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Gaye Echo

Princess Gaye Echo (a.k.a. The Soul Speaker)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Echo is slender, lacking any notable muscle. She's short, with a not clearly defined body line due to her fur.

Body Features

She is covered in a gray-ish white fur all over her body, and especially around her neck, causing the lower half of her face to be entirely concealed.

Facial Features

Though most of her body is very insectile, Echo's face appears remarkably human, with the only immediately offputting feature being how her pupils and irises being compound, much like an insect's. Though not immediately visible, when she talks her mouth doesn't seem to move all that much.

Identifying Characteristics

One of the most striking things that one could find on first glance is her moth-like anntenae, which twitch and move around without her even thinking about it, though this causes it to sometimes be clear what her mood is if you're able to recognize certain movements.

Physical quirks

When one first sees Echo, the first thing they likely notice would be her large moth wings. Following that would be her thorax, moving around based on her mood much like her anntenae, though this is much more subtle.   Past that, one would notice her four arms, each ending with two claw-like digits. Finally, it would become clear that her arms and legs have segmented joints.

Special abilities

Though at the moment she's not particularly great at it, Echo is capable of producing silk.

Apparel & Accessories

Echo favors a short red dress, warm with a white fur trim. Over that she wears a capelet, tied together with a black ribbon. Around her waist is a black belt, with small pouches for her to keep track of the little trinkets she's so fond of.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Echo was born a princess to a Zyrt hive, found in underground caverns as it's stuck to the walls, to provide a well defensible position. Though much of her early childhood isn't particularly notable, filled with naught but lessons on etiquette and her own psychic abilities, as well as later combat training, she nevertheless had a happy life.   When she was small, before even beginning any form of training, she became enamored with tales of a hero of a nearby land, a Cervidae warrior who fought for the commonfolk. These stories inspired Echo to try her best at helping her own citizens live better lives. Though their unity was not in question, she wanted to ensure that even beyond that, all in the hive were happy.   In so doing, though, she would need to learn what other kingdoms did, and where they excelled and failed. Furthermore, if not more importantly, how the citizens of those kingdoms felt of these actions.   And so, once she was finished with her schooling, she struck out on her own with her loyal mount Dynas to discover the world, though always maintaining fair caution and not often revealing her identity as royalty, so as to not draw unwanted attention.

Gender Identity

Though her perception of gender identity is different from many races, due to her insect nature, she is fairly confident in calling herself female, at least in how the other races would see it.


Echo's sexual preference is all but stated in her name, though these two facts have nothing to do with one another. Though she has a preference for women, she doesn't have much of an interest in most races, largely liking other beastkin in this regard. Naturally, other Zyrt are the top of this list, but not exclusively what she could find appeal in.


Beyond her classical homeschooling, she went to a military academy in a neighboring kingdom to learn how to fend for herself. Though many were being trained to be loyal knights, she was put in special classes with the other royals and higher nobility to learn the art of commanding forces.   Though this gave her a great grasp on the ability to lead others into battle, she appears to not fully enjoy doing so.   Her habit of throwing herself into her studies, through a natural curiosity of the world, led to her becoming well versed on many topics, though at the cost of spending any notable amount of time training her body.


Echo, as a princess, had never worked a day in her life back at home. Though this caused her to initially have a lack of work ethic, upon spending time in her military school she learned the value of hard work.   Once she set off into the world, she found regular employment as part of caravans, using Dynas to help carry loads and herself acting as a guard. She used these times to listen to tales of these merchants' travels, becoming fond of such tales and often noting them down in her journals.   Though she worked other odd jobs, these caravan trips took up a bulk of her time.

Accomplishments & Achievements

If asked, she would claim that her vision of impending disaster at the hands of a relic capable of granting anyone fantastical power, and similar such dreams claiming that she could gain power to fight against the forces that would use it.   If her friends and family were asked, they would claim that her graduating top of her class in classical knowledge and command to be her greatest achievement. She disagrees, simply saying that that is to be expected of a princess.

Failures & Embarrassments

When first she left her hive on her journeys, due to a lack of proper experience with the other races, she would frequently try to use her people's inherent psionic abilities to communicate with others. This would lead to prolonged periors of her silently staring down her companions until they freaked out and told her that she was scaring them.   Though she has no grand failures, this is more due to a lack of ambitious activity rather than pure competency. As a result, her biggest of failures were often the times that her companions were unable to be protected, either through her own rash judgement as a combatant on the field, or her focus on defeating what she considered the biggest threat, causing those she was aiming to protect to be routed.

Intellectual Characteristics

Echo is incredibly intelligent and curious of the world around her, always seeking to learn more, though having enough compassion to temper that curiosity based on how others are feeling as she understands there's a time and place for everything.   Though she knows much about many subjects, her personal fascinations are with the dynasties of other kingdoms, their histories, and their people. In addition to that, she has an interest in the ancient technology of this world, using her sway as royalty to get ahold of various bits and bobs. Her particular interest for the sake of her people are the strant cylinders that contain power that they may grant to other machines.

Morality & Philosophy

To sum up Echo's entire moral character in a word, it would be protection. She believes it's her duty in this world to protect those who cannot stand up for themselves, greatly inspired by those tales of that Cervidae hero. She will put herself between herself and those less durable than herself, particularly when she summons her magical armor to defeat her foes.   She believes in the idea of knowledge for all, that knowledge is the greatest power in the world, and thus keeping it away from the people would be intentionally sabotaging them. She is aware that there is a time and place for revealing information, and certain select bits that would endanger them should remain secret. But broad strokes such as history, magic, and the like should be freely available to those willing to learn.

Personality Characteristics


Echo, more than anything, wants to help people. Maybe this is as small as helping a lost child find their mother in a crowd, or as grand as taking part in a revolution to topple a bloodthirsty tyrant. All she asks of herself and those she travels with is, if nothing else, to attempt to not make things worse for the innocent.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Echo's curiosity is largely a strength, causing her to discover information that her allies may not through a sharp eye. It has carried her through many an adventure, discovering lost information that allowed victory when hope seemed lost.   That same curiosity, however, has gotten her in trouble, as sometimes she fixates on reading a scroll or translating some text to the point of drowning out the world around her.   Others' lack of psionic abilities, as well as her own insectile parts, cause her to sometimes struggle with their body language as well.

Likes & Dislikes

Echo is easily swayed through means of sweets offered to her from those she trusts, almost in a childlike manner. This is compounded by the fact that she's entirely incompetent at preparing her own food, due to a pampered upbringing and travel companions offering her meals as a formality for her help.   Conversely, Echo cannot stand the bitter or the sour, actively revolted by such things and refusing to engage with such foods unless absolutely forced to eat them. In so doing, however, she will be in a bad mood for the rest of the day or night.

Virtues & Personality perks

Other than her intelligence, she is unwaveringly loyal. Even when an ally is doing things she strongly disagrees with, unless they show a constant desire to do wrong or harm innocents(Not just physically, but emotionally, spiritally, or financially as well), she will continue to work with them, if being a bit preachy about it.   She is thus also incredibly patient with others, trying to give all a chance unless they commit acts of great evil, such as cold blooded murder.

Vices & Personality flaws

Echo is too trusting, to the point of foolishness, causing her to be easily taken advantage of. And even when the deception becomes clear, she will continue attempting to justify the wrongdoing until it becomes so blatant that she cannot. This belies a naivite through lack of experience with others.   She is easily tempted by novel forms of entertainment as well, such as new books almost regardless of the contents, or plays. This fascination with various forms of art make her act very irrational at times.


Echo is very intent on keeping clean, though this unfortunately means that those around her must wait for prolonged periods of time any time she chooses to take a bath, as not only does she remain in the water for a great deal of time(Up to hours if the water remains warm and there are no pressing matters), but they then have to wait for all of her fur, as well as her wings, to dry out.   She also takes near obsessive care of her claws and mandibles, though the latter are rarely seen due to her desire to not scare those around her.


Social Aptitude

Though Echo means well, it can often be hard for her to fully grasp another's thoughts or intentions. She is very charming due to her training as a princess teaching her the best ways to talk to others, but she needs to trust her own instincts on how others are taking her words, rather than immediately understanding based on facial expressions.


If not stopped, and she is comfortable and happy, Echo will ramble on about various things she's interested in for hours. She also is in the habit of fidgeting with her hands, wringing them around almost anxiously, especially when only two of her arms are in use, not fully knowing what to do with the other two.

Hobbies & Pets

Dynas is Echo's loyal companion of many years, a giant beetle she raised from an egg back home. She is surprisingly intelligent for her kind, though that's not saying much, responding well only to Echo due to sharing the same type of psionic connection that Echo has with her people.   For hobbies, she likes to play around with her Pretech objects, though we in the modern day would know them as things such as a video game controller, a microphone, and the like. Due to the lack of proper power or anything to connect to, they do not do much for her. She is fond of the feeling of their grips or the microphone's mesh.


Echo is very soft spoken, to the point of being easily spoken over, especially due to her fur collar muffling her even further. She speaks very properly, and tries her best to be polite, even if she may say the wrong thing due to not understand the norms of those around her.

Wealth & Financial state

Though she has an incredible amount of wealth back home, she did not bring much with her as she traveled abroad. Due to her upbringing, she's not very financially responsible, often needing to forage her own food outside cities thanks to spending her money on some neat trinket.

Cute Zyrt princess, very fluffy.

Character Location
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Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Echo is, as mentioned before, a princess. Other than that, however, she is not aware of any titles.
Date of Birth
20th of Ibber
Aethera Hive
Current Residence
Gray Compound
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Scarren, Tobuan, Hope, Orria, Kalos, Common, Drallg, Undercommon

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6th of Cyclodiant

After a long journey across the Everkingdom countryside, I elected to head into the city of Han'jiin, that I may follow up on a request to appear and work towards obtaining the Veil of Memory. A man by the name of Master Lao Wen offered to sponsor my stay in the city, even knowingly allowing me to seek the artifact. Though his intentions seem unclear in their entirety, I hope to trust him that I may obtain the Veil and keep it out of the hands of the Darkness. This, however, is not the reason I write today. It is instead the surprising appearance of some of my occasional travel companions that compels me to document the occasion. They seem well, eating enough so as to not be too sickly looking, and none seemed worse for wear. This is obviously a cause for celebration, especially as it means I may well not being going at this alone. I am confident in my abilities, but more trusted people along will assist in making sure all runs smoothly.   Pandora has offered to make us food before we head to the markets, due to her desire to clothe us in the finest silks. I'm not entirely sure why, as my outfit is well tailored, but perhaps this is how Kitsune show their affection. As such, I will oblige her. As for the food, she seems to have run into a bit of a difficult time being allowed in the kitchen, and I fear her pride may be hurt.


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