Playable Origins

Abaddon   Abaddons, the Children of Crow, are a race with a dark and mystical origin rooted in the Abyssal plane, created by the deity Crow from the essence of a Grave Devil. They possess unique physical features like ashen to deep black skin, horns for males, forked tails for females, and eyes reflecting the Abyss itself. Their society is hierarchical and revolves around ancient traditions, where young Abaddons are trained in the Six Daggers academy, with the top graduates becoming revered Grim Knights. Abaddons are feared and respected for their knowledge, strength, and the profound connection to their enigmatic creator, Crow.   Abyssalith   The Abyssalith are an ancient race created by the Elder Leviathan Thalassia to act as stewards of the seas. They are divided into seven distinct clans, each with unique cultures and abilities, which often lead to internal conflicts and power struggles. The Abyssalith possess a deep connection to the ocean, manifesting in their aquatic appearance, psionic abilities, and society, which is shaped by their reverence for Thalassia. Their physical traits include bioluminescent skin, gills, tentacles, and natural weapons, with their appearance and attire reflecting their oceanic origins and the values of their respective clans.   Akimoto   The Akimotos are a diverse race of anthropomorphic rodents and marsupials, known for their adaptability and distinct breeds that contribute unique skills to their society. Historically, they were marginalized, but through the influence of Lord Sujin the Everking, they gained recognition and established themselves as a respected part of Tilith's cultural tapestry. They are small in stature, with a range of appearances reflecting their animal origins, and are celebrated for their unique traits and strong sense of identity. Core values such as "Hyperfixation" and their natural combat prowess make them both formidable and endearing members of their world.   Arachniea   The Arachniea are a race of Beastkin created by Raven, the God of Prey, with a unique blend of human-like behavior and spider-like features. They possess natural weapons like venomous fangs and additional spider-like legs that aid in climbing, along with traits that give them formidable combat and survival abilities. Their society is organized into Hives, each led by a Hive Mother or Father, with a caste structure influenced by bloodline purity, though they maintain an enigmatic and somewhat isolated presence in the world. The Arachniea are tall, lithe beings with distinct physical traits, such as venom-filled fangs and multiple legs, making them both fascinating and unsettling to others.   Bovidea   The Bovidea are a powerful and resilient beastkin race with a bovine-like appearance, known for their strength, durability, and agricultural prowess. They live in highly social, community-oriented herds, led by elected Bulls or Bull Mothers, and have a strong sense of familial and societal unity. Their natural weapons include horns, which they use to defend themselves, and they possess traits like monstrous strength, resilience, and the ability to carry heavy loads, making them formidable on the battlefield and in trade. Despite their imposing presence, the Bovidea are respected for their calm nature, generosity, and significant contributions to the political and agricultural landscape of Tilith.   Cervidae   The Cervidae, descendants of Titania, are a tribe of humanoid deer-like beings with a deep connection to nature, thriving under the guidance of their goddess. They possess unique abilities, such as natural weapons (antlers and hooves) and the power to create equipment from nature using Wild Magic. Their society is highly spiritual and community-oriented, organized into tribes with distinct characteristics, such as the dexterous Western tribe or the imposing Northern tribe. Despite their history of hardship, the Cervidae remain peaceful, protective of the natural world, and are always connected to the Evertree, embodying grace and majesty in appearance.   Chthon   The Chthon, known as the Eyes of the Timeless, are a mysterious and powerful race from the Novar plane, cursed to wear stone masks that grow with them throughout their lives. They possess unique abilities, including the power to manifest weapons from shadows and transform into their true forms—winged stone arch devils with enhanced attributes. Governed by a meritocratic Council of Shadows, Chthonic society values knowledge, mental discipline, and a balance between individuality and collective responsibility. Their true forms are fearsome, with gargoyle-like features and a deep connection to the shadows, making them both revered and feared in the realm of Novar.   Cragdram   Cragdram, known as the Pride of Dandram Cree, are a resilient and formidable people with a deep connection to their ancestors and history. They gain bonuses in defense, strength, and constitution, but suffer penalties in speed and faith. Their society values hard work, loyalty, and a strong sense of community, with each individual contributing to the strength of their Kazzua. Cragdram are physically stout, short, and incredibly durable, with unique traits like exceptional night vision, low-light vision, and tremor sense when underground.   Crux   The Crux are a survival-driven race known for their ability to adapt to any environment, blending into their surroundings with remarkable ease. They possess traits like increased movement and skill bonuses, but suffer from lower faith and health, along with a tendency towards destruction as part of their belief in preparing for the next life. Their society is marked by chaos and individual survival, with different factions often clashing over resources and ideology. Physically, they are humanoid with varying appearances, including multiple limbs, sharp claws, and the ability to morph to fit their environment.   Dycuus   The Dycuus are a proud and cursed race, with a humanoid upper body and a horse-like lower body, known for their strength, resilience, and strong family bonds. Cursed by the Botanical Arches Pantheon, they are immune to mental magic but suffer from an internal rot that worsens over time. Their society is centered around the "Dy," a belief in the supremacy of family and herd, and they are fiercely loyal to their kin. Despite their cursed fate, they remain formidable warriors, embodying the values of honor, physical prowess, and unyielding pride.   Ermine   The Ermine, known as the Arcane Dilettantes, are a magical race from the Novar plane, possessing an innate bond with arcane forces and a unique cultural identity. They excel in Magicraft, creating enchanted items with their natural abilities, but they suffer from persistent fears that shape their society's cautious and empathetic nature. Physically, the Ermine are small, with a stout and pudgy physique, characterized by flowing, magical hair that offers them comfort in moments of vulnerability. Despite their unassuming appearance, they exude a captivating magical aura, making them a vital part of their subterranean culture.   Felia   The Felia are a humanoid race with feline features, known as the "Forest Protectors" for their deep connection to nature and their role in preserving the forests of Tilith. They possess natural weapons like claws and fangs, along with unique abilities such as Burst of Speed and heritage-based traits like the Arkesion's city navigation or the Tigran's Powerful Build. Despite their peaceful nature, the Felia have faced challenges, including conflicts with other races, but have become respected diplomats and protectors over time. Physically, they are agile and graceful, with heightened senses, and their society values education, tradition, and innovation.   Gishling   Gishlings are hybrid beings born from the union of a Gish and another race, often facing prejudice due to their unique heritage. They possess a symbiotic relationship with a gel-like entity that grants them resilience and the ability to transform into their non-Gish parent's form, allowing them to blend into society. Despite their challenging existence, Gishlings form tight-knit communities, where they find support and cultivate a culture of trust and mutual aid. Their appearance varies, with subtle Gish traits that they conceal through transformation, enabling them to navigate a world that fears them.   Half-Gor   Half-Gors are a physically powerful race, known for their worship of might and strength, with a focus on individuality and personal freedom. They possess traits like Bad Temper and Forever Strong, which enhance their combat abilities but also come with drawbacks such as reduced faith and resistance. Half-Gor society is decentralized, with leadership earned through strength and merit, and they prefer resolving conflicts through ritualistic combat. Their appearance is rugged and primal, with muscular builds, intense facial features, and often adorned with tribal markings or scars representing their achievements.   Half-Lumar   Half-Lumar are beings born from the union of Lumar and other origins, embodying a unique blend of traits such as enhanced speed, sharp perception, and the ability to utilize magic in creative ways. Their society is fluid and resilient, with individuals often navigating between the Lumar world and non-Lumar societies, sometimes forming tight-knit communities that emphasize mutual support. Their appearance reflects their mixed heritage, often featuring an ethereal glow, striking eyes, and adaptable traits that make them stand out. Despite facing prejudice, Half-Lumar are known for their adaptability, often excelling in diplomacy, magic, and combat.   Human-Arkinite   Human-Arkinites, known as the Guardians of Vigor, are a powerful and skilled people dedicated to their craft, faith, and homeland. Their society emphasizes artisanal craftsmanship, spiritual devotion to the Nine Talons, and a meritocratic system of leadership. Physically diverse, Arkinites are distinguished by their unique birthmarks symbolizing their connection to one of the Nine Talons, and they possess a harmonious blend of softness and strength in their appearance. Their exceptional skills, unity, and divine blessings have made them a formidable force within Tilith, capable of rivaling the largest nations.   Human-Carnes   The Carnes, originating from the southern Tundra, are known for their mastery of firearms, technological prowess, and naval expertise, all of which are integral to their survival in harsh climates. They possess traits like keen perception and dexterity, bolstered by their connection to Ice Helix magic, allowing them to thrive in their frozen environment. Their society values technological innovation, family heritage, and a deep sense of duty, with their steampunk-inspired appearance reflecting both their cultural pride and mechanical ingenuity. Despite their resilience and strength, they face challenges due to their lower physical defenses, but their resourcefulness and adaptability continue to shape their path   Human-Gamaeel   The Gamaeel are desert-dwelling lords of the Western Fiefs, known for their horsemanship, trade skills, and diplomatic charm. They gain bonuses to skill and speed but suffer penalties to health and faith, and their society emphasizes strong bonds with horses, a love of trade, and a unique approach to relationships, including the use of rings as symbols of commitment. Gamaeel culture is marked by its vibrant market cities, skilled leadership, and a deep sense of honor, with a history of overcoming both internal and external challenges. Their appearance is distinct, featuring dark skin tones, intricate braids adorned with rings, and clothing that blends practicality with cultural richness, reflecting their resilience and connection to the desert.   Human-Hikaru   The Hikaru are a clan of people known for their powerful ocular abilities called doujutsu, which grant them unique powers based on their connection to one of three deities: Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu, and Susanoo. These abilities, along with their bloodline connections, give them immunity to mental magic and allow them to perform extraordinary feats in battle and everyday life. The Hikaru people are divided into three clans, each with distinct powers related to healing, elemental control, or mental manipulation, and they follow a tradition called Shinsei, allowing them to choose their gender as they come of age. Their culture is deeply intertwined with their faith, honoring their ancestors and deities through rituals and a strong sense of community.   Human-Ithrians   Ithrians, also known as the Viscounts of Sand, possess a unique connection to the earth, which enhances their combat, survival, and trading skills. They have various passive abilities like Tremorsense and the ability to manipulate sand for minor magical effects, as well as more powerful earth-based spells. Ithrians are known for their strong communal bonds, artistic expression, and strategic influence over vital trade routes, which has made them both respected and feared in regional politics. Their appearance is characterized by a strong, athletic build, warm bronze skin, and culturally significant attire that reflects their deep connection to nature and tradition.   Human-Jarakian   The Jarakian, known as the Children of the Neft, are a people deeply connected to Helix magic, with most being able to wield this power due to their society's harsh selection process. Their traits include an innate ability to sense magic in items, proficiency in weaponry and spellcasting, and unique magical abilities like summoning powerful armor or enhancing their spells. Jarakian society is pragmatic and efficient, valuing practicality over emotion, and is led by a central figure called The Politician who guides them with strategic insight. Their appearance is marked by a reserved demeanor, dark utilitarian clothing, and an intense focus that reflects their deep commitment to mastering Jarconian magic.   Human-Kalevala   The Kalevalaians, known as the Rulers of the Frozen Steeps, are a resilient and formidable people shaped by the harsh environment of the Frozen North. They possess a strong constitution and strength but suffer in magic and resistance, reflecting their survival-focused lifestyle. Their traits include an innate connection to their ancestral lore, the ability to survive deadly situations with sheer will, and a cursed heart that grants them unique combat and magical abilities. Kalevalaians are deeply devoted to the Frozen Pillars, and their society is built on a strong tribal structure, with a High King uniting the tribes under a common banner, while their appearance is marked by robust physiques, practical fur garments, and intricate war paint.   Human-Larciaen   The Larciaen, known as the Children of the Waters, are an aquatic race with unique traits and abilities depending on their clan, such as the ability to manipulate water magic and distinctive tail forms when submerged. Their society is organized into four primary clans—Lake, Ocean, River, and Sea—each with its own cultural practices and adaptations to their environments. The Larciaen have a deep connection to water, which influences their appearance, clothing, and abilities, and their history is marked by their mastery of the Aquarian Arts and the ongoing struggle against the Leviathans and Abyssalith. Despite their peaceful demeanor, they are capable warriors with a rich cultural heritage that ensures their resilience and survival in their underwater cities.   Human-Mixed Blood   Mixed Blood, or Half-Blood individuals, are the offspring of parents from two different human origins, resulting in a unique blend of traits and characteristics. They often serve as cultural bridges, using their diverse heritage to foster understanding and cooperation in cosmopolitan areas. Despite facing challenges in finding their place within society, Mixed Bloods are celebrated for their adaptability, open-mindedness, and ability to integrate into multiple communities. Their appearance and style are as diverse as their heritage, reflecting the rich tapestry of their lineage in both physical traits and personal fashion.   Human-Mtawala   The Mtawalain people, known as the Voice of the Wild, are a human group deeply connected to nature and the Beastkin tribes, inheriting traits and abilities from these alliances. Their society is decentralized, led by chieftains, and they live in harmony with nature, using natural resources innovatively to meet their needs. The Mtawalain possess unique physical traits often influenced by their specific Beastkin alliances, and they are respected for their ability to communicate with animals and their profound understanding of the natural world. Their egalitarian culture assigns roles based on capability rather than gender, allowing them to thrive in their diverse environment.   Human- Sarin   The Sarin, known as the Daughters of the Great Serpent, are a matriarchal, warrior-based society with a strong emphasis on physical prowess, resilience, and spiritual connection to the Great Serpent. Their culture is structured around various Oaths that define their roles and abilities, with each Sarin possessing a snake companion that grows with them and aids them in battle. Sarin society is marked by brutal birth rituals that ensure only the strongest women give birth to the next generation, reflecting their emphasis on strength, sacrifice, and survival. Their imposing appearance, marked by vibrant eyes and hair, along with their connection to the Great Serpent, makes them both revered and feared in the wider world.   Human-Tōbu   The Tōbu are a proud and militaristic people, deeply devoted to the Everking, with a society that emphasizes military service and honor. They gain bonuses to movement, skill, and strength but suffer penalties to health, constitution, and resistance. Tōbu traits include immunity to possession, a strong military education, and the ability to endure intense physical training without harm. Their culture is steeped in loyalty to the Everking, a strong connection to the spiritual world, and a complex relationship with other Origins, particularly the Hikaru, with whom they share a long-standing rivalry.   Human-Valmyre   The Valmyre, denizens of the Vale, are a resilient people shaped by the harsh environment of their plane, where they face constant threats from celestial creatures known as Day Beasts. Their society is hierarchical, emphasizing birthright and the need for unity in the face of danger, with individuals fulfilling roles as leaders, hunters, scholars, or craftsmen. The Valmyre are deeply connected to the night, which they navigate with exceptional skill, and their culture highly values knowledge and survival expertise, passed down through generations. Their appearance reflects their rugged nature, with a blend of medieval and mythical aesthetics in their practical, symbolic clothing.   Inuyakin   The Inuyakin are a prideful and formidable race, characterized by their wolf-like appearance and warrior heritage. They possess a powerful physique, sharp claws, and fangs, making them natural weapons and exceptional hunters. Their society is hierarchical, with leadership often determined by size, and matriarchs generally leading their clans due to their larger stature. The Inuyakin's history is marked by their creation by the Great Wolf, internal conflicts, and their role as a major military power, with their culture deeply rooted in loyalty, strength, and martial prowess.   JaJune   The JaJune are ancient beings encased in technologically advanced Indoyaline armor, which houses their true form—a red-tinted, wispy smoke. They are immune to various environmental hazards and possess unique psionic abilities, enhanced by their armor, which also protects them in battle. Their society is structured around a strict hierarchy, with Elder Architects leading their relentless quest for purity across the multiverse. Over time, their isolation and dedication to their mission have made them enigmatic and feared by other races they encounter.   Keikeiora   The Keikeiora, also known as the Children of the Swan, are an ancient race deeply connected to water and reincarnation, created by Swan, the Deity of Love and Fertility. They possess a unique blend of healing abilities, water manipulation, and a mystical connection to their past lives, which grants them various skills and resilience. Their society is organized around water sources, with settlements and roles that emphasize healing, wisdom, and a peaceful existence, though they fiercely defend their homes when threatened. The Keikeiora are visually captivating, with aquatic features and an ethereal appearance that reflects their deep bond with water and their divine origin.   Kitsune   The Kitsune, also known as the Tricksters, are vulpine shapeshifters with a deep connection to magic and cunning, often assuming the forms of humans, foxes, or a blend of both. They possess natural weapons in their true or shifted forms and can select unique bloodline traits that enhance their abilities, including the power to sense hidden forms, manipulate magic, or shift rapidly between forms. Their society, marked by a blend of mysticism and secrecy, values loyalty, art, and the preservation of their ancient heritage while navigating a world that often fears and misunderstands them. The Kitsune's appearance varies depending on their form, from charismatic humans to nightmarish hybrid creatures, each transformation a disturbing yet powerful testament to their mystical nature.   Lourka   The Lourka are beings of elemental chaos, created when an elemental coreling possesses the body and merges with the soul of a young or dying individual, forming a new entity without the original host's consent. This process results in the death of two identities as they are forcibly combined into a single being, fundamentally altering the host's identity and personality. In their original form, Lourka retain subtle features of their previous selves, but they can transform into their true elemental forms, gaining powers and resistances tied to their elemental heritage. Their society is chaotic and ever-changing, with leadership and alliances constantly shifting based on elemental affinities and displays of power, reflecting the turbulent nature of their existence.   Lumar-E'talin   The E’talin, known as Star-crossed Orphans, are a resilient and formidable offshoot of the Lumar race, marked by their embrace of Helix magic and rejection of divine intervention. These beings, originally hailing from the realm of Neft, have undergone a profound transformation, becoming adept in manipulating the volatile Helix energy. Their society, centered around the mobile Valthorien Enclave and the Shadebound Legion, thrives in the harsh, desolate landscapes of Neft, where they have developed unique practices and a deep sense of communal survival. The E’talin's appearance is striking, with obsidian skin, glowing eyes, and intricate tattoos symbolizing their severance from their past beliefs and their mastery of Helix magic, reflecting their enduring spirit and commitment to self-determination.   Lumar-Jrigori   The Jrigori, once rulers of the Vale, were driven from their homeland by the resilient Valmyre after a series of devastating conflicts. Now residing in the Neft under the rule of Alucard Bloodhaven, they maintain a society rooted in blood magic and strict hierarchy within the hidden city of Crimsonhaven. Their society values power, tradition, and survival, with a clear stratification between nobles and commoners, all governed by the fear of awakening Dracula Bloodhaven. The Jrigori are characterized by their dark elegance, with pale skin, jet-black hair, and glowing eyes, embodying both the grace and predatory nature of their vampiric lineage.   Lumar-Kiptos   The Kiptos, Firstborn of the Forest, were created by the Great Tree Ydredor to maintain the world’s natural balance. They live in harmony with nature, residing in treetop villages and serving as stewards of the forest, deeply connected to the elemental forces they revere. Their society is centered around the Naturewardens, guardians chosen to protect and preserve the forest from threats like the corrupted Shadowwardens. The Kiptos' appearance reflects their bond with nature, with skin and hair resembling the colors and textures of leaves, bark, and other natural elements, and their glowing eyes are a testament to their deep connection with the forest.   Lumar-Seni   The Seni were created by the Tauri as magical protectors during the war against the Chthon, later gaining their freedom but ultimately falling under Chthon rule. They are known for their silver blood and powerful illusion magic, which they use to maintain order within the Chthon society. Their society values knowledge, with a strong emphasis on education and intellectual pursuits, and their unique method of reproduction involves the symbolic sacrifice of their horns. The Seni are tall, slender beings with pale, almost translucent skin, large spiraling horns, and luminous eyes that reflect their deep connection to magic and the twilight.   Lumar-Verve   The Verve, also known as the Children From the Stars, are an ancient and ethereal offshoot of the Lumar race, known for their advanced technological prowess, profound knowledge, and deep connection to the mystical and arcane. Their society, rooted in ancient traditions and a strict meritocracy, places great emphasis on education, martial discipline, and the preservation of their pre-cataclysmic heritage. They possess striking physical features, such as luminescent skin and captivating eyes, and are adorned with intricate tattoos that symbolize their lineage and provide protection. The Verve remain steadfast in their mission to protect their homeland and the cosmos, viewing their role as guardians of the planes with a sense of solemn duty, even as they face the challenges of a world where their once-unmatched supremacy is now more evenly contested.   Mastodon   The Mastodons are towering, robust beings hailing from the Pridelands, known for their immense strength and deep sense of pride. They possess unique traits such as advanced memory, natural weapons, and thick hides that provide significant resistance to damage and mind-affecting effects. Socially, they are structured into clans with a strong leadership system, and they maintain complex relationships with other origins, balancing alliances with the Mtawalain and conflicts with hostile Beastkin. Their history is marked by resilience and survival, with rituals emphasizing the importance of tusk preservation, and they are revered as wise and formidable figures within their society.   Nepherite   Nepherites are sentient beings of stone, created by the deity Zeloria to serve as eternal protectors of sacred sites and ancient knowledge. They are characterized by their stone-like bodies, embedded gemstones, and extreme resilience, which grants them immunity to various harmful effects and the ability to endure harsh conditions. Culturally, they are revered as living embodiments of wisdom and strength, participating in ritualistic gemstone affixation ceremonies that empower them and reinforce their societal roles. Despite their diminished mental states over time, Nepherites play crucial roles in their communities, offering guidance, protection, and a living link to the ancient past.   Nox   The Nox are enigmatic sentient constructs created by an ancient civilization known as the Architects, designed for various roles such as protection, reconnaissance, and warfare. They possess highly advanced technology, including customizable frames that allow them to adapt to different tasks, and are immune to numerous harmful effects due to their construct nature. Society among the Nox is divided between programmed units, who strictly follow their original directives, and free-willed units, who seek to redefine their existence and purpose. Their reawakening in the modern era has led to conflicts with other races and within their ranks, sparking philosophical debates about autonomy and the role of sentient constructs in society.   Ouud   The Ouud, descendants of the once-divine Ouudali, are powerful and resilient beings forged by the harsh environments of Tilith's mountains. Each Ouud adapts to their specific mountain range, developing unique traits such as fire, ice, ruin, or nature-based abilities, depending on their environment. Their society is structured around survival, with each group emphasizing strength, endurance, and resourcefulness, and their belief in the cosmic entity known as the Hope Eater plays a central role in their rituals and practices. Though they have declined from their former divine stature, the Ouud remain formidable and feared warriors, driven by primal instincts and a voracious hunger for survival.   Pyx   The Pyx are ethereal beings deeply connected to Helix magic, emerging from the chaotic Elemental Plane after the Plane of Tranquility shattered. With multiple souls and the ability to perform soul bonding, they possess unique magical capabilities that allow them to share their power with others. Despite facing internal strife and the misuse of their abilities, the Pyx have established a society governed by the Helix Council, emphasizing harmony and ethical conduct. Their society, known for its intricate rituals and the creation of Helix Sanctuaries, remains a beacon of knowledge and diplomacy within the elemental realms.   Quietus   The Quietus are sentient undead beings created from the chaotic energies of the Abyssal plane, originally rooted in the ancient conflicts of deities. Residing in the hidden city of Necropolis, they navigate a world that fears and hunts them, forming secretive communities and relying on their undead abilities for survival. Led by the Pale Alliance, the Quietus strive for peaceful coexistence with the living, although internal conflicts and figures like Aria Vanthar challenge their unity. Despite the persecution they face, the Quietus continue to seek acceptance and build a society that values knowledge, resilience, and the pursuit of belonging.   Ru'kiv   The Ru'kiv are a resilient species, marked by their tumultuous history of surviving the Ruin's invasion that nearly annihilated their civilization. Once flourishing, they were corrupted by Ruin, transforming them into reluctant soldiers before rebelling and finding refuge in the land of Black Scar. Led by the Ku'Khan, the Ru'kiv rebuilt their society with a strict code of honor, valuing physical strength and mutation as symbols of power. Despite their dark past, they continue to navigate a world filled with fear and mistrust, striving to preserve their heritage and forge a new destiny.   Seraphim   The Seraphim are celestial beings born from the light of Dove, embodying divine justice and protection. They played a crucial role in maintaining the balance between light and darkness across the multiverse, particularly during the Great Celestial War. Organized into various orders, the Seraphim continue to uphold their sacred duties despite facing persecution and being declared heretical in several nations. Their appearance, marked by radiant wings and divine beauty, reflects their celestial origin, yet they now struggle to maintain their place in a world that has turned against them.   Sermata   The Sermata are a doomed and resilient species that once thrived but were nearly wiped out by a devastating plague. Unable to reproduce naturally, they turned to the Celestial Fangs, entering into a pact that granted them blessings and protection. Despite being viewed with fear and respect by other races, the Sermata have developed a society centered on honor, survival, and a deep reverence for their ancestors and deity, the Mother of All. Their appearance, characterized by reptilian features and natural weapons, reflects their harsh environment and the challenges they continue to face in maintaining their community.   Sliver   Slivers, born from the chaos of the Infernal plane, are demonic beings who retain significant power even in their smaller, temporary forms. They have a unique ability to traverse realms, possess bodies, and are known for their demonic heritage traits, which offer them fearsome abilities like resisting holy ground, scaling natural weapons with magic or strength, and surviving without consuming souls. Their society is complex, with various bloodlines like Amriel and Barquiel, each contributing unique traits and abilities, while their history is shrouded in mystery, believed to originate from the fragments of powerful demons. The Slivers' appearance often includes nightmarish elements blended with animalistic traits, and when possessing a host, they subtly alter the host’s form to reflect their demonic nature.   Targon   The Targon are descendants of dragons, blending human and draconic heritage to create a formidable origin with traits like elemental breath attacks, draconic birthrights, and powerful physical features. Their history is rooted in an ancient era where dragons enslaved all races until the Dragon Knights, equipped with Dragonplate armor, overthrew them. The Targon inherited draconic features and abilities, leading to both reverence and fear in society, and their communities are marked by rigorous training, cultural pride, and a blend of draconic traditions and human resilience. Their appearance is striking, with features like scales, reptilian eyes, and elemental auras, reflecting their powerful lineage.   Tauri   The Tauri are believed to be descendants of the dead goddess Aurora, possessing deity-like powers, including the ability to heal, banish, and revive, with traits like Brightborn and Lefey that enhance their magical prowess. Their history is marked by their towering, regal presence and their insatiable pursuit of knowledge, which has shaped the world of Novar, although their actions are sometimes viewed as morally questionable. Tauri society values humility, collaboration, and knowledge preservation, shifting from a hierarchical to a meritocratic structure, and their cities have become centers of learning and cultural exchange. Their appearance is majestic and ethereal, with iridescent scales, elegant horns, and Lefey—wisps of magical energy that reflect their emotions and connection to the arcane.   Ursaring   The Ursaring are a race of primal warriors, known for their strength, ferocity, and deep connection to the land, with bloodlines like Ursa-Grizzlus, Ursa-Kodius, and Ursa-Minus defining their cultural and physical diversity. Their history is one of survival against the harsh elements of the frozen north, with the Age of the Totem Wars marking a significant period of conflict and the rise of Death Totems, symbols of honor and vigilance. Ursaring society is structured around clans within each bloodline, with values of strength, unity, and respect for tradition, while the War Hunters represent a nomadic, battle-driven segment of their population. Their appearance varies by bloodline, from the imposing Grizzlus with dark fur and piercing eyes to the gentle Kodius with golden fur, all reflecting their adaptability and primal origins.   Vysil   Vysil are plant-based beings born from ancient magic and the essence of the world itself, embodying nature's resilience and beauty. Each Vysil belongs to a distinct Grove, which reflects the flora they grew from and defines their societal role. Their Groves are the heart of Vysil society, where they live, work, and cultivate their unique abilities. Over time, tensions arose between the Groves, leading to internal conflicts that challenged the unity of their once-harmonious society.   Wispyn   The Wispyn are a demi-god-like race who, after a cataclysmic event, created the deadly land of Jawyin and were nearly wiped out by internal wars. Their society is structured around the Pyramid of Dominance, a system designed to prevent any one group from gaining excessive power. The Wispyn possess unique physical traits, including multiple arms and horns, which contribute to their adaptability and resilience in a harsh environment. Despite their struggles, they continue to evolve and strive for survival in the treacherous land they themselves shaped.   Xeith   The Xeith are a mysterious and divided race, originating from a starship that crash-landed on Tilith, forcing them to adapt to an alien world. Over time, they split into Northern and Southern factions, each with its own cultural values and physical traits, leading to a secret war that has raged for thousands of years. The Xeith are known for their advanced technology, formidable physical abilities, and a strict caste system that defines their society. Their history is marked by conflict, secrecy, and a constant struggle for survival and dominance.   Yaatra   The Yaatra were once proud protectors chosen by the Gale Pantheon but were manipulated and betrayed by the Chthon, leading to their fall from grace. Now known as the Timeless Wanderers, they are a resilient and social race that values unity, adaptability, and self-reliance. Their society is built on cooperation, with a strong emphasis on leadership earned through wisdom and experience. Despite their past, the Yaatra remain optimistic and determined to reclaim their destiny, using their innate abilities and strong social bonds to navigate the challenges of their world.   Zryt   The Zryt are insectoid beings who arrived on Tilith from the stars, quickly adapting to the planet's diverse environments and establishing vast hive networks. Their society is organized into tribes, each with unique physical traits and psionic abilities, which contribute to the overall strength of the race. The Zryt emphasize cooperation, shared responsibility, and harmonious living, with a deep connection to their hives and a commitment to collective well-being. Their appearance is marked by a fusion of humanoid and arthropod features, with vibrant colors and patterns that reflect their tribal identities.


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