Isaiah Thatch

The Abyssal Sorcerer Isaiah Thatch

First an apprentice, than an illusionist, now technically a witch and dabbler in the profane and forbidden.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A slim and avrage hight man. Long limbed and a little on the gangley side.

Body Features

Obsidaian purple/blue skin and hints of scales showing through his skin.

Facial Features

A large white glowing brand that covers his whole forhead, the majority of his nose and the sides of his face reaching his jawline.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It's a rare phenomenon that a child of a ruinhunter will absorb a small amount of ruinous energy, unfortunately this was the fate of the young couples child. A babe born with wispy hair as white as his mothers, and skin as pink as his fathers. Fearing that the corruption would kill the child, his parents did what they thought was best. They left him in the care of an Arch College, specifically in the care of a master that had lived through the great Ruin war and was rumoured to be able to help those in their position, that way he would be cured of his affliction, receive an education and if talent emerged then he would be trained in how to use it safely. If not then there’s always janitorial work. As luck would have it, the boy was skilled and gifted with helix as all of Master Thatch’s students were and so his training began as soon as he could talk.

Gender Identity

He identifies as Male.


Asexual for the most part, though occasionally bi-sexual when the mood takes him.


Rasied and educated in the An'tulan Helix college, Isaiah hated the college. The few times he would be able to go into town he would see children playing and running around, whereas he had to wear itchy robes, read dusty books that made him sneeze and listen to even more dusty old masters. When the most basic of his training was complete, he requested to have his certification exam. Of Course he failed it. So he tried again, and again, and again. Until, through sheer luck he passed, received his licence and strode away from the only home and family he had ever known.


Formal emplyment has alsways been an issue for Isaiah. His flighty nature, espcially in his younger years lead to him flitting from work place to work place. That is until he was desperate enough to practice his magic for the ammusment of others, thus becoming a fairly popular Illusionist and even establishing his own traveling circus.

Mental Trauma

As his power developed Isaiah belived himself to be quite literally untouchable, until a rather hulking indivudual came close to ripping his head off. Now Isaiah is hesitent to allow himself to be touched by any but those he trusts.

Morality & Philosophy

As his adventures have progressed Isaiah has delevloped a very pragmatic view of the world. He will help those he can, but where he would have once died for a stranger now he is far less forthcomimng with his assistance. He still belives that waht he's doing is for the best and the greater good.

Personality Characteristics


Isaiah is motivated by a desire to protect those around him, himself and other magic practitioners. In that order. As such he finds himself seeking the power he will need to protect those he cares for. By what ever means necessary.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Highly knowledgeable on: Arcane matters History Elementals Construction of buildings   Inept of matters of: Medicine Organised religion Advanced Technology Stealth

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Competence, regardless of the field he respects someone who is good at what they do. Courage. Curiosity Self insight Learning secrets Learning languages Feeling like he's growing as a person.   Dislikes Incompetence Information being withheld Naivety Lack of integrity Lairs Willful ignorance Being taught.

Born and raised to be a powerful Helix mage who lost his way and now dabbles in the profane and forbidden.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Unknown. Raised An'tulan Helix college
Current Residence
Blue with serpent iris'
Long and white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Obsidian hues of purple and blue
5ft 9"
Known Languages
Learning languages started out as a punishment during his education but quickly became somewhat of a passion. He is currently fluent in twenty languages. High Arkkin, Low Arkkin, Barsc, Bol, Crag, Common, Drallg, Dalvian, Hope, Kalos, Malum, Orria, Scarren, Seni, Terran, Undercommon, E'talin, Verven, Vuka, Helix script, Err, Krix.


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