Order of the Elysium Knight

The Order of the Elysium Knight stands as a beacon of hope and justice in a world often shrouded in darkness and chaos. Formed under the divine mandate of the goddess Dove, the Order is dedicated to protecting the innocent, vanquishing evil, and upholding the highest principles of virtue. Each Knight, bound by a sacred oath, commits their life to the relentless pursuit of these ideals, wielding both physical and supernatural powers granted through their unwavering faith. The Elysium Knights are more than warriors; they are paragons of moral integrity, serving as the living embodiments of Dove's light in the mortal realm.   From the moment a Knight aspirant takes their first oath, their life is irrevocably changed. The path to becoming an Elysium Knight is arduous, requiring rigorous physical training, spiritual enlightenment, and an unyielding dedication to Dove’s teachings. Aspirants undergo a series of trials designed to test their resolve, courage, and purity of heart. Only those who demonstrate unwavering commitment and exceptional skill are granted the title of Elysium Knight. Upon their initiation, they receive the Azure Spheres, mystical orbs that symbolize their bond with Dove and serve as conduits for their divine powers.   The Order is structured hierarchically, with a clear chain of command that ensures discipline and order within its ranks. At the pinnacle stands the Grandmaster, a figure chosen not only for their martial prowess but also for their wisdom and spiritual insight. Beneath them are the High Commanders, who oversee various regions and ensure that the Order’s influence and protection extend far and wide. Each Knight is assigned to a unit, led by a seasoned Captain, who mentors and guides them in their duties. This structured hierarchy allows the Order to operate efficiently and respond swiftly to threats, maintaining a vigilant presence across the lands.   Central to the identity of the Elysium Knights is their divine mandate from Dove. Unlike other military orders that may serve kings or nations, the Elysium Knights answer only to their goddess. This independence grants them a unique position, allowing them to act solely based on moral imperatives rather than political agendas. Their loyalty to Dove is absolute, and their actions are driven by a deep sense of duty to her divine will. This sacred mission often puts them at odds with secular authorities, leading to tension and conflict, but it also ensures that their purpose remains untainted by worldly corruption.   The powers bestowed upon the Elysium Knights are formidable, designed to combat the darkest forces that threaten the world. Their Azure Spheres can unleash devastating attacks, create protective barriers, and heal wounds, making each Knight a versatile and powerful combatant. Beyond their martial abilities, Knights possess a spiritual presence that can inspire and rally those around them, dispelling fear and instilling hope. In times of great peril, they can call upon miracles, such as resurrecting fallen comrades or banishing demonic entities, showcasing the profound depth of their connection to Dove.   Despite their noble mission and extraordinary abilities, the Elysium Knights face significant challenges. They are often misunderstood and viewed with suspicion by those who do not share their faith or understand their purpose. Their strict adherence to Dove’s teachings can lead to rigid interpretations of justice, resulting in difficult moral dilemmas. Furthermore, the belief that Dove has perished has cast a shadow over the Order, leading to persecution and exile in many lands. Yet, the Knights remain steadfast, driven by their unwavering faith and the memory of their divine patron, determined to continue their sacred duty to protect and illuminate the world.  


The Order of Elysium Knights, a revered and ancient institution, stands as a bulwark against the encroaching darkness that threatens the realm. At the pinnacle of this noble hierarchy is the Grandmaster, a title of immense responsibility and honor. The Grandmaster, chosen for their unparalleled skill, wisdom, and unwavering dedication to Dove's light, commands the entire Order with a resolute hand. Beneath the Grandmaster are the High Councillors, a select group of the most seasoned and respected Knights who serve as advisors and overseers of the Order's various divisions. Each High Councillor is responsible for a specific aspect of the Order's operations, ensuring that every facet of their mission is executed with precision and efficacy.   The High Councillors are divided into five key roles: the Marshal of Arms, the Keeper of Lore, the Master of Shadows, the Shieldbearer, and the Divine Emissary. The Marshal of Arms oversees all martial training and military engagements, ensuring that the Knights are always battle-ready. The Keeper of Lore is entrusted with the preservation and dissemination of the Order's vast knowledge, from ancient texts to strategic intelligence. The Master of Shadows manages espionage, reconnaissance, and the covert operations that keep the Order informed of threats. The Shieldbearer ensures the welfare of the Knights, maintaining morale and addressing internal conflicts. Lastly, the Divine Emissary liaises with religious authorities, interpreting Dove’s will and guiding the Order’s spiritual direction.   Each division within the Order is led by a Captain, who reports directly to their respective High Councillor. The Captains are responsible for the day-to-day operations of their divisions, implementing the strategies and policies set forth by the High Council. Under the Captains are the Lieutenants, who manage smaller units of Knights in the field. These Lieutenants ensure that the Grandmaster’s vision and the High Councillors’ directives are executed faithfully, maintaining discipline and cohesion among the ranks. The structure is designed to be both hierarchical and flexible, allowing for rapid response to emerging threats while maintaining a strong chain of command.   At the heart of the Order are the Elysium Knights themselves, the valiant warriors who embody the Order's ideals. They are divided into three main classifications: the Guardian Knights, the Blade Knights, and the Sentinel Knights. Guardian Knights focus on protection and healing, utilizing their abilities to safeguard allies and civilians. Blade Knights are the offensive arm, excelling in combat and striking down the Order’s enemies with righteous fury. Sentinel Knights serve as scouts and spies, gathering crucial intelligence and executing covert missions. Each Knight, regardless of classification, is rigorously trained and sworn to uphold the Order’s creed: to protect the innocent, to vanquish evil, and to serve as beacons of Dove’s light in a world overshadowed by darkness.   Despite the structured hierarchy, the Order fosters a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among its members. Regular councils and assemblies allow Knights of all ranks to voice their concerns and contribute to the Order’s strategies. This inclusivity ensures that every Knight, from the newest recruit to the seasoned veteran, feels valued and integral to the Order’s mission. The Grandmaster’s open-door policy further reinforces this culture, encouraging Knights to seek counsel and guidance without fear of reprimand.   However, the Order is not without its internal struggles. The exile and demonization of the Seraphim have created fractures within the ranks. Some Knights question the harsh measures taken against their celestial brethren, while others staunchly support the Grandmaster’s stance, viewing the Seraphim as potential threats to the Order’s stability. These divisions are navigated with delicate diplomacy, as the Order strives to maintain unity in the face of external adversities. The Grandmaster and High Councillors work tirelessly to balance justice with mercy, ensuring that the Order remains steadfast in its purpose while addressing the grievances of its members.   In times of war, the Elysium Knights are the vanguard, leading armies and inspiring hope among the beleaguered populace. Their presence on the battlefield is a rallying cry, a testament to the unwavering resolve of those who fight in Dove’s name. Off the battlefield, they are mediators, healers, and protectors, dedicated to maintaining peace and order in the lands they safeguard. The Order’s influence extends far beyond their martial prowess, as they work tirelessly to root out corruption, dispel dark cults, and confront demonic incursions wherever they arise.


The culture of the Elysium Knights is deeply rooted in the principles of honor, duty, and unwavering faith in Dove. From the moment a Knight is initiated, they are immersed in a tradition that venerates the virtues of courage, sacrifice, and righteousness. This culture is not merely about martial prowess but encompasses a holistic approach to personal and spiritual development, ensuring that each Knight embodies the ideals of the Order in every aspect of their life.   At the heart of the Elysium Knights’ culture is a profound sense of camaraderie and brotherhood. Despite the rigid hierarchy, the Order fosters an environment where every Knight, regardless of rank, is valued and respected. This is cultivated through shared rituals, communal meals, and regular assemblies where Knights of all levels can voice their thoughts and concerns. The bonds forged in these moments of fellowship are unbreakable, creating a sense of unity that transcends individual differences.   Training and discipline are the cornerstones of a Knight’s life. From dawn to dusk, Knights engage in rigorous physical training, honing their combat skills and maintaining peak physical condition. However, their training extends beyond the physical; they are also schooled in strategy, history, and the sacred texts of Dove. This dual focus ensures that Knights are not only formidable warriors but also wise leaders and scholars. The pursuit of knowledge is seen as a sacred duty, a means to better serve Dove and the Order.   Meditation and prayer are integral to the daily routine of the Elysium Knights. Each day begins and ends with a period of reflection, where Knights commune with Dove, seeking guidance and reaffirming their commitment to the Order’s creed. These practices instill a sense of inner peace and clarity, equipping Knights with the mental fortitude to face the myriad challenges that come their way. Spiritual growth is seen as essential as physical and intellectual development, creating a balanced and harmonious existence.   The Elysium Knights also place great emphasis on acts of charity and service. Knights are expected to be beacons of hope and compassion, assisting those in need and standing up for the oppressed. This often involves undertaking missions to deliver aid, protect villages from marauding forces, and mediate disputes. These acts of service are not seen as burdens but as privileges, opportunities to manifest the light of Dove in a world often shrouded in darkness.   Despite their reverence for tradition, the Elysium Knights are not immune to internal conflict and dissent. The schism created by the exile of the Seraphim has left deep scars, with some Knights advocating for their reinstatement while others view them as traitors. These tensions are navigated with a combination of diplomacy and firm leadership, as the Grandmaster and High Councillors strive to maintain harmony and focus within the Order. Debates and discussions are encouraged, providing a safe space for Knights to express their views and contribute to the Order’s evolution.   The cultural heritage of the Elysium Knights is also reflected in their ceremonies and rituals. Initiation rites, promotions, and memorials are marked by elaborate ceremonies that honor the achievements and sacrifices of Knights. These events are solemn and reverent, filled with ancient chants, blessings, and the lighting of sacred flames. Such rituals reinforce the sense of belonging and purpose, reminding each Knight of their sacred duty and the legacy they uphold.   The Order's culture is also shaped by its interactions with the wider world. While they operate independently of any state or nation, the Elysium Knights often find themselves acting as mediators in conflicts, advisors to rulers, and protectors of the innocent. Their reputation for fairness, valor, and incorruptibility has earned them the respect and admiration of many, although it also attracts the enmity of those who thrive on chaos and corruption. The Knights navigate these external relationships with a careful balance of strength and diplomacy, always mindful of their ultimate allegiance to Dove and the Order’s creed.

Public Agenda

The Elysium Knights' public agenda is a beacon of hope and a testament to their unwavering commitment to the greater good. At the forefront of their mission is the protection of the innocent. The Knights are dedicated to defending the defenseless and ensuring the safety of those who cannot protect themselves. Whether it is repelling invasions, combating bandits, or intervening in local disputes, they prioritize the well-being of the vulnerable. Their presence serves as a reassurance to communities that justice and protection are within reach, and their actions inspire confidence and trust among the people they serve.   In their relentless crusade against darkness, the Elysium Knights actively seek out and confront demonic, devilish, and monstrous threats. They conduct missions to cleanse areas plagued by evil entities, ensuring that such forces do not gain a foothold in the mortal realm. The Knights' efforts to eradicate darkness are tireless, embodying their commitment to purging evil from the world. Their reputation as incorruptible enforcers of justice is widely recognized and respected, and they serve as arbiters of justice, intervening in situations where corruption and injustice prevail. By dismantling criminal organizations, exposing corrupt officials, and restoring fairness wherever it has been compromised, they uphold the principles of integrity and morality.   Humanitarian aid and relief efforts are central to the Elysium Knights' mission. They organize and lead relief efforts during natural disasters, famines, and other crises, distributing food, medical supplies, and other essential resources to affected communities. Their dedication to providing aid and support to those in need exemplifies their creed of compassion and service. Additionally, the Knights often act as mediators in disputes between factions, villages, or even nations. Their impartiality and wisdom make them effective negotiators, facilitating truces and fostering dialogue to prevent unnecessary bloodshed and promote harmony.   The Elysium Knights also focus on spiritual guidance and education, spreading the teachings and values of Dove. They establish schools, libraries, and places of worship where individuals can learn about Dove’s principles and receive spiritual guidance. Their educational initiatives aim to cultivate a sense of morality, integrity, and community among the populace. Furthermore, the Knights perform exorcisms and purifications to cleanse individuals and places afflicted by malevolent spirits and dark magic. Their success in these endeavors further solidifies their role as guardians against supernatural threats.   While maintaining their independence, the Elysium Knights collaborate with allied nations and orders when their objectives align. They provide military support, strategic counsel, and logistical aid to ensure that their combined efforts are effective in maintaining peace and order. The Order is also committed to preserving historical texts, ancient lore, and the teachings of Dove. They safeguard important artifacts and scriptures, ensuring that the wisdom of the past is not lost to time. This dedication to knowledge helps guide their actions and decisions in the present.


The origins of the Elysium Knights are shrouded in the mists of antiquity, a tale whispered through the corridors of time. Long ago, in the age of the First Dawning, Dove, the celestial being of vindication and protection, cast her divine light upon a select group of warriors. These chosen few, blessed with her radiant power, were tasked with a singular, sacred mission: to shield the innocent from the encroaching darkness. Thus, the Elysium Knights were born, an order dedicated to the eradication of evil and the preservation of justice.   Throughout the ages, the Knights stood as paragons of virtue. They ventured into realms plagued by demonic forces, their azure spheres and holy fire searing through the malevolence that sought to corrupt the world. Legends speak of their battles against monstrous hordes, where their blades shone with celestial brilliance, cutting through the night like beacons of hope. Their deeds became the foundation of countless myths, their valor inspiring generations to aspire to greater heights.   As centuries passed, the Elysium Knights grew in number and influence. Their citadels, gleaming bastions of light, dotted the landscape of Tilith, each one a fortress of hope and a sanctuary for the oppressed. They formed alliances with kingdoms and other orders, their counsel sought by kings and queens who revered their wisdom and unwavering commitment to justice. The Knights' presence was a deterrent to would-be tyrants and a comfort to the downtrodden, their reputation as incorruptible guardians firmly established.   However, the fall of Dove marked a turning point in their storied history. With the divine presence of their patron believed to be extinguished, the Elysium Knights found themselves besieged not only by external threats but also by internal turmoil. Nations that once welcomed them began to view them with suspicion and fear. Accusations of heresy and rebellion spread like wildfire, and the once-hallowed order was branded as outlaws in many lands. Forced to choose between bending the knee to unjust rulers or facing brutal persecution, many Knights found themselves hunted, their wings clipped, their spirits broken.   Yet, despite the trials and tribulations, the core of the Elysium Knights remained unshaken. They continued their sacred duty in secret, protecting those who still believed in their cause. Hidden enclaves became their sanctuaries, where they trained new generations of Knights in the ways of valor and righteousness. Their clandestine efforts to combat the forces of darkness persisted, even as the world around them seemed to succumb to corruption and despair.   The leadership of the Elysium Knights saw a series of tumultuous transitions. Aedan Thorne's betrayal left a scar upon the order, his lust for power leading to a devastating conflict that nearly tore the Knights apart. Cedric Valen's poisoning was a grim reminder of the treachery that lurked within their midst, while the beheading of Elara Whitethorn at the hands of a vengeful tyrant only fueled their resolve to fight against oppression. Alistair Drayton's retirement signaled a brief respite, his tenure marked by attempts to rebuild and strengthen their ranks. Now, under the guidance of the enigmatic Emory Ravenshade, the Knights stand at a crossroads, poised to reclaim their honor and continue their fight against the encroaching darkness.


The Elysium Knights' adherence to the religion of Dove is a profound and all-encompassing commitment that shapes every aspect of their lives. Unlike typical followers of Dove, whose devotion is often expressed through prayers, rituals, and community service, the Knights embody their faith through action, discipline, and unwavering dedication to their sacred duties.   The religion of Dove, centered on protection, vindication, and justice, demands a high level of moral and ethical standards from its adherents. For the Elysium Knights, this means living every moment in alignment with Dove's teachings. Their faith is not just a part of their lives; it is the very essence of their being. They train rigorously in both martial and spiritual disciplines, believing that physical strength and spiritual purity are intertwined and essential for fulfilling their divine mandate.   The Elysium Knights are easily distinguishable from other followers of Dove by their unique attire and the symbols they bear. Clad in resplendent armor adorned with the holy symbol of Dove—a white dove with outstretched wings—they radiate an aura of divine authority and purpose. Their armor, often inlaid with silver and white gold, gleams in the light, symbolizing their role as beacons of hope and protectors of the innocent. Each Knight carries a weapon blessed by the High Priests of Dove, further enhancing their connection to the divine.   Their ceremonial garb includes flowing white and silver robes worn during religious observances and rituals. These robes are meticulously crafted, with intricate embroidery that depicts scenes from Dove’s scriptures and the Knight’s personal journey of faith. During sacred ceremonies, the Knights don these robes and participate in elaborate rituals that reaffirm their vows and seek Dove’s guidance and blessing.   The spiritual practices of the Elysium Knights are intense and immersive. They begin each day with a prayer of protection, seeking Dove's grace to shield them from corruption and guide their actions. Meditation is a daily practice, allowing them to center their minds and connect with the divine essence of Dove. This meditation is not a passive act but a focused exercise in envisioning Dove’s light within them, preparing their spirit for the challenges ahead.   The Knights also engage in regular communal worship, where they gather to chant hymns, recite sacred texts, and participate in the Rite of Vindication. This rite involves a symbolic cleansing with holy water, signifying their continuous purification and dedication to their cause. During these gatherings, the High Commander delivers sermons that reinforce the order's laws and the teachings of Dove, inspiring the Knights to strive ever higher in their devotion.   Their unique status within the faith of Dove means that the Elysium Knights often undertake missions that go beyond the capabilities or mandates of ordinary followers. They are the first responders to demonic incursions, the champions who confront malevolent entities, and the arbiters who deliver Dove’s justice in its most direct and potent form. Their presence is both a reassurance and a reminder of Dove’s power and vigilance.


The laws of the Elysium Knights, ancient and unyielding, are etched into the very foundation of their order. These principles, handed down from Dove herself, serve as the guiding light for every Knight who takes up the sacred mantle. Adherence to these laws is absolute, and the consequences for breaking them are severe, for the Knights believe that only through strict discipline and unwavering commitment can they fulfill their divine mission.   The First Law: Protect the Innocent. Above all else, an Elysium Knight must safeguard those who cannot defend themselves. This law is the cornerstone of their creed, an unbreakable vow to stand as shields against the darkness. Whether facing down demons or human oppressors, the Knights are bound to intervene, to place themselves between the innocent and harm.   The Second Law: Uphold Justice. In every action, a Knight must strive for fairness and righteousness. They are the arbiters of moral clarity, their judgments tempered with both compassion and resolve. Corruption and tyranny are their sworn enemies, and they must root out such evils wherever they are found, ensuring that justice prevails.   The Third Law: Preserve the Order’s Honor. An Elysium Knight's conduct reflects upon the entire order. They must act with integrity, maintaining the highest standards of behavior and ethics. Dishonor, in any form, is a stain that cannot be tolerated, for it undermines the very foundation of their purpose.   The Fourth Law: Obey the High Commander. The chain of command within the order is sacred. The High Commander's word is law, and their directives must be followed without question. This ensures unity and coherence in their actions, a necessary discipline in the face of chaos.   The Fifth Law: Show No Mercy to the Corrupt. Demons, devils, monstrosities, and those who willingly consort with such evils are beyond redemption. A Knight must meet these threats with lethal force, purging the darkness to protect the greater good. Hesitation is not an option; decisiveness in the face of corruption is imperative.   The Sixth Law: Maintain the Light. Each Knight is a beacon of Dove’s light, and they must ensure that this light is never dimmed. They must continue their training, strengthen their faith, and support their brethren, fostering an environment of growth and resilience.   The consequences for breaking these laws are severe, for the integrity of the order must be preserved. Lesser transgressions are met with harsh penance and rigorous retraining. Knights who falter in their duties are given a chance to redeem themselves through acts of valor and sacrifice. However, for grievous violations, especially those that threaten the order's mission or honor, the punishment is exile or execution. A Knight who betrays the order’s sacred trust, who brings harm to the innocent or succumbs to corruption, is deemed irredeemable.   Treason, to the Elysium Knights, is the ultimate betrayal. It encompasses actions that undermine the order from within, such as colluding with enemies, abandoning their post in times of need, or using their power for personal gain. The lowest limit for lethal force is the willful endangerment of innocent lives or the deliberate obstruction of justice. The order's response to such acts is swift and uncompromising, for they cannot afford to let such treachery fester.   Corruption, while not rampant, is a constant threat that the Knights vigilantly guard against. Their internal structure includes rigorous oversight and frequent audits of both actions and motives. Any hint of corruption is swiftly investigated, and those found guilty are expelled or executed to maintain the purity of their cause.   Throughout history, the Elysium Knights have been embroiled in numerous wars and conflicts. Their intervention has often turned the tide, their presence a symbol of hope and strength. In the War of the Shattered Crown, they were instrumental in defeating the demonic legions that threatened to engulf Tilith. However, their rigid adherence to their laws sometimes led to unintended consequences, such as the purging of entire villages suspected of harboring dark forces. While these actions were seen as necessary by the order, they left scars on the land and its people.

Tenets of Faith

The Tenets of Faith for the Order of the Elysium Knights are pillars of unwavering devotion, demanding both the highest moral integrity and relentless dedication to the cause of justice. Crafted by the original founders and refined through centuries of service, these tenets serve as a guiding light for every Knight, shaping their thoughts, actions, and decisions.   1. Protect the Innocent: Every life is sacred, and it is the duty of the Elysium Knight to defend those who cannot defend themselves. The innocent must be shielded from harm, and their safety is the paramount concern. Whether it be from the ravages of war, the terror of monsters, or the corruption of evil, a Knight's first duty is to protect.   2. Uphold Justice: Justice is the foundation upon which the Order stands. The Elysium Knight must act as a beacon of fairness and equity, ensuring that the scales of justice are balanced. They must not allow personal feelings to cloud their judgment and must always seek to administer justice impartially and righteously.   3. Combat Evil Relentlessly: Evil, in all its forms, must be confronted and eradicated. Whether it be demons, devils, monstrosities, or malevolent cultists, the Elysium Knight must show no mercy in the face of darkness. They are the sword and shield against the forces that seek to corrupt and destroy.   4. Serve with Honor: Honor is the hallmark of the Elysium Knight. They must conduct themselves with dignity, integrity, and respect in all their dealings. Their word is their bond, and they must strive to live without reproach, serving as a model of virtue for all to see.   5. Embrace Sacrifice: The path of the Elysium Knight is one of sacrifice. They must be prepared to give up personal desires, comforts, and even their lives if necessary. The greater good is their ultimate goal, and they must willingly place the needs of others above their own.   6. Pursue Wisdom: Knowledge and wisdom are vital to the effective service of an Elysium Knight. They must seek out understanding and enlightenment, learning from the past and applying those lessons to the present. Continuous growth in both martial prowess and spiritual insight is essential.   7. Maintain Purity: The heart and soul of an Elysium Knight must remain pure, free from the taint of corruption and evil. They must guard against the seductions of power and darkness, maintaining a steadfast devotion to Dove's teachings and remaining true to their vows.   8. Act with Compassion: Though they are warriors, Elysium Knights must also be compassionate. They must show empathy and understanding to those who suffer, offering not just protection but also comfort and solace. Their strength must be tempered with kindness.   9. Foster Unity: The strength of the Order lies in its unity. Elysium Knights must work together, supporting and uplifting one another. They must strive to build strong bonds of fellowship within the Order and extend that sense of unity to the communities they serve.   10. Honor Dove's Legacy: Above all, the Elysium Knight must honor the legacy of Dove. They are the living embodiment of her will and must strive to reflect her grace, wisdom, and strength in all they do. Their lives are a testament to her teachings, and they must work tirelessly to keep her light shining in the world.   These tenets form the core of the Elysium Knights' faith, guiding them through every trial and tribulation. They are more than just rules; they are a way of life, a sacred commitment to uphold the highest ideals and serve as the vanguard of Dove's divine justice.


The extended rules and interpretations of the tenets of faith which guide the everyday lives and decisions of the faithful within the Order of the Elysium Knights are deeply rooted in the teachings of Dove and the principles she embodied. At the heart of these teachings is the unwavering commitment to protect the innocent and uphold justice. Every decision, every action taken by a Knight, is measured against this guiding principle. To stray from this path is to risk losing one's divine favor, a fate feared by all who serve Dove. The Order's doctrine emphasizes selflessness, courage, and the relentless pursuit of righteousness. Knights are taught to consider the broader impact of their actions, ensuring that their deeds align with the greater good and reflect the light of Dove.   Piety within the Order is defined by acts that uphold and spread the virtues of Dove. Helping those in need, protecting the weak, and standing against the forces of darkness are seen as the highest forms of devotion. Rituals and prayers play a crucial role in the daily lives of the faithful, serving as constant reminders of their sacred duty. Every morning begins with a prayer to Dove, seeking her guidance and strength for the day ahead. Knights engage in regular training, not just to hone their combat skills but to fortify their spirits against corruption. Charity is another cornerstone of their faith, with Knights often seen aiding the less fortunate, healing the sick, and providing shelter to the homeless. These acts of kindness and service are viewed as direct manifestations of Dove’s will.   Conversely, actions that betray Dove's teachings are considered grave sins. To harm the innocent, to act out of selfishness or greed, or to forsake one's duty in the face of danger are all seen as egregious violations of the Order's tenets. Betrayal of trust, corruption, and yielding to the temptations of darkness are offenses that warrant severe consequences. Such acts are not merely seen as personal failures but as direct affronts to the divine light of Dove. The Order deals with transgressions through a combination of penance and, if necessary, expulsion. Knights found guilty of severe misconduct are stripped of their titles and cast out, a fate that serves as a stern warning to others. In extreme cases, where a Knight’s actions endanger the Order or the innocent, they may be hunted down and brought to justice by their former comrades, illustrating the unyielding commitment to their sacred duty and the preservation of Dove’s legacy.


The priesthood of the Order of the Elysium Knights, known as the Seraphic Council, stood as the spiritual cornerstone, guiding the faithful followers of Dove with unwavering resolve. These priests, often veterans of the battlefield and seasoned Elysium Knights, were chosen for their unyielding devotion, profound wisdom, and remarkable experience in both martial and spiritual realms. The Seraphic Council members were not mere clerics; they were living embodiments of Dove’s virtues, their lives a testament to the tenets of faith that bound the order together.   Appointment to the Seraphic Council was a journey marked by rigorous trials and profound introspection. Candidates were nominated by sitting members of the council or by senior Elysium Knights who recognized a spark of divine favor. Nominated individuals faced a series of trials designed to test their faith, wisdom, and leadership. These trials, a blend of the physical and the spiritual, ensured that only those truly worthy could ascend to this sacred role.   The Rite of Reflection marked the beginning of this journey. Candidates retreated into solitude, spending days in deep meditation, confronting their inner darkness and emerging with a clearer sense of purpose. It was said that during this time, Dove herself whispered to them, guiding their thoughts and fortifying their spirits. Next came the Trial of Valor, where candidates demonstrated their martial prowess and unwavering commitment to protect the innocent. They faced simulated battles against manifestations of darkness, each encounter a test of their courage and skill. The final trial, the Test of Compassion, required candidates to demonstrate empathy and the ability to provide solace and guidance to those in need. This was the heart of their role—to be a beacon of hope in the darkest times.   Upon successfully passing these trials, candidates were anointed in the Anointing of the Light ceremony. Bathed in the holy light of Dove, they underwent a transformation, emerging as Seraphic Guides. This sacred ceremony, witnessed by the entire order, marked their official induction into the council. The newly anointed Guides wore robes of pure white, symbolizing their purity and dedication. Golden embroidery depicting celestial motifs adorned these robes, signifying their connection to the divine. Each Guide bore a radiant sigil of Dove on their chest, which glowed with a soft, ethereal light, a symbol of their blessed status.   Beyond their distinctive attire, Seraphic Guides possessed an unmistakable aura of tranquility and wisdom. Their presence brought comfort and reassurance to the faithful, their words imbued with divine authority. They were sought for counsel, blessings, and leading the faithful in prayer and rituals. Their primary role was to guide the spiritual journey of the Elysium Knights and the broader community of Dove’s followers. They provided spiritual training, led religious ceremonies, and offered guidance in interpreting the tenets of faith. They also maintained the moral integrity of the Order, ensuring all members adhered to Dove’s high standards.   In times of great need or crisis, the Seraphic Council convened to seek divine guidance and chart the course for the Order. Their decisions, believed to be the direct will of Dove, were deeply respected and followed with unwavering loyalty. Despite their elevated status, Seraphic Guides remained humble servants, dedicated to the greater good and the protection of the innocent. They were the living legacy of Dove, ensuring her light continued to shine brightly in a world often shrouded in darkness.   The Seraphic Council's existence was a testament to the enduring power of Dove’s teachings. Through their leadership, the faithful were inspired to uphold justice, compassion, and an unwavering dedication to the fight against darkness. Each Seraphic Guide carried the weight of this responsibility with grace, their lives a beacon of hope and a testament to the divine light they served.

Granted Divine Powers

The Oath of the Elysium Knight grants its adherents profound supernatural powers, reflective of their unwavering devotion to Dove. These abilities include the summoning of ethereal Azure Spheres, radiant orbs of holy light that serve as both weapons and shields in battle. Knights are bestowed with the power of celestial healing, able to mend wounds and cure ailments with a touch, channeling Dove's divine grace. They can invoke protective auras that shield their allies from harm, and their very presence can inspire courage and dispel fear. In times of dire need, the most faithful can perform miracles, such as resurrecting fallen comrades or banishing demonic entities to the Abyss. These powers are not merely tools of war but sacred gifts, meant to uphold justice, protect the innocent, and embody the light of Dove in a world fraught with darkness.

"By Dove's Light, We Stand Unyielding Against the Darkness."

Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
The Guardians of Elysium
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title


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