Forlorn Moon

The Forlorn Moon is a mysterious and enigmatic faction, shrouded in secrecy and steeped in ancient tradition. Founded in a bygone era of chaos and upheaval, it stands as a bastion of light and hope in a world overshadowed by darkness and despair. Comprised of temples, sects, and sanctuaries scattered across the globe, the Forlorn Moon is a network of enlightened individuals bound together by a common purpose: to protect the plane of Tilith from external threats and to nurture the growth and development of its inhabitants.   At the heart of the Forlorn Moon's teachings is a profound reverence for the celestial bodies that govern the cosmos. Members of the faction believe that by attuning themselves to the cosmic energies of the universe, they can unlock hidden potentials within themselves and achieve feats beyond the limits of ordinary mortals. Through meditation, contemplation, and the study of celestial phenomena, they seek to deepen their understanding of the universe and transcend the limitations of the mortal realm.   The Forlorn Moon is also known for its mastery of the Exile and Quasar disciplines, esoteric arts of death and enlightenment passed down through generations of practitioners. Trained from a young age in the clandestine arts of combat and covert operations, members of the faction are skilled warriors and formidable adversaries to their enemies. Yet, they are also seekers of truth and wisdom, striving to achieve inner peace and enlightenment through the pursuit of spiritual growth and self-discovery.   Secrecy and discretion are central tenets of Forlorn Moon culture, with members bound by oaths of allegiance and duty to safeguard the faction's teachings and techniques. Their identities are known only to a select few within the faction, their actions cloaked in secrecy and speculation. Yet, despite the mysteries that surround them, the Forlorn Moon's members are united by a common bond of honor, integrity, and service to the greater good.   Overall, the Forlorn Moon is a beacon of light and inspiration in a world beset by chaos and uncertainty. Its temples stand as sanctuaries of peace and wisdom, offering guidance and counsel to all who seek it. Its members, drawn from all walks of life and backgrounds, embody the highest ideals of honor, integrity, and enlightenment, ensuring that the light of the Forlorn Moon shines brightly in even the darkest of times.


The Forlorn Moon operates under a hierarchical structure overseen by Abbots, Blood Shadows, and Celestials, who manage various sects and temples scattered across the world. Within each sect, members adhere to a structured system that encompasses both spiritual and martial training.   Novices form the foundational level of membership, representing initiates who are beginning their journey within the faction. They undergo rigorous training in combat techniques, meditation, and the lore of the Forlorn Moon.   As Novices progress in their training, they may advance to the rank of Acolyte, demonstrating proficiency in their studies and a deeper understanding of the faction's teachings. Acolytes take on additional responsibilities within their sects, assisting in the training of Novices and supporting the operations of the temple.   At the highest echelons of the Forlorn Moon hierarchy are the Masters, individuals who have attained mastery in both the martial and spiritual aspects of the faction's teachings. Masters serve as mentors and leaders within their sects, guiding the development of their students and overseeing the day-to-day operations of the temple.   Specialized roles within the Forlorn Moon include Exiles and Quasars, individuals who have undergone extensive training in the arts of combat and enlightenment. Exiles are expert hunters and assassins, while Quasars focus on spiritual growth and mastery over celestial energies.   The Forlorn Moon also recognizes the importance of need-to-know information and privacy among its members. This emphasis on discretion and confidentiality is instilled from an early age, with members trained to safeguard the faction's teachings and techniques.   Overall, the Forlorn Moon operates as a cohesive and disciplined organization, with each member playing a vital role in upholding the values and traditions of the faction. Through dedication, discipline, and unity, the Forlorn Moon strives to fulfill its mission of protecting the plane of Tilith and fostering the growth and development of its members.


The culture of the Forlorn Moon is a rich tapestry woven from the threads of tradition, discipline, and spiritual enlightenment. Rooted in ancient teachings and guided by a reverence for the celestial bodies that govern the cosmos, it is a culture that emphasizes harmony, secrecy, and service to the greater good.   At the heart of Forlorn Moon culture is a profound respect for the balance between the physical and spiritual realms. Members are encouraged to cultivate inner peace and enlightenment through meditation, contemplation, and the study of celestial phenomena. They believe that by attuning themselves to the cosmic energies of the universe, they can unlock hidden potentials within themselves and achieve feats beyond the limits of ordinary mortals.   Secrecy and discretion are also central tenets of Forlorn Moon culture. Members are taught to safeguard the faction's teachings and techniques, revealing them only to those deemed worthy and trustworthy. This culture of secrecy ensures the integrity of the faction's knowledge and maintains its exclusivity as the sole purveyor of the Exile and Quasar disciplines.   Service to others is another cornerstone of Forlorn Moon culture. Members are instilled with a sense of duty and selflessness, emphasizing the importance of using their skills and abilities to benefit those in need. Whether it be as bodyguards, advisors, or caretakers, they are taught to put the welfare of others above their own, embodying a spirit of compassion and empathy in all their endeavors.   The Forlorn Moon also fosters a sense of camaraderie and kinship among its members. Despite the rigors of their training and the dangers they face, they find solace and support within the walls of their temples and sects. Bonds forged in the crucible of shared experiences and challenges unite them as a family, strengthening their resolve and fortifying their spirits in times of trial.

Public Agenda

The Forlorn Moon's public agenda is multifaceted, encompassing a range of goals and motivations that reflect its core values and principles. At its heart, the faction seeks to promote peace, stability, and enlightenment in a world fraught with chaos and uncertainty. Its actions are driven by a deep sense of duty and responsibility to safeguard the plane of Tilith from external threats and to nurture the growth and development of its inhabitants.   One of the primary goals of the Forlorn Moon is the preservation of cosmic balance and harmony. Drawing upon their reverence for the celestial bodies that govern the cosmos, members of the faction strive to maintain equilibrium between the forces of light and darkness, order and chaos. They believe that by upholding this delicate balance, they can prevent the world from descending into turmoil and ensure the continued prosperity of all beings.   Additionally, the Forlorn Moon is committed to the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment and self-discovery. Through meditation, contemplation, and the study of celestial phenomena, members seek to deepen their understanding of the universe and unlock hidden potentials within themselves. They believe that by attuning themselves to the cosmic energies of the universe, they can transcend the limitations of the mortal realm and achieve a higher state of consciousness.   Furthermore, the Forlorn Moon is dedicated to serving as a bastion of protection and refuge for those in need. Whether it be providing sanctuary to the lost and weary, offering guidance and counsel to leaders and individuals of importance, or training individuals to defend against external threats, the faction seeks to use its resources and abilities to benefit the greater good. Through their actions, members of the Forlorn Moon embody a spirit of compassion, empathy, and selflessness, striving to make the world a safer and more enlightened place for all.


The history of the Forlorn Moon is shrouded in myth and legend, spanning countless generations and epochs of time. According to ancient lore, the faction traces its origins back to a bygone era of chaos and upheaval, when the world was gripped by darkness and despair. It was during this tumultuous period that a group of enlightened individuals came together with a shared vision: to bring balance and order to a world ravaged by conflict and strife.   These visionaries, drawn together by a common purpose and guided by their reverence for the celestial bodies that governed the cosmos, sought to establish a sanctuary dedicated to the pursuit of enlightenment, mastery, and protection. They founded the Forlorn Moon as a beacon of light and hope in a world overshadowed by darkness, a place where individuals could find refuge, guidance, and purpose.   Over the centuries, the Forlorn Moon grew and flourished, its influence spreading far and wide across the world. Temples and sects were established in distant lands, each dedicated to the teachings and traditions of the faction. Under the leadership of wise Abbots, skilled Blood Shadows, and powerful Celestials, the Forlorn Moon became a formidable force for good in the world, standing as a bulwark against external threats and a beacon of enlightenment for all who sought its guidance.   Throughout its long and storied history, the Forlorn Moon has faced numerous trials and tribulations. It has weathered wars, invasions, and internal strife, emerging stronger and more resilient with each passing challenge. Its members have fought bravely against darkness and despair, risking life and limb to protect the world from existential threats and to uphold the values of honor, integrity, and enlightenment.   Today, the Forlorn Moon remains a bastion of hope and inspiration in a world beset by chaos and uncertainty. Its temples stand as sanctuaries of peace and wisdom, offering guidance and counsel to all who seek it. Its members, drawn from all walks of life and backgrounds, continue to uphold the ancient traditions and teachings of the faction, ensuring that the light of the Forlorn Moon shines brightly in even the darkest of times.

"Unity Ascends, Shadows Protect."

Secret, Religious sect
Alternative Names
Training Level
Leader Title


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