Order of the Aadrid

In the hidden corners of the Gamaeel lands, where light struggles to pierce the veil of darkness, whispers tell of an enigmatic order known as the Aadrid. Born out of dire necessity during an era of rampant corruption and relentless invasions, the Aadrid are more than a mere group of warriors and spies—they are avengers. Operating outside the bounds of conventional law, they are driven by an unwavering commitment to protect the innocent and dismantle the powerful structures that exploit the common people. To the noble elite, they are a terrifying specter, a shadowy force of relentless justice. But to the common folk, they are whispered heroes, the unseen guardians who strike from the shadows to defend the vulnerable.   The origins of the Aadrid are steeped in tragedy. When invaders captured a caravan filled with women, children, and the elderly, traditional forces faltered, their rescue attempts thwarted. Amidst this chaos, a fierce resolve ignited within Neferu al-Ramose and her band of determined women. Training in secret, mastering the arts of combat and espionage, they forged the Aadrid. Their early successes—marked by daring rescues and the execution of corrupt officials—quickly garnered the support of the people and the ire of the ruling class. From the ashes of despair, they rose as a beacon of hope and retribution.   Living in the shadows, the Aadrid abide by a strict code of laws and rituals that bind them together. Concealing their identities with the Mir'ath Veil, a traditional head covering adorned with hidden symbols of rank, they become faceless protectors. Their bodies bear the marks of intricate henna designs and ritualistic scars, each telling a story of personal sacrifice and collective strength. The Aadrid's training regimen is rigorous, blending intense physical conditioning with advanced combat and espionage techniques, ensuring each member is a versatile and formidable operative.   The methods of the Aadrid are as varied as they are ruthless. They strike with swift, decisive action—assassinating corrupt nobles, dismantling black markets, and executing usurpers. Their most feared punishment is impalement in the desert, a brutal death reserved for the gravest of betrayals. Yet, despite their harsh methods, the Aadrid are deeply respected by the common people, who see them as the final bastion against tyranny and injustice. Their reputation as both saviors and specters ensures they remain a powerful, if controversial, force within the Gamaeel lands.   To understand the Aadrid is to grasp the delicate balance between light and shadow, justice and retribution. They are more than vigilantes; they are a symbol of unyielding hope and relentless vengeance. Their existence challenges the established order, reminding the powerful that their actions carry weight, and offering the oppressed a glimpse of justice. The Aadrid's blend of lethal efficiency, unwavering commitment to their cause, and deep cultural roots make them a unique and formidable force, shaping the destiny of the Gamaeel people from the shadows. Their legacy is carved in the silent cries of the oppressed and the whispered tales of heroes who never reveal their faces.


The Aadrid operates with a hierarchical yet flexible structure that allows for effective leadership and adaptability. This structure supports their dual focus on combat and espionage while maintaining the cultural and spiritual aspects of their heritage.   Grand Veil At the apex of the Aadrid's hierarchy is the Grand Veil, currently held by Khepri al-Malik. The Grand Veil is the supreme leader, responsible for overall strategy, decision-making, and ensuring the welfare and secrecy of the order. This position requires not only exceptional leadership skills but also a deep understanding of both the practical and spiritual facets of the Aadrid’s mission. The Grand Veil oversees all major operations and maintains the delicate balance between the Aadrid’s covert activities and their cultural responsibilities.   Council of Shadows The Council of Shadows consists of senior advisors and former leaders who provide strategic counsel to the Grand Veil. This council includes notable figures such as Neferu al-Ramose, Layla bint Tariq, Enheduanna Ninlil, Samira bint Malik, and Meret Ankhet. Drawing on their vast experience and wisdom, the Council of Shadows oversees major initiatives and ensures that the Aadrid’s actions align with their core values and long-term goals. Their role is crucial in shaping the direction of the order and providing continuity through successive generations of leadership.   High Commanders The High Commanders are responsible for overseeing specific domains within the Aadrid, each critical to the order’s operations. There are four main domains: Combat, Espionage, Diplomacy, and Training. Each High Commander ensures that their respective areas operate efficiently and effectively. The High Commander of Combat manages all combat operations, training of combat knights, and development of combat strategies. The High Commander of Espionage handles intelligence gathering, covert missions, and infiltration operations. The High Commander of Diplomacy is in charge of diplomatic relations, negotiations, and alliance-building. Finally, the High Commander of Training ensures the proper training and development of new recruits, focusing on both combat and espionage skills.   Knight Commanders Knight Commanders lead specialized units within their respective domains, directly managing field operations and missions. Each domain has its own Knight Commander who reports to the High Commanders. The Combat Knight Commander leads units dedicated to frontline combat and defense. The Espionage Knight Commander oversees units that specialize in intelligence and covert operations. The Diplomatic Knight Commander manages units involved in negotiations and maintaining alliances. The Training Knight Commander is responsible for the day-to-day training activities, ensuring that initiates and full knights are well-prepared for their duties.   Veteran Knights Veteran Knights are experienced members who have completed numerous missions and proven their skills and loyalty. They serve as mentors to younger knights, passing on their knowledge and expertise. Veterans often lead smaller task forces on critical missions and are instrumental in maintaining the order’s high standards. Their experience and dedication make them invaluable assets in both strategic planning and field operations.   Full Knights Full Knights form the backbone of the Aadrid, fully trained and active in various missions. They are divided into specialized units based on their skills and assignments, whether in combat, espionage, or diplomacy. Full Knights are the primary force that carries out the Aadrid’s day-to-day operations, from frontline engagements to covert intelligence gathering. Their versatility and commitment ensure the order’s continued effectiveness and reach.   Special Operatives While the Aadrid is primarily composed of women, men can join under specific and unique circumstances. These Special Operatives bring unique skills and perspectives that enhance the order’s capabilities. However, their ascent within the organization is limited to certain roles. Typically, they can reach the rank of Full Knight but are not eligible for command positions. Special Operatives may be assigned to roles that leverage their particular talents, such as advanced espionage, technological expertise, or diplomatic missions where their background is advantageous.   Initiates Initiates are new recruits undergoing rigorous training and evaluation. They are prepared for their roles through intensive instruction in combat, espionage, diplomacy, and cultural practices. The training program is designed to be highly demanding, ensuring that only the most dedicated and capable individuals progress to become Full Knights. Initiates are mentored by Veteran Knights and are closely monitored by the Training Knight Commander.   Support Roles Support roles within the Aadrid include Healers, Artisans, Scouts, and Informants. Healers provide medical support and care for injured knights, ensuring that the order’s members are physically capable of performing their duties. Artisans craft and maintain weapons, armor, and other essential equipment. Scouts gather preliminary intelligence and conduct reconnaissance missions, often acting as the eyes and ears of the order. Informants are embedded in various communities, collecting information and providing early warnings of potential threats. These support roles are crucial for the Aadrid’s operational success, enabling frontline knights to perform their missions effectively.


The culture of the Aadrid is deeply rooted in the traditions and heritage of the Gamaeel people, yet it has evolved uniquely to fit the needs and mission of this clandestine order. Central to their identity is the Mir'ath Veil, a head covering that symbolizes their commitment to the Aadrid. The veil, initially a common cultural garment, has been adapted to include discreet symbols and patterns that indicate a member’s rank and role within the order. These modifications are invisible to the uninitiated, maintaining the veil’s outwardly traditional appearance while embedding it with profound internal significance.   Aadrid members practice various rituals that reinforce their unity and dedication. Henna application is a significant ritual, used during initiation and before missions. The intricate designs on their hands and forearms are more than just decorative; they reflect personal mantras, memories of lost comrades, and symbols of their oath. These henna patterns serve as both a mental and spiritual preparation for the tasks ahead, grounding members in their shared purpose and personal resolve. Scarification is another practice that holds deep meaning within the Aadrid. Each scar represents a fallen comrade or a significant achievement, serving as a visible testament to their commitment and the sacrifices made along the way.   Living arrangements within the Aadrid are communal, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. Their quarters, often hidden or disguised, reflect the order’s need for secrecy and security. This close-knit living situation helps to build strong bonds among members, ensuring that they function effectively as a unit. Despite the necessity of their secretive existence, the Aadrid maintain a rich cultural life, integrating elements of their Gamaeel heritage into their daily routines. Festivals, ceremonies, and spiritual practices are observed with reverence, providing moments of respite and reflection amidst their demanding duties.   The Aadrid are known for their rigorous training regimen, which is designed to prepare them for the varied challenges they face. Training encompasses combat skills, espionage techniques, and diplomatic strategies, ensuring that members are well-rounded and adaptable. Physical conditioning is also emphasized, with rigorous exercises to maintain peak fitness and agility. The order’s emphasis on continuous improvement and excellence is a reflection of their relentless pursuit of justice and their commitment to protecting the Gamaeel people.   Interactions with the broader society are carefully managed. The Aadrid are seen by the common people as vigilant protectors, despite their brutal methods. This duality is a cornerstone of their existence; they operate in the shadows, often bypassing the law to deliver swift and decisive justice. The nobility and royal family view them as a destabilizing force, a necessary evil that challenges the status quo. Yet, the Aadrid's reputation among the common people as knights of justice ensures that they remain supported and protected by those they serve.

Public Agenda

The Aadrid’s public agenda, though veiled in secrecy, is fundamentally aimed at the protection and empowerment of the Gamaeel people. Despite operating largely in the shadows, the Aadrid have a clear set of objectives that guide their actions and interactions with the broader society.   First and foremost, the Aadrid seek to eliminate corruption and injustice within the ruling elite. They target corrupt officials, nobles, and other powerful individuals who exploit and oppress the common people. Through their covert operations, they aim to dismantle the power structures that allow such corruption to flourish, ensuring that justice is served even if it means bypassing conventional legal channels.   Another key component of their public agenda is the protection of vulnerable and oppressed populations. The Aadrid are known for their interventions in situations where traditional forces have failed to protect the people. This includes rescuing captives, liberating slaves, and providing aid to communities devastated by war or exploitation. Their actions are driven by a deep commitment to safeguarding the innocent and ensuring that the most vulnerable members of society are defended.   The Aadrid also focus on maintaining social order and stability. While their methods are often seen as extreme, their ultimate goal is to create a safer, more just society. They intervene in situations where crime and violence threaten to destabilize communities, using their unique skills and resources to restore peace and order. This often involves a combination of direct action against criminal elements and efforts to address the underlying causes of instability.   Education and empowerment are also central to the Aadrid’s public agenda. They work to raise awareness about the issues of corruption, injustice, and exploitation, encouraging the common people to stand up for their rights and take an active role in their own protection. Through covert channels, they provide training and support to community leaders and activists, helping to build a network of informed and empowered citizens who can advocate for change.   Finally, the Aadrid are committed to preserving the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Gamaeel people. They integrate traditional practices into their own rituals and ensure that the communities they protect have the resources and support needed to maintain their cultural identity. This cultural preservation is seen as a crucial aspect of their mission, reinforcing the connection between the Aadrid and the people they serve.


Origins and Formation The Aadrid were born out of a necessity during a period of intense strife in the Gamaeel lands. Decades ago, the Western Fiefs faced invasions from ruthless warlords and suffered from internal corruption among the noble class. These external and internal threats created a situation where conventional forces and traditional knightly orders were failing to protect the common people.   It was a time of darkness, where the weak were oppressed and the innocent suffered. The final catalyst for the formation of the Aadrid was a devastating event where invaders captured a caravan filled with women, children, and the elderly. Despite several rescue attempts by the Gamaeel men, the captives remained in peril, suffering unimaginable horrors. This event ignited a fierce resolve among a group of women led by Neferu al-Ramose, whose name would soon become legend.   Neferu al-Ramose, along with other visionary women like Layla bint Tariq, Enheduanna Ninlil, Samira bint Malik, and Meret Ankhet, decided to take matters into their own hands. They trained in secret, mastering the arts of combat, espionage, and guerrilla tactics. They forged an order dedicated to protecting their people through any means necessary. This group of women, initially considered unorthodox and radical, soon proved their worth through a daring rescue mission, freeing the captives and marking the birth of the Aadrid.   Early Years and Expansion In the early years, the Aadrid operated in the shadows, building their strength and refining their methods. Their successful missions against invaders and corrupt nobles quickly garnered the support of the common people. As their reputation grew, so did their numbers. Women from all walks of life, driven by personal trauma and a desire for justice, joined their ranks.   The Aadrid's growing influence and their unorthodox methods did not go unnoticed by the nobility and the royal family. The order’s willingness to bypass laws and deliver vigilante justice put them at odds with the ruling class, who viewed them as a destabilizing force. Despite this, the Aadrid continued to operate, protected by the admiration and support of the common people.   During this period, the Aadrid began to formalize their practices and traditions. The Mir'ath Veil, initially a common cultural garment, was adopted and modified to symbolize their oath and rank. Rituals such as henna application before missions and scarification to honor fallen comrades were established, further binding the members through shared experiences and symbols.   Major Conflicts and Key Events One of the most significant events in Aadrid history was the Night of Silent Blades. The grand banquet was a display of opulence, a façade of civility over a core of corruption. The Aadrid infiltrated the palace, moving like shadows. By dawn, several corrupt nobles lay dead, their schemes ended. This act, while condemned by the ruling elite, was celebrated by the commoners as a necessary strike against tyranny and corruption.   Another key event was the Cleansing of Darasur. The Aadrid razed the estate of a notorious noble involved in human trafficking. The flames of justice burned bright that night, freeing many enslaved individuals and sending a powerful message to those who exploited the vulnerable. The public display of the noble’s downfall served as a stark warning to others who would dare to commit similar atrocities.   The Aadrid's destruction of a black market protected by noble families was a turning point. The Purge of the Black Market crippled the illegal trade of weapons and drugs, significantly improving the safety and well-being of the common people. This act showcased their ability to disrupt deeply entrenched criminal networks and reinforced their commitment to protecting society from within.   In a daring and controversial move, the Aadrid executed the entire court of a usurper who had seized power through violence and deceit. The Execution of the Usurper's Court restored peace and justice in the region, further solidifying the Aadrid's reputation among the populace. Despite the backlash from the nobility, the common people saw this as a righteous act that upheld justice.   The Siege of Ironhold marked another significant victory. The fortress, controlled by a corrupt noble involved in illegal mining, fell to the Aadrid. The resources were redistributed to displaced villagers, showcasing the Aadrid's commitment to justice and equity. This event highlighted their strategic prowess and ability to mobilize for large-scale operations.   The Ritual of Impalement The ritual of impalement, a brutal method of punishment, was devised by Layla bint Tariq, one of the founding members of the Aadrid. Known for her strategic brilliance and deep understanding of psychological warfare, Layla created this method to serve as a powerful deterrent and send a clear message to their enemies.   The first implementation of the impalement ritual was during the punishment of the Traitor’s Brigade, a group of mercenaries who had betrayed the Gamaeel by siding with invaders. The public display of their suffering served as a stark warning to others. This brutal act cemented the Aadrid’s reputation for delivering harsh but necessary justice.   The ritual of impalement became the Aadrid's most feared punishment. It was reserved for the most heinous crimes, such as betrayal, corruption, and exploitation. The sight of impaled individuals in the desert was a chilling reminder of the Aadrid’s reach and resolve, ensuring that their enemies understood the severe consequences of their actions.   Modern Era and Current Leadership As the Aadrid evolved, they began to accept men into their ranks under specific circumstances. These men, known as Special Operatives, brought unique skills and perspectives to the order. However, their ascent within the organization was limited to ensure the order’s foundational principles remained intact.   Today, the Aadrid are led by Khepri al-Malik, the Grand Veil. Under her leadership, the order has continued to refine its methods and expand its influence. The Council of Shadows, composed of senior advisors and former leaders, provides strategic guidance, ensuring that the order remains true to its mission.   The Aadrid remain vigilant, continuing to protect the common people from both external threats and internal corruption. Their reputation as ruthless enforcers of justice, combined with their hidden yet powerful presence, keeps potential adversaries at bay and maintains the order’s standing as guardians of the Gamaeel.   Public Perception and Cultural Integration Despite their secretive nature, the Aadrid’s public agenda focuses on eliminating corruption, protecting the vulnerable, maintaining social order, educating and empowering the populace, and preserving cultural heritage. They are seen as vigilant protectors, willing to do what is necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of society.   The Aadrid’s culture is deeply rooted in Gamaeel traditions, yet it has evolved uniquely to fit their mission. Practices such as the use of the Mir'ath Veil, henna rituals, and scarification reinforce their unity and dedication. Communal living arrangements foster strong bonds among members, ensuring that they function effectively as a unit.   A rigorous training regimen prepares Aadrid members for the varied challenges they face, encompassing combat skills, espionage techniques, and diplomatic strategies. Their daily life is marked by discipline and a focus on continuous improvement, reflecting their relentless pursuit of justice.   Legacy and Impact The history of the Aadrid is one of resilience, adaptation, and relentless pursuit of justice. From their origins as a radical group of women led by Neferu al-Ramose, they have grown into a formidable force that operates in the shadows, revered by the common people and feared by the corrupt. Their legacy is built on their willingness to do what is necessary, no matter the cost, to protect the peace and well-being of their society. Through their brutal methods, unwavering commitment, and deep cultural roots, the Aadrid continue to shape the destiny of the Gamaeel, ensuring that justice prevails even in the darkest of times.


The Aadrid, though operating largely outside the conventional legal systems, abide by a strict code of laws that govern their actions and maintain the integrity of their order. These laws are a blend of practical rules for operational effectiveness and deep-rooted cultural principles.   The Oath of the Aadrid Commitment to the Oath: Every member of the Aadrid takes an oath upon joining the order. This oath is a solemn promise to uphold the values, mission, and laws of the Aadrid. It is considered the most binding and sacred commitment, and breaking this oath is seen as the gravest offense.   Laws of Justice   1. Protect the Innocent: The primary duty of the Aadrid is to protect the innocent and vulnerable. Members must always act in the best interests of those who cannot protect themselves, even if it means putting their own lives at risk.   2. Eliminate Corruption: The Aadrid are committed to rooting out corruption and injustice. This includes targeting corrupt officials, nobles, and any individuals who exploit and oppress the common people. Justice must be served swiftly and decisively.   3. No Unnecessary Cruelty: While the Aadrid’s methods can be brutal, unnecessary cruelty is forbidden. Punishments and actions must serve a clear purpose in maintaining justice and order, and gratuitous violence is not tolerated.   Laws of Secrecy   4. Maintain Secrecy: The operations and identities of the Aadrid must remain secret to protect the order and its members. Revealing any information about the Aadrid’s activities, members, or plans to outsiders is strictly prohibited.   5. Disguised Appearances: Members must use the Mir'ath Veil and other means to conceal their identities during missions. This practice not only protects individual members but also preserves the covert nature of the order.   Laws of Conduct   6. Respect and Unity: Members of the Aadrid must treat each other with respect and foster a sense of unity and solidarity. Internal conflicts and divisions weaken the order and are to be resolved swiftly and fairly.   7. Honor Fallen Comrades: The Aadrid place great importance on honoring those who have fallen in service to the order. Scarification rituals and ceremonies are conducted to remember and respect their sacrifices.   8. Loyalty to the Grand Veil: Loyalty to the Grand Veil and the leadership of the Aadrid is paramount. Members must follow the directives and decisions of their leaders, as the unity and strength of the order depend on hierarchical respect and obedience.   Laws of Training and Skill   9. Continuous Improvement: Members must continually strive to improve their skills in combat, espionage, and diplomacy. Training is a lifelong commitment, and complacency is not tolerated.   10. Knowledge Sharing: Veteran members are responsible for mentoring and training new recruits, ensuring that the knowledge and skills necessary for the order’s success are passed down through the generations.   Laws of Punishment   11. Impalement for Betrayal: Betrayal of the order is punishable by the ritual of impalement. This includes acts of treason, corruption, or revealing the order’s secrets. This punishment is both a deterrent and a method of ensuring the order’s integrity.   12. Internal Justice: The Aadrid handle their own justice internally. Disputes, offenses, and breaches of the law are adjudicated by the High Commanders and, if necessary, the Grand Veil. External legal systems are not recognized for matters concerning the order.

Unseen, Unyielding, Unforgotten.

Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Hidden Blades, Illegal Knights
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Family Leader
Major Exports
The Aadrid, operating from the shadows and maintaining a covert presence, have developed a unique approach to exports. Their primary source of goods comes from the spoils of their missions. These include items seized from corrupt officials, nobles, and criminal organizations they dismantle. The Aadrid are meticulous in their collection, ensuring that valuable items are repurposed to support their cause and sustain their operations.   Among the most common exports are precious metals and gemstones. Many of the individuals targeted by the Aadrid hoard wealth in the form of gold, silver, and various precious stones. These items are carefully extracted and smuggled out to be sold on the black market. The Aadrid’s network includes skilled artisans who can refine and craft these raw materials into exquisite jewelry and artifacts, which fetch higher prices and help fund their activities. This process not only provides financial support but also symbolizes the redistribution of ill-gotten wealth back into society.   Antique weapons and armor also form a significant part of their exports. The Aadrid have access to a plethora of historical and culturally significant armaments, collected from fallen enemies and ancient strongholds. These items, often imbued with historical value, are sold to collectors and enthusiasts across various regions. By leveraging the high demand for such relics, the Aadrid ensure a steady stream of income while subtly spreading their influence and reputation.   Luxury goods, such as fine silks, spices, and rare artifacts, are another category of exports managed by the Aadrid. These items are often seized from the estates of the wealthy and influential figures they target. The Aadrid have established discreet trade routes that allow these goods to reach distant markets without drawing undue attention. The sale of luxury goods not only brings in substantial revenue but also helps maintain the Aadrid’s connections with influential merchants and traders, creating a network of allies who indirectly support their cause.   In addition to tangible goods, the Aadrid occasionally trade in information. Their espionage operations yield valuable intelligence on political movements, economic trends, and social unrest. This information is discreetly sold to interested parties, including rival factions, foreign powers, and even certain elements within the Gamaeel society. The trade in information is handled with extreme caution, ensuring that it does not compromise the Aadrid’s secrecy or mission.   Finally, the Aadrid also engage in the redistribution of resources such as food supplies, medical equipment, and other essential goods. These items are often taken from corrupt officials who have hoarded them at the expense of the common people. By redistributing these resources, the Aadrid not only provide for their own needs but also garner the support and loyalty of the communities they protect. This form of export is more altruistic in nature, reinforcing their image as protectors and champions of justice.
Parent Organization


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