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Yukiko Fujiwara-no-Inari-no-Kami

Her Imperial Highness, Silver Princess of the 9th Sun, Rightful Heir of Tsukimori Yukiko Fujiwara-no-Inari-no-Kami (a.k.a. Pandora)

Princess Yukiko Fujiwara-no-Inari-no-Kami was a perfect royal daughter. A tinge of playfulness and the typical cheek of a young woman. She took to her teaching with vigour, while preparing pranks for her instructors over time. She played and danced and let her magic run wild when she got her chance to play with it. This led to scolding after scolding, her wild and primal magic unable to be tamed by the knowledge of the kingdom's sages.   Yukiko was born with silver-white fur and an extra tail. One of those alone would be an omen of wonder, but both together was a sign - a sign that this child would be great. Even among her siblings, she was pampered and the strict touch of her parents and tutors was light. There was much love, much happiness, and she fully believed that her future would be bright!   Then her parents were murdered by her uncle, her siblings' throats were slit and she barely escaped with her life. Forced to abandon much of her previous existence, she took an ironic name of in common - Pandora - a bringer of despair and carrier of hope. How pitiful she was now

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Pandora has a rounded physique with a fair amount of pudge. She has lost some weight due to adventuring as of late. Big ol tiddums.

Body Features

Ear piercings, 6 tails. The fourth tail has blue and red markings on it.

Facial Features

Big eyebrows. Her face is rounded and soft but her eyes are piercing. Her snout is actually kind short it makes her look like she has a more humanoid face rather than a snoot but then she opens her mouth and oh god half her face is teeth.

Identifying Characteristics

Big tits Pretty lady. True form is a fox person so that's identifying. Has six tails and silver fur.

Physical quirks

Tails! Ears! Animal Person! Scar on her stomach and back from being run through with a lance.

Special abilities

Fire magic Archery Fox Magic! Titan-Weapon

Apparel & Accessories

Has pierced ears (studs atm) Wears expensive and tailoured clothing and spends a fair amount of party funds on ensuring everyone is well dressed. Japanese style clothing Adventuring clothing is simple and conceals armour. Keeps a comb in hair bun

Specialized Equipment

Cooking Personal Grooming Tailoring

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a princess, she was being raised to manage the state and care for her household 'As is Proper'. It was a comfortable but strict life.

Gender Identity

Female, She/Her


Bisexual, Female Leaning She doesn't actually know this yet and is not really open to experimenting She'll work it out eventually but she is aware that every time Heat kicks in each year she mostly thinks about women.


Being Royalty meant that she had private tutors and educators. She is fairly intelligent, but lacks understanding of the wider world.


Adventurer (Unemployed, haha) When on downtime tries to be employed as a hair dresser or tailor.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Surviving Making several hundred Tabs during a downtime.

Failures & Embarrassments

Most of the early game to be honest. Every time she gets grabbed or eaten Being cursed

Mental Trauma

Nightmares about her family's death/capture and her fleeing Regrets killing the young man in such a cruel, cold blooded way. It has traumatized her and motivated her to be a better person. Being Eaten Her new friends dying The knowledge that her soul is scarred from the book's curse.

Intellectual Characteristics

Empathy Courage Perseverance Integrity

Morality & Philosophy

"Every cruel act I've done has been punished, every kind act I've done has been rewarded." "I have done evil for no reason other than it benefited me. No more. I must help others, I must not hurt others that do not deserve it or not in self defence. I must not end up like my uncle."


Hurting children or innocents Using her teeth in combat Touching tails without permission

Personality Characteristics


"I want to be a better person, so that when I return to my throne I can rule justly and fairly."

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at bartering and trade Bad at fighting, running, physical exertion Honestly kind of sucks at magic? She has no idea how it actually works and is pretending she knows most of the time.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Her mother's comb, her family Dislikes: Her uncle, snow, ice, creatures bigger than her with large mouths, herself

Virtues & Personality perks

Trying to be more empathetic and kind Gratitude Trust and truth are highly valued in kitsune society, which has lead to Pandora from having the same thought process: Lies are for humans.

Vices & Personality flaws

Cruelty, self destruction Blames herself for a lot these days to be honest Clingy with people she thinks she trusts

Personality Quirks

Brushes her hair (or tails) when nervous Likes scaring people by flashing fangs Often clutches her stomach where she was stabbed because wow that still hurts.




Contacts & Relations

Has good contact with that spider lady that ran the clothing shop in that one small town The party That's about it honestly? Weird old man too Her uncle and little brother count but the former is a murderer and the latter is a puppet ruler.

Family Ties

Her uncle and her younger brother She will be back for them One to kill, one to save.

Religious Views

Pandora practices ancestor worship. She doesn't pray to a specific deity but rather those of her family line that have passed.

Social Aptitude

Really good! Is the party face actually.


Fidgets a lot these days. Bows slightly before talking to people (when pretending to be a commoner) Paranoid looking about. Ear twitchies and tail wiggles.

Hobbies & Pets

No pets currently. She views cooking and the study of cuisine as a hobby rather than a living skill.


Eloquent and put together but only when following a 'script', such as talking to merchents or nobles and she knows what to say and do. Actually quite faltering and slow speaking when making it up.

Wealth & Financial state

Technically, the wealth of a kingdom. Actually, about 10 tabs. Adventurer baaaaaybeeeee

Exiled Kitsune princess, kind of a bitch but trying to be better, fire mage and archer

View Character Profile
True Neutral trying to be Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Princess Her Highness Her Imperial Highness Silver Princess of the 9th Sun Rightful Heir of Tsukimori
Current Residence
Black, Silver in true form
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
'How Rude...'
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Oh No..." "You may refer to me as Pandora."
Known Languages
Common, Tobu, Kitsune, Sylvan, Scarren, Felain, Kalos, Hope

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City of The Lotus - 1
6th Cyclodiant

Reuniting with the gaggle of oddities that are my companions from two years prior was a surprise, though not an unwelcome one. First was Lo, as decrepit as she was when I last saw her. Then Sarkon, Zara, Zigs and Vyana. As fate would have it, we were bound for the same goal. Fate had further interjected in our destiny by adding Gaye Echo to our party. While I am happy to meet everyone once more, some less than others, I am delighted to see Echo. Finally, someone I can let my guard down around. It's been too long since I've spent time with anyone of decent breeding and station. Though it has *only* been two years, I forget how other Origins see time. If not for his... condition, Sarkon would have suffered the ravages of time as Zigs and Zara have. Hm. Lots of Zs...   I suppose Echo's lifespan is a cause for concern as well. Though if I recall correctly she had increased her lifespan via connection to Stars. Ah yes there were other matters that caught my attention today. The young 'Master Lao Wen'. An untrustworthy individual if I had ever seen one. He offered to sponsor us in exchange for finding The Veil. He didn't want it, but he wanted the group he was backing to reach it first. This I can understand, noble politics. Alas we accepted his offer, as living in this city without a sponsor is difficult. Not to mention it appears that the native Hikaru are grating against their Tobu colonizers once again. They worship a... more human iteration of one of my people's Great Ancestors as a deity. While I balk at the twisted visage, I am still glad Mother Amaterasu is being seen as might as she truly is and cannot help but sympathize with the Hikaru due to our people's similar situations. Speaking of human's twisted expressions of art, I was almost barred entry to the kitchen of the Inn we were staying at. How rude!   Oh there was also a wonderful storyteller in the market today. I don't quite recall the details of their tale, but the mastery of words, performance and Helix to put on a show as simply delightful. They made themselves scarce 'fore the local brutes that act as a police force arrived.   I attempted to acquire some fine silks to clothe my allies properly, but alas my mind has slipped the notion of coin once again. Zara managed to strike a deal with the Madame running the establishment. I balk at the notion of myself acting as a mere leg-breaker or thug for some human craftswoman, but her work is quite fine. I suppose my pride requires swallowing once again. Still, it is good to be in a proper city and not gallivanting through the wilderness. After that disaster of a deal we left to go meet our sponsor again. No doubt he has some twisted rules to inflict on us...


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