
An ama is the matron leader of a coastal ulan communes, mother to most of the ulan in the commune. She is four times as large as other ulan and lives permanently underwater. They cannot move on land or breathe air like other coastal Ulan due to physical constraints. Nearly all other ulan in the commune are males, who serve the community as workers, protectors and consorts.

The few females born to the ama are raised to adulthood then urged out of the community to start their own communes. Ten to twenty of her brothers normally accompany the young female and males from other communes will join to become mating partners. After females mate for the first time, they grow to become amas. It is known by some that amas of different communes can communicate with one another over vast distances through the means of water-talk, but ulan will not discuss such things with outsiders.

Very few non-ulan have had contact with an ama. However, they communicate with allies and associates among surface dwellers by means of emissaries. Those who have come into contact with an ama report it to be an awe inspiring, though unsettling experience. Aside from their intimidating guards, consisting of the large Deep Watchers, they are able to speak into people's minds and no thought or emotion can be hidden from them without great discipline or magic. All report however that the amas were kind and gentle in their manner and dealings. No one knows the lifespan of amas, but it is believed to be centuries.


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