
A Concept is an entity that arises from the metaphysical field of Mind. It is the basic unit of existence. When two or more Concepts interact or communicate, a local node of the Real is generated. Concepts have a tendency to congregate into complex networks, especially simple Concepts, such as single particles or other unthinking Concepts. The more massive a Conceptual Network becomes, the greater its attraction. The largest of these aggregates are known as Universes.


Not all Concepts are simple. Some arise from Mind with intricate complexity. Rarely, but inevitably within the infinity of Mind, some Concepts arise that are capable of thought. Some of these conscious Concepts are incredibly complex and powerful. However, no matter how potentially powerful they are, these Concepts are completely inert until they encounter enough separate Concepts to stimulate and awaken their full awareness.


Within the universe containing the world of Ashar, such conscious entities are termed exotic spirits, those beings that originate outside local reality.


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