a thousand years and brought untold devastation to the realm, the surviving nations of Tilith recognized the urgent need for a dedicated force capable of combating the lingering remnants of Ruin and dark magic that continued to plague the land.   It was during this time of upheaval and uncertainty that the founders of the Black Holds emerged, driven by a shared vision of safeguarding Tilith from the encroaching shadows of Ruin. Led by visionary leaders who had witnessed the horrors of the Ruin War firsthand, these individuals recognized the need for a proactive and organized response to the ongoing threats posed by dark magic and Ruin creatures.   Drawing upon their collective knowledge and expertise, the founders of the Black Holds established the organization with a singular mission: to protect Tilith and its inhabitants from the dangers of Ruin and dark magic. They envisioned a network of fortified strongholds strategically positioned across Tilith, serving as bastions of hope and resilience in the face of adversity.   In the early years of its existence, the Black Holds faced numerous challenges and obstacles as it sought to establish itself as a formidable force against the forces of darkness. Operatives underwent rigorous training and conditioning, honing their skills and expertise in combat, magic, and reconnaissance to prepare them for the dangers they would encounter in the field.   As the years passed, the Black Holds grew in strength and influence, earning a reputation as stalwart defenders of Tilith and its people. Operatives ventured into the most dangerous regions of the realm, confronting Ruin creatures and dark magic with unwavering resolve and determination. Through their bravery and sacrifice, they helped to secure a fragile peace in a world still reeling from the scars of the Ruin War.   Today, the Black Holds stand as a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of adversity, embodying the unwavering commitment of its founders to protect Tilith from the shadows that threaten to consume it. With their formidable arsenal of assets and resources, they continue to stand vigilant against the lingering remnants of Ruin, ensuring that the people of Tilith can live free from fear and despair.

Vigilance Unyielding

Civil Services
Alternative Names
The Shadow Watch
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles


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