Exoteric Magic

Exoteric magic is the art of manipulating outer reality in order to bend it to one's will. This form of magic is commonplace in Ashar. Everyone uses it to one degree or another and basic knowledge of semiotic magic is taught along with other skills necessary to survive and succeed in the world. Its practice is based around the use of symbols that have similar meaning to the practitioner and any minds outside of the practitioner. These symbols are then used to create a network of connections between the practitioner and surrounding reality, creating a flow of Will that reinforces the desired magical outcome.


Exoteric magic works best when the practitioner is surrounded by others who share the same conception of the symbols used or possess the same beliefs and are difficult when surrounded by those with opposing or very different symbols and beliefs. For this reason, elite pratitioners either reside in densely populated areas and belong to orders or organizations that promote their world views or alternatively, they live in isolated places, either alone or in insular communities.


Exoteric magic diverges into two methods, based on how outer reality is engaged with the use of symbols. Broadcasting symbols to the world at large and engaging with all local reality in a general way is semiotic magic. Using symbols in a tightly focused manner, to engage with a single being or small group of beings is charismatic magic.

Articles under Exoteric Magic

Cover image: by Oleksandr Shevchenko


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